Ch.1 Burned field I'm free! Well, not really. I escaped the dark room I woke up in only to discover that I'm stuck in some sort of empty void. On the plus side, this ability to start fires wherever I want is proving to be quite handy. I should try lighting different things on fire to see where it takes me. In fact, that gives me an idea. Perhaps I can light my old bones on fire to make some sort of light source. While very morbid, these bone torches seem to be a suitable light source. Interestingly, they also don't appear to go out. I wonder if this is related to my new regeneration powers. Now that I can see better, I can take a closer look at the stone in the ceiling. It doesn't appear to be any stone I've ever seen - well, I suppose nothing about this experience has been normal so far. Something about this stone feels especially odd, though. It's as if it's ever so slightly pulling on me, at my bones. I can't quite explain it. Maybe it has some sort of mysterious powers as well. I should get a better look from the top and experiment with it. I know, I'll use the cobblestone that I got from it! Magic stone plus magic stone must yeild something, right? Hmm... nothing's happened yet. Maybe I can try using my bone torch to light it on fire. Woah! The stone in the ceiling catalyzed the fire and burnt the cobblestone to a crisp, making it brittle. I wonder if this could be useful. ==================== Ch.1 Cut yourself I'm starting to get pretty hungry. If only I had my potato. Well, the only thing to eat around here is... myself... this is going to suck. I need to make a knife. First, I'll need a handle. If I sharpen one of these bones on the ceiling stone, it should yield a suitable handle. Breaking the charred cobblestone gave me gravel. I should use a fire to separate out the remaining pebbles and see if there's anything useful in this gravel. I now have a piece of flint. A rather sharp piece of flint at that. I can now craft this with the sharp bone to make the knife. Now then, which organs were the non-vital ones? ==================== Ch.1 Dirty Harry Maybe I should work towards growing crops as a more reliable (and less painful) source of food. The first thing I'll need is dirt to grow them on, but without any dirt around I'll need to make my own. Maybe the ceiling stone can help with that. The charred stone I made before could work as a decent base. I can add some of my flesh to it for nutrients (right-click flesh on charred stone that's on bedrock). Lastly, I need a fertilizer. I can grind down a sharpened bone on the ceiling stone into a powder and add it to the mixture. ==================== Ch.1 Let it grow As I sprinkle the pulverized remains of my past skull over the mixture of stone and my flesh, the mixture transforms into dirt. Great, just what I needed! I knew there was some knowledge up in this 'ol noggin. When I picked up the dirt, I found a book with strange symbols on it buried underneath, laying just ontop of the ceiling stone. Picking up the book, I feel something within my mind. Some sort of static that's barely audible without being sound at all, as well as hushed, unintelligible whispers. It becomes very hard to focus. The strange symbols on the book change, rearranging and distorting themselves. Slowly, the symbols turn into words. "Elemental Research and the Arts of the Arcane" The static and whispers stop, and I can focus again. It was as if the book was scanning my mind. I don't know how, but I can sense that this book is incredibly powerful. I open the book to a random place. The left page is mostly blank, though there are a few of the symbols that I don't understand. On the right page, there are drawings in purple ink, showing two symbols and arrows pointing from the symbols to some sort of plant. A plant! Food! Potato! With this, my visioned blurred. The static and whispers returned, louder now. I felt some part of my mind stir, as if somehow this book if manipulating my thoughts. Then my vision snapped back into focus, and the noises abruptly stopped. I now have a small headache, yet some part of my mind feels... warm? What did that book do to me? The page I was looking at has changed. It still shows the plant, but now, instead of a symbol, it shows a pile of dust with a label reading "Bone Meal". I know what I must do. Welp, it's not food, but wood might still be useful. This wood looks pretty strange. I shall name it Mystery Wood. Creative, right? ==================== Ch.1 Solidified Air Knowledge