06-25 17:37:37.422 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.422 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.422 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.422 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:37.422 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.530 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120173, entry index(371) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.531 V/chatty (6676): uid=10108(com.pluscubed.matlog) identical 1 line 06-25 17:37:37.531 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120173, entry index(371) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.533 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f12012b, entry index(299) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.536 V/chatty (6676): uid=10108(com.pluscubed.matlog) identical 3 lines 06-25 17:37:37.536 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f12012b, entry index(299) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.539 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120111, entry index(273) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.543 V/chatty (6676): uid=10108(com.pluscubed.matlog) identical 3 lines 06-25 17:37:37.543 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120111, entry index(273) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.545 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120173, entry index(371) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.546 V/chatty (6676): uid=10108(com.pluscubed.matlog) identical 1 line 06-25 17:37:37.546 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f120173, entry index(371) is beyond type entryCount(157) 06-25 17:37:37.548 V/ResourceType(6676): For resource 0x7f110107, entry index(263) is beyond type entryCount(237) 06-25 17:37:37.556 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.556 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.556 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.556 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:37.556 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.596 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.596 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.596 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.596 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:37.596 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.715 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.716 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:37.716 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:37.716 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.798 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:37.848 I/Wear_Controller(5163): Wear requires a companion app to be installed. 06-25 17:37:37.848 V/WearableService(5163): onCreate: Wearable Services not starting. Wear is not available on this device. 06-25 17:37:37.857 V/WearableService(5163): onGetService: Wear is not available on this device. 06-25 17:37:37.920 D/OpenGLRenderer(6676): endAllActiveAnimators on 0x9b9c8200 (MenuPopupWindow$MenuDropDownListView) with handle 0x89949dc0 06-25 17:37:38.129 D/KP2AAF (1916): URL=androidapp://com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.229 D/KP2AAF (1916): Cancel notif 06-25 17:37:38.231 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.231 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.231 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.231 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.296 D/KP2AAF (1916): root package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.417 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.417 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.432 D/StatusBar(1123): disable 06-25 17:37:38.452 W/Adreno-EGL(1123): : EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE 06-25 17:37:38.453 D/vndksupport(1123): Loading /vendor/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8974.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace. 06-25 17:37:38.526 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.533 I/ActivityManager(723): Start proc 7372:mattecarra.accapp/u0a166 for service mattecarra.accapp/.services.AccProfileTileService 06-25 17:37:38.526 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.578 D/StatusBar(1123): disable 06-25 17:37:38.599 D/KP2AAF (1916): URL=androidapp://com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.611 D/KP2AAF (1916): Cancel notif 06-25 17:37:38.612 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.612 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.613 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.614 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.632 W/View (1123): couldn't find view with id 2131361948 06-25 17:37:38.637 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.637 E/QCOM PowerHAL(420): Failed to acquire lock. 06-25 17:37:38.637 D/KP2AAF (1916): return, root is from launcher. 06-25 17:37:38.637 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.637 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.637 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.650 W/View (1123): couldn't find view with id 2131361948 06-25 17:37:38.654 D/KP2AAF (1916): return, root is from launcher. 06-25 17:37:38.654 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.655 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.655 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.655 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.664 D/AndroidRuntime(7372): Shutting down VM 06-25 17:37:38.667 W/View (1123): couldn't find view with id 2131361948 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): Process: mattecarra.accapp, PID: 7372 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.getString(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:256) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at mattecarra.accapp.utils.ProfileUtils.getCurrentProfile(ProfileUtils.kt:13) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at mattecarra.accapp.services.AccProfileTileService.updateTile(AccProfileTileService.kt:29) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at mattecarra.accapp.services.AccProfileTileService.onStartListening(AccProfileTileService.kt:50) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at android.service.quicksettings.TileService$H.handleMessage(TileService.java:407) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:164) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6494) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:440) 06-25 17:37:38.670 E/AndroidRuntime(7372): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:807) 06-25 17:37:38.672 D/KP2AAF (1916): return, root is from launcher. 06-25 17:37:38.672 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.672 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 32, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.672 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.683 W/View (1123): couldn't find view with id 2131361948 06-25 17:37:38.689 D/KP2AAF (1916): return, root is from launcher. 06-25 17:37:38.689 D/KP2AAF (1916): OnAccEvent 06-25 17:37:38.689 D/KP2AAF (1916): event: 2048, package = com.pluscubed.matlog 06-25 17:37:38.689 D/KP2AAF (1916): event package is no launcher 06-25 17:37:38.691 I/ActivityManager(723): Showing crash dialog for package mattecarra.accapp u0 06-25 17:37:38.697 W/BroadcastQueue(723): Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver 06-25 17:37:38.700 W/View (1123): couldn't find view with id 2131361948 06-25 17:37:38.703 W/BroadcastQueue(723): Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver