Data-driven game engine written in Rust
- Simple
- Fast
- Extensible
- Entity Component System
- 3D graphics (Blinn-Phong shading model, instancing)
- Scenes
- Input handling
- Sound playing
- Resource system (Mesh, Texture, Material, Sound)
- Material system
- Error chaining
- Custom components and resources support
- Launcher tool
- Install Rust - Download and unpack this repository
- Build Pill Launcher
cargo build --release --manifest-path <ENGINE-PATH>\Pill-Engine\crates\pill_launcher\Cargo.toml
- Add Pill Launcher to PATH (optional)
set PATH=%PATH%;<ENGINE-PATH>\Pill-Engine\crates\pill_launcher\target\release
- Create new game project
PillLauncher.exe -a create -n Hello-Pill
- Run it!
PillLauncher.exe -a run -p ./Hello-Pill
Check demo!