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MapServer Site Gallery
Jeff McKenna edited this page Jan 21, 2025
130 revisions
The MapServer Gallery is a community-driven page 👍 where you can list your MapServer application (including MapServer-driven WMS, WFS, OGC services, MapCache, TinyOWS), and details, to help show new users the power of MapServer. Please share your application by adding it below, using the same (Markdown) format, and respecting the alphabetical order of the sites.
All MapServer community members are welcome to add your site to the list. 🌏 🌍 🌎
- site: Buenos Aires City Interactive Map
- description: Application launched in 2005 and updated regularly since then giving local citizens various transit and site information, performs routing requests through OSRM with OpenStreetMap data merged with official data, and displayed by MapServer with many thematic styles to choose from. There's also a mobile version available for Android and iOS that goes by the name "BA Cómo Llego" and has more than 1.5M downloads.
- specs: MapServer 6.4.1, Bootstrap, Leaflet, PostGIS, OSRM, OpenStreetMap
- contact: Pablo Cecconi @pcecconi
- site: Brazilian Army Geoportal
- description: This site is the Geographic Service SDI. MapServer is used to display virtual mosaics of raster topographic charts, vector data and imagery. MapCache is used to speed up the navigation and OpenLayers with Bootstrap was used to make the mobile-friendly interface. PyCSW is used to catalog the products available for download. Custom code was written to add new data to each virtual mosaic.
- specs: MapServer, MapCache, PostGIS, Python-GDAL, OpenLayers, Bootstrap, JQuery
- contact: Support contact available on the site.
- site: Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays Chatellerauldais
- description: Geoportal application launched in 2015 to view, edit, request layers grouped in several themes. Four different modules are available: desktop application, mobile application, edit application and routing application. Routing requests are based on OSRM with OpenStreetMap data. OpenStreetMap background layers are displayed by MapServer (basemaps project). Edit application is based on specific application for edition but can be done with also WFS-T service via TinyOWS. MapCache is used to managed on-the-fly seed of tiles cache.
- specs: GeoMapfish, MapServer 7.2, OpenLayers, Angular, PostGIS, OSRM, OpenStreetMap data
- contact: @yjacolin
- site: Coastal & Ocean Geocontent Generator
- description: Application that allows users to enter and publish their metadata, and assign spatial features to their metadata.
- specs: MapServer 7.7-dev, PHP (SWIG) MapScript, OpenLayers, GeoExt
- contact: Jeff McKenna @jmckenna
- site: Coastal & Ocean Search Utility
- description: Application that performs a live search for public WMS/KML/ArcREST API services on the web, and loads them on-the-fly, as well as saves search results in a PG database and parses the extents daily; also exports map in various formats.
- specs: MapServer 7.7-dev, PHP (SWIG) MapScript, OpenLayers, GeoExt, PostGIS
- contact: Jeff McKenna @jmckenna
- site: CTD (Controlled Tile Drainage Tool)
- description: Application that accesses Canada's climate data API and allows users to select their farm location, and then calculates (from the nearest weather station) how much crop yield would increase in fields with controlled tile drainage. Also generates dynamic charts.
- specs: MapServer 7.7-dev, PHP (SWIG) MapScript, OpenLayers, GeoExt, PostGIS
- contact: Jeff McKenna @jmckenna
- site: Density maps of car accidents with injuries by hour occurred in the Guadalajara metropolitan area
- description: Videos that shows density maps of collisions, run-overs and collisions with fixed objects by hour occurred in the Guadalajara metropolitan area during 2013-2014
- specs: MapServer, PHP MapScript, PostGIS
- contact: Carlos Ruiz https://www.linkedin.com/in/cruizch
- site: DRRKS Maps
- description: Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service is subordinate to the International Knowledge Center for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST). It is founded under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (shortened as “UNESCO”) Framework Agreement. We have got lots of maps published via MapServer and MapProxy, and we have developed the application for using based on Leaflet.
- specs: MapServer 7.2.2, MapProxy 1.12.0, Leaflet 1.3.1.
- contact: @bukun
- site: Fondazione Edmund Mach WMS, Fondazione Edmund Mach WFS
- description: Web services used by Fondazione Edmund Mach. The web interfaces to show the layers and services is done by our team and released as free software
- specs: MapServer 6.4.1, urlCapabilities
- contact: Luca Delucchi @lucadelu
- site: Gay Stamp Sands Extent and Imagery, 1938-2016
- description: Application for displaying historic imagery and data products for monitoring large deposits of waste rock from copper mining around the Keweenaw Peninsula in Gay, Michigan. Developed by Michigan Tech Research Institute
- specs: MapServer 7.0.0, Leaflet
- contact: Michael Billmire mgbillmi@mtu.edu
- site: Géo-Inondations
- description: This web application adapted for mobile (responsive) brings together in a single window the main geographic information on the flood prone areas in Quebec, as well as the history of flooded areas. The data (flood plain, historical major flood, satellite imagery) presented in WMS in Geo-Inondations comes primarily from the Quebec government and its municipalities. Based on FOSS4G igo2-lib
- specs: MapServer 7.0.4, OpenLayers 4, Angular 5, Material, PostGIS, MapCache and NodeJS.
- contact: GEOMSP geomsp@msp.gouv.qc.ca
- site: GeoMapFish
- description: Lists several example MapServer-based applications
- specs: MapServer 7.x, OpenLayers 4.x with nGeo (AngularJs)
- GitHub: https://github.com/camptocamp/c2cgeoportal
- contact: Yves Jacolin @yjacolin
- site: GeoSphere
- description: CSPP Geo GeoSphere is provides near realtime images of the data observed by the GOES-16 ABI satellite instrument. It takes data directly from the GOES-16 GRB stream and then runs it through a serious of steps to produce high resolution WMTS tiles in the instrument's native geostationary projection. The backend uses various open source tools including CSPP Geo GRB and CSPP Geo Geo2Grid created at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). GeoSphere was created by a small team at the SSEC through a combination of NOAA and SSEC internal funding.
- specs: MapServer 7.4, OpenLayers, MapCache, CSPP Geo GRB, and CSPP Geo Geo2Grid.
- contact: David Hoese @djhoese and the GeoSphere team at SSEC.
- site: Greenwood MapServer
- description: Example of local government multi-departmental integration
- specs: MapServer, OpenLayers, PostGIS
- contact: Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
- site: MSC GeoMet - Meteorological Service of Canada Geospatial Web Services
- description: Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Meteorological Service of Canada Geospatial Web Services, providing over 7000 layers of real-time and archived weather, climate and water data
- specs: MapServer 7.6.x, Python MapScript, custom code
- contact: ec.dps-client.ec@canada.ca (@tomkralidis, @alexandreleroux)
- site: Geoportal Mannheim
- description: Geoportal of the city of Mannheim Germany
- specs: MapServer, PHP MapScript, OpenLayers, PostGIS
- contact: Sven Schroeter schroeter@netgis.de
- site: Internet Map Services City of Munich
- description: Internet maps of the administration of the City of Munich. This is a collection of 25+ maps of various aspects of the city (city plan, cycling lanes, groundwater etc.) The interface is in German, the links "Karte >" lead to the maps
- specs: MapServer 7.0.1, MapCache
- contact: Markus Spring markus.spring@muenchen.de
- site: Lantmäteriet
- Topographic map, orthophotos
- Create printouts/atlas of the topographic map / PDF downloads, not available in English. Click "Skapa karta" and then "OK" to create a printout.
