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My server running

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This repository contains the code of my server, which is available at

The goal for this server is to offer several services:

  • An overview of articles that I wrote.
  •<article-id>: An article I wrote.
  •<file-id>: A file I made publicly available.
  •<shortcut-id>: A shortcut to another website.
  • Options to contact me.
  • Redirects to PayPal, calculates result of path (e.g.
  • APIs are available here.

Why use as the primary domain?

  • It contains my full name (and my usual username), not some cryptic abbreviation that I don't use anywhere else.
  • It's easy to say in conversation.
  • The .dev domain enforces HTTPS. No need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
  • Because redirects to the main domain, links can still be short.

Subdomains of and other domains redirect to without a subdomain. They keep the current path but change the hostname and may add a path prefix at the beginning.

  • no subdomain (@) and subdomain www redirects to
  • the go subdomain redirects to
  • German verb domains (like redirect to specific pages
    • a trailing e is removed (so both schreib and schreibe works)
    • schreib and folg redirect to
    • bezahl and zahl redirect to
  • other subdomains just redirect to

TODOs in no particular order:

  • app
    • configuring shortcuts
    • faulty (non-200) responses in the last 30 days
    • visits in the last 30 days
    • successful (200) visits in the last 30 days
    • URLs in the last 30 days
    • languages in the last 30 days
    • HTTP referers in the last 30 days
    • uptime
    • resource utilization
    • parse and analyze languages
    • how visits map to areas (index, blog articles, shortcuts, etc.)
    • top most popular blog articles
    • publishing dates of past articles
  • pay
    • redirect to PayPal
    • calculate amount
  • make images placeholders the correct size

Setting up the server

This chapter describes my server setup, primarily for my future self. The server runs Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit; it's a small machine hosted by Strato.

Long-running commands

Using the GNU screen utility, you can connect to the server multiple times while retaining the same terminal state.

screen -S <name> starts a new named screen session. Detach from a screen using ctrl+a ctrl+d.

screen -list lists all screens in the form <pid>.<name>

Screens can be re-connected to using screen -d -r <id>.


No Firewall is needed; only a few programs are listening on ports, so it's easy to get an overview. To see which programs listen on ports, do:

ss -tunlp

Setup the repo

apt install curl git nano build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev
curl -sSf | sh

Then enter 1 for "proceed with installation"

Because the code uses #[feature] flags, you need Rust nightly:

rustup default nightly

To setup rust in the currently running shell:

source $HOME/.cargo/env
git clone

Then, add a Config.toml:

address   = ""
admin_key = "the-admin-key"

redirect_from_address = ""
certificate_chain     = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
private_key           = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"

Finally, start the server:

cargo run

Later on, you can apply updates like this:

git pull && cargo run

Run the server across restarts

List services via

systemctl list-units --type=service

Compile the server into an optimized executable:

cargo build --release

This repo contains a server.service file, which is a systemd service description. Copy it to the system service directory:

cp server.service /etc/systemd/system

Then, reload the available services and enable our server service:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable server.service

Finally, start the service:

systemctl start server.service
systemctl status server.service

Viewing logs works like this:

journalctl -f -u server.service

Setup DynDNS to route traffic here (DynDNS via Namecheap)

apt install ddclient

This will automatically start a wizard, where you can enter random values. Configuring is instead done using the configuration file:

nano /etc/ddclient.conf

The content should be this:

## Update every 300 seconds.
## Log stuff to these files.
## Get the public IP address via
# Update using Namecheap.
ssl=yes, *
ssl=yes, *
ssl=yes, *
ssl=yes, *

To test if it works:

ddclient -daemon=0 -noquiet -debug

The cache file is at /tmp/ddclient.cache, and you might need to delete it if you want to re-set the DynDNS A+ record, although the IP didn't change.

Make ddclient start when the system is booted:

update-rc.d ddclient defaults
update-rc.d ddclient enable


Install snap:

apt install fuse snapd
snap install core; snap refresh core

Make sure that the old certbot-auto is not installed:

apt-get remove certbot

Install Certbot:

snap install --classic certbot

Ensure that Certbot can be run:

ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

Certbot offers two basic authentication options: standalone tries to spin up an HTTP web server on port 80 and thereby see if you got control over the domain. DNS-based verification creates a TXT DNS record.

HTTP-based authentication only works for specific subdomains, e.g. or You must use DNS validation to use wildcard certificates like *, but that's hard with Namecheap. So for my server, I use a certificate for most subdomains that people will encounter.

DNS validation (not chosen)

Namecheap doesn't natively support Certbot, so we need to do that manually:

certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns -d ",*,,*,,*,,*"

This command will create a Certbot-internal private/public key pair and ask you to add the public key as a TXT DNS record for the subdomain _acme-challenge. It may take some time for the record to propagate. After some time, it should be visible in this Google DNS Toolbox or be retrievable by running nslookup -type=TXT Once the record is public, click enter.

To make sure the server is restarted with the new certificate after renewal:

sh -c 'printf "#!/bin/sh\nsystemctl server restart\n" > /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/'
chmod 755 /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/
Standalone validation

To make sure the temporary Certbot server doesn't conflict with our server, create hooks:

sh -c 'printf "#!/bin/sh\nsystemctl server stop\n" > /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/pre/'
sh -c 'printf "#!/bin/sh\nsystemctl server start\n" > /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/'
chmod 755 /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/pre/
chmod 755 /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/post/

Then just run:

certbot certonly -d ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

The command will also output the paths of the certificates, for example:

Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Key is saved at:         /etc/letsencrypt/live/

Ensure there's an [https] section in the Config.toml file that links to these files (like in the example file above).

To renew certificates, just do cerbot renew.