{"run_info": {"os": "win", "processor": "x86_64", "version": "10.0.19043", "os_version": "10.0", "bits": 64, "has_sandbox": true, "webrender": false, "automation": false, "service_pack": "", "revision": "3ecfcabe975721e7ea47b31725b332f32f8240c8", "python_version": 3, "product": "chrome", "debug": false, "browser_version": "91.0.4472.123", "browser_channel": "nightly", "verify": false, "wasm": false, "headless": false}, "time_start": 1625931069443, "results": [{"test": "/streams/readable-byte-streams/bad-buffers-and-views.any.html", "subtests": [{"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: read()ing from a closed stream still transfers the buffer", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_not_equals: a different ArrayBuffer must underlie the value got disallowed value object \"[object ArrayBuffer]\"", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: read()ing from a stream with queued chunks still transfers the buffer", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_not_equals: a different ArrayBuffer must underlie the value got disallowed value object \"[object ArrayBuffer]\"", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: enqueuing an already-detached buffer throws", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_throws_js: function \"() => c.enqueue(view)\" did not throw", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: enqueuing a zero-length buffer throws", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: enqueuing a zero-length view on a non-zero-length buffer throws", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: reading into an already-detached buffer rejects", "status": "TIMEOUT", "message": "Test timed out", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: reading into a zero-length buffer rejects", "status": "NOTRUN", "message": null, "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: reading into a zero-length view on a non-zero-length buffer rejects", "status": "NOTRUN", "message": null, "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respond() throws if the BYOB request's buffer has been detached (in the readable state)", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_throws_js: respond() must throw if the corresponding view has become detached function \"() => c.byobRequest.respond(1)\" did not throw", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respond() throws if the BYOB request's buffer has been detached (in the closed state)", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_throws_js: respond() must throw if the corresponding view has become detached function \"() => c.byobRequest.respond(0)\" did not throw", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer has been detached (in the readable state)", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_throws_js: function \"() => c.byobRequest.respondWithNewView(view)\" did not throw", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer is zero-length (in the readable state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view is zero-length on a non-zero-length buffer (in the readable state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer has a different length (in the readable state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view has a larger length (in the readable state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer has been detached (in the closed state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer is zero-length (in the closed state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view is non-zero-length (in the closed state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: respondWithNewView() throws if the supplied view's buffer has a different length (in the closed state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue() throws if the BYOB request's buffer has been detached (in the readable state)", "status": "FAIL", "message": "assert_throws_js: enqueue() must throw if the BYOB request's buffer has become detached function \"() => c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([1]))\" did not throw", "expected": "PASS", "known_intermittent": []}, {"name": "ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue() throws if the BYOB request's buffer has been detached (in the closed state)", "status": "PASS", "message": null, "known_intermittent": []}], "status": "TIMEOUT", "message": null, "duration": 10316, "expected": "OK", "known_intermittent": []}], "time_end": 1625931081374}