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MathsJam |
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MathsJam is a monthly opportunity for like-minded self-confessed maths enthusiasts to get together in a pub and share stuff they like. Puzzles, games, problems, or just anything they think is cool or interesting.
We mostly meet on the second-to-last Tuesday of every month, from around 7pm in the evening, in locations around the world.
For more details of local events, choose your region from the menu, or visit the find a jam page.
The next MathsJam evening is:
{% for date,cities in group_cities_by_jam_date(site.cities) %}{{date|show_date}} in {% for city in cities %}{{city.city_name}}{% if not loop.last %}{% if loop.index == loop.length-1 %} and {% else %}, {% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}.
{% endfor %} {% else %}Most MathsJams are not meeting in person, because of the COVID-19 lockdown. Contact your local organiser for more information.
The next virtual MathsJam is {{next_jam_date()}}.
{% endif %}If there isn't an event in your area, and you'd like there to be one, please email {{}} for details of how you can set one up!
MathsJam is not for children. MathsJam is an event for adults to meet and socialise, which is why they are mainly held in licensed premises, where under-18s are not allowed. MathsJam™ is a registered trademark of Stand-up Maths Limited.
MathsJam also runs an annual gathering which takes place every November in the UK, and also in Oceania (New Zealand). More information about the gatherings can be found on the gathering pages.
Privacy Policy: Each individual local MathsJam runs a small mailing list to remind attendees about each month's Jam. If you email the address given on the city's individual page, you can be added to the list. You'll get an email around once a month, reminding you about the Jam and possibly including details of other relevant local events the organiser thinks you might be interested in. Your name and email address will be stored securely, and if you wish to be removed at any time you can reply to the email and request this. Your data will not be shared with any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Conduct at MathsJam events: We hope that attendees will maintain a standard of behaviour at our in-person and online events, including not engaging in any exclusionary behaviour or language against anyone based on their race, gender (binary, assigned or otherwise), disability, mental health, sexual orientation, level of education or age. Harassment, unconsented physical contact or sexual attention, aggression, elitism and pressure or judgement about people's choice of drinks are also not acceptable. We encourage all attendees to assist in applying this code of conduct, and to step in or report it to the organiser if they witness or experience anything violating it. We want MathsJam to be enjoyable for all attendees, and everyone should feel welcome and safe at our events. If you have any issues or questions, please contact