Unofficial JS/TS wrapper for Brex (c) API.
yarn add @maroo-us/brex-api
import { BrexClient } from '@maroo-us/brex-api'
const brex = new BrexClient({
accessToken: 'your_access_token',
// ES async/await
;(async () => {
const response = await brex.vendors.list()
// Promises
brex.vendors.list().then((response) => {
Follow Brex developer documentation to obtain an access token.
Working with transfers:
// List existing transfers
const listTransferRes = await brex.transfers.list()
// Create a new transfer
const createTransferRes = await brex.transfers.create({
amount: {
// Transfer Amount as cents
amount: 12340,
currency: 'USD',
description: 'Test transfer',
counterparty: {
type: 'VENDOR',
paymentInstrumentId: 'vendor_payment_instrument_id',
externalMemo: 'ACH PMT',
cashAccountId: 'your_cash_account_id',
// Get existing transfer
const getTransferRes = await brex.transfers.get('transfer_id')
If you want to connect to Brex staging environment, you can specify optional environment
property in the initialization options:
import { BrexClient, BrexEnvironment } from '@maroo-us/brex-api'
const brex = new BrexClient({
accessToken: 'your_access_token',
environment: BrexEnvironment.Staging,
By default, the production environment is used.
# Install dependencies
> yarn install
# Lint project files
> yarn lint:fix
# Format project files
> yarn format:fix
# Build the project
> yarn build
# Generate TS declaration file
> yarn types
# Create dist tarball
> yarn dist
# Prepare a new release
> npm version patch|minor|major
> npm publish --access=public
> git push && git push --tags
Maroo-us/brex-api — Licensed under the MIT License.
“Brex” and the Brex logo — registered trademarks of ”Brex Inc.”