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API Overview

Matt Clarke edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 6 revisions

Broadly, the public API provides the following aspects:

  • Initialisation of the system, for both the client and server processes.
  • [Optional] Installation of a global error handler
  • [Optional] Providing of security via a delegate object


Within the source files of the system, the headers for this can all be found in /include.

It is recommended to add:

#import <DistributedClasses.h>

to your prefix header file (.pch), though as long as this header is accessible in any file that utilises a remote class, you should be fine.


To setup a connection between a client and server process, please follow the documentation here:


Some optional aspects of the API can be enabled, which are a global error handler to avoid the need to add error handling code to each remote method call, along with security provided by a delegate object.

Please see the following for more information:


In addition, a slight change to the usual syntax of calling on a class is needed to avoid compiler complaints. Please see the following for this: