Evaluate postfix expression with Python.
From wikipedia: "A postfix expression AKA reverse polish expression is a mathematical notation in which every operator follows all of its operands, in contrast to Polish notation (PN), which puts the operator before its operands." You can read more about it here here.
Basically, instead of write (3 + 4) * 5
you write 3 4 + 5 *
An expression written in postfix notation is easier to evaluate than a standard one because you don't have to consider parenthesis.
For a given string rappresenting a postfix expression, the script will calculate
- the validity (if the expression is properly formatted)
- the raw tree
- the formatted tree
- the expression result
- the tree depth
- a visual rappresentation of the expression
Run the script with
python ./postfix.py "your expression here"
Here's an example
python ./postfix.py "1 ln 2 + 3 * 4 sqrt 5 + cos - 6 4 * ln sqrt 4 + +"
Evaluating >> 1 ln 2 + 3 * 4 sqrt 5 + cos - 6 4 * ln sqrt 4 + +
Is valid
raw tree:
`['+', ['+', ['4', [], []], ['sqrt', ['ln', ['*', ['4', [], []], ['6', [], []]], []], []]], ['-', ['cos', ['+', ['5', [], []], ['sqrt', ['4', [], []], []]], []], ['*', ['3', [], []], ['+', ['2', [], []], ['ln', ['1', [], []], []]]]]]`
formatted tree:
tree structure
- +
* cos sqrt 4
+ 3 + ln
ln 2 sqrt 5 *
1 4 6 4
This script is the very first thing I wrote with Python so pull requests are very welcome :)
If you like this git you can follow me here or on twitter @MarioIannotta