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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 19, 2019. It is now read-only.

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75 lines (40 loc) · 4.93 KB

File metadata and controls

75 lines (40 loc) · 4.93 KB


Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at the project on GitHub. If you haven't contributed to an Medium project before please head over to the Open Source Project and fill out an OCLA (it should be pretty painless).

Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.


Pull requests

Fork the project on GitHub and make a pull request from your feature branch against the upstream master branch. Consider rebasing your branch onto the latest master before sending a pull request to make sure there are no merge conflicts, failing tests, or other regressions.


We use Grunt for development. Install the command line tool with npm install grunt-cli -g.

During development, you can run grunt watch to automatically run tests, run JS Hint, and update documentation. It's a good idea to run the default grunt command before making a pull request or other changes.

Code style

There is no formal style guide, but there are style conventions enforced by both JSHint and JSCS. Both JSHint and JSCS are part of the default grunt task and CI build process. When in doubt, try to follow existing convenetions and these basic rules:

  • Don't use semi-colons. We think our code looks sleeker without them.
  • Indent using two spaces. Never use tabs.
  • Delete trailing whitespace. It's ugly.
  • Use spaces after the function keyword, like this: function () {}



We use JSDoc for inline documentation. There is no formal guideline, but please try to follow the existing conventions for documentation. For example, function paramaters and return values should always be documented, and functions should also have a brief, clear description.

Use examples and in-line documentation when they're helpful. Avoid comments like This adds 1 to the variable "i".

Documentation is built in ./.grunt/docs. You can view the documentation with open ./.grunt/docs/index.html. When new versions are released, documentation will be published to


If you introduce changes or new features that will affect users, consider updating or adding the relevant section of the readme.


Unit tests

Tests use Mocha and Should, and can be run with npm test. Tests will automatically be run on Travis CI for new pull requests, and pull requests will only be merged if the tests pass.

New features and bug fixes should have new unit tests. Don't be afraid to make the tests fun to read, we will all be fine without another example of asserting "foobar" or "example data". I like Daft Punk lyrics; be creative.

Performance benchmarks

If you introduce a performance improvement, consider adding a benchmark to quantify the change. It's also generally a good idea to run the benchmarks and compare your change against the master branch to check for any regressions.

Benchmarks can be run with grunt benchmark.



Try to keep the Changelog useful. It should capture important changes, but not be so verbose that it's unreadable.

New versions

There is a Grunt task for publishing a new version of Canoe, appropriately called: grunt publish. You should update the Changelog before publishing a new version.

The task will update the package.json, commit it, tag a new version, and push the new version to GitHub and NPM. That means you should not update the package version or create a Git tag before running grunt publish. You should probably only run this task from the master branch.

To use this task you must be authenticated as an owner on NPM and have push access to this repo. You can check your NPM access by running npm whoami and npm owner ls canoe (the output of the former should be in the latter).

The grunt publish task comes in three flavors, based on semver: patch (default), minor, and major.

  • To publish a new patch version (e.g. 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2), run grunt publish (this is an alias for grunt publish:patch)
  • To publish a new minor version (e.g. 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0), run grunt publish:minor
  • To publish a new major version (e.g. 0.1.1 -> 1.0.0), run grunt publish:major