- description: Mainly topographic maps and orthophotos covering Sweden. Running stable on MapServer since 2011
- services: WMS, WCS
- specs: MapServer 6 and 7, MapCache, PostGIS, RIAK
- contact: Erik Gustafson erik.gustafson@lm.se
- site: LANIS WebGIS
- description: Environmental Information System of the Nature Conservation Administration Rhineland-Palatinate Germany with a WebGIS Client and a PHP MapServer Wrapper for OGC Services (WMS and WFS)
- specs: MapServer, PHP MapScript, OpenLayers, MapCache, PostGIS
- contact: Sven Schroeter schroeter@netgis.de
- site: Lincoln County, Oregon Interactive Maps
- description: Website for accessing Lincoln County, GIS data in an interactive map interface.
- specs: MapServer, GeoMoose 3, PostGIS
- contact: chughes@co.lincoln.or.us
- site: map.geo.admin.ch
- description: geo.admin.ch is the geographical information platform of the Swiss Confederation within the Federal Administration. As a user, you can directly access federal geographical information, data, services and metadata. With the interactive map viewer map.geo.admin.ch, you have access to a wide range of federal geodata. In addition to maps of all scales, these include current and historical aerial photographs, landscape models, elevation models and geological maps. Data on reference systems, boundaries, geographical names and property information is also available. With the "Journey through time" function, you can follow changes in Switzerland's landscape based on maps and aerial photographs. Powered by MapServer, the platform's core geospatial services (WMS/WMTS) provide access to over 800 raster and vector data layers.
- specs: MapServer 8.x, PostGIS, Python, Openlayers 10, VueJS, Bootstrap
- contact: Stefan Biegger @stebie, Marcel Clausen @ltclm
- site: Maptell
- description: Maptell is an interactive mapping platform for providing Indian maps. The site is one of India's first mapping portals providing online maps and geocoding service. The geocoding service is implemented using a custom PostGIS function.
- specs: MapServer (6.4.x), Modified KaMap, OpenLayers, PostGIS
- contact: Jithesh P Joseph @jithesh
- site: MN DNR Recreation Compass
- description: Application designed to allow users to better understand the relationships between various recreation opportunities in Minnesota, and to access detailed information about those opportunities.
- specs: MapServer (6.4.x), MapCache, OpenLayers, Perl/MapScript
- contact: Steve Lime @sdlime
- site: MN DNR Recreation Compass (mobile)
- description: Mobile version of our desktop Recreation Compass application (see above). Built using a number of services: tile services from MapCache and RESTful services for place searches, point searches and accessing feature details.
- specs: MapServer (6.4.x), MapCache, Leaflet, Perl/MapScript, Backbone.js, Underscore.js
- contact: Steve Lime @sdlime
- site: OBIS Canada WMS
- description: Researchers upload metadata (with point locations) in DarwinCore format, across Canada, and daily this WMS service converts the uploaded datasets, uploads them to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, checks for version changes, and updates the mapfile through PHP MapScript (including creating dynamic styling, and reordering mapfile layers by wms_title) each night around 01:00h.
- specs: MapServer 7.7-dev, PHP (SWIG) MapScript, GDAL, PostGIS
- contact: Jeff McKenna @jmckenna
- site: OpenBioMaps
- description: Open database framework (server and client apps) for biological databases. Custom servers can be created or public servers can be used for creating custom databases. The datasets can be supported with map visualization.
- specs: MapServer 7.x, OpenLayers 3.11, jQuery, PHP, PostGIS
- Services: [WMS,WFS]
- contact: banm@vocs.unideb.hu
- site: PostholerCom
- description: Resources for hikers. Largely WMS, WFS services providing maps and a large selection of overlays, such as, weather, climate, SNODAS/MODIS/Sentinnel-2, NDFD, NIFS, VIIRS, USGS, PAD 2.1, user vector data and more. This has a zero ArcGIS footprint.
- specs: MapServer 7.x, PostGIS, MapCache, PHP, Google Maps API 3
- Services: [WMS,WFS]
- contact: public@postholer.com
- site: Quebec Forest Data WMS
- description: Interactive map featuring several layers of forest, ecological classification and LiDAR data from Quebec government. Its allows visualization, but also the free download of some products (ex.: LiDAR DTM, 1m resolution). The interactive map also offers users the possibility to create custom maps. This application was launched in 2016 and is updated regularly..
- specs: MapServer 7.0.4, PostGIS
- contact: inventaires.forestiers@mffp.gouv.qc.ca
- site: RegattaGame
- description: Online sail boat regatta game, races on all seas and oceans of the world with real wind forecasts (from NOAA). Choose the best sail and best heading to compete with other skippers with the help of waypoints, scheduler, and sail polars diagram.
- specs: MapServer 6.4.1, WFS/GML, Python MapScript, PHP, MySQL, OpenLayers 3.13
- contact: contact@regattagame.net
- site: RIO - RaumInformation Oberberg
- description: Geoportal Oberbergischer Kreis. In different applications you can view background and various thematic maps. For some themes feature info is available. A gazetteer is implemented so you can search for addresses or parcels to navigate through the map.
- specs: MapServer, Mapbender, WMS, PostGIS, PostNAS
- contact: rioadmin@obk.de
- site: Rogers County Online
- description: Application that queries land parcel information (either through text or the map), connecting to a proprietary database, and returns an updated parcel map and associated property images and information. Hosted at various counties throughout Oklahoma, US. Developed by GatewayGeo.
- specs: MapServer 6.4.1, PHP MapScript, OpenLayers, GeoExt
- contact: Jeff McKenna @jmckenna
- site: Russian embassy in Greece
- app's urls: Greek version: Russian version:
- description: The official Russian embassy in Greece, in collaboration with the Geographers Association of Greece provides information regarding the locations in which the Russian soldiers of the 2nd world war are buried. For each location there is corresponding material (photos and text).
- specs: MapServer, Geomoose v 3.5, PHP mapscript. Server is getting up-to-date frequently. MapServer's and PHP mapscript's versions are up to date.
- contact: creator: e.arapostathis@gmail.com
- site: Satellite-Derived Great Lakes Remote Sensing
- description: Developed by Michigan Tech Research Institute as part of the Great Lakes Observing System, this site displays MapServer WMS services of satellite-derived Great Lakes water quality products. Site development was funded under NASA and Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grants.
- specs: MapServer 7.0.0, Leaflet, ExtJS
- contact: Michael Billmire mgbillmi@mtu.edu
- site: SimpleMappr
- description: Application launched in 2010 and updated regularly. It is used by the scientific community to produce publication-quality point maps for articles in scientific journals. To date, just under 300 research articles have been published that feature the Public Domain outputs from SimpleMappr. It features shapefile data from Natural Earth, Conservation International, and the World Wildlife Fund.
- specs: MapServer 7.0.4, PHP MapScript
- contact: David Shorthouse @dshorthouse
- site: Sistema de Información Territorial Estatal en Línea
- description: Website launched in mid-2007 for visualization and publishing of raster and vectorial geographic information of Jalisco, Mexico through OGC web services.
- specs: MapServer, PHP MapScript, PostGIS
- contact: Carlos Ruiz https://www.linkedin.com/in/cruizch
- site: St. Paul Minnesota, City of
- description: Website for accessing Geo-related data with an interactive map interface.
- Services: WMS
- specs: MapServer, GeoMoose, PostGIS
- contact: bob.basques@ci.stpaul.mn.us
- site: USGS Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data
- description: Web site describing and providing access to many data sets produced by the USGS Mineral Resources Program, including mineral resource occurrences, geologic maps, geochemical analyses of earth materials, geophysical surveys, and geochronological data. Data sets are connected to one another by means of a controlled vocabulary focused on geoscientific information, linked throughout and used to direct users to relevant data sets. Map interfaces use WMS and WMTS provided by MapServer and MapCache; data query by custom jQuery calling PHP services to draw data from PostgreSQL.
- specs: MapServer 7.2.2, OpenLayers 5, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, PostGIS, USGS and OpenStreetMap data
- contact: @pschweitzerusgsgov