MekHQ 0.3.26-git No mekhq properties file found. Reverting to defaults. Starting load of faction data from XML... Hanseatic League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Illyrian Palatinate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Jarnfolk faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Lothian League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Malagrotta Cooperative faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Marik-Stewart Commonwealth faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Morgraine's Valkyrate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Barony of Strang faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Mosiro Archipelago faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector New Colony Region faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Nueva Castile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oberon Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Ohrenson-Zion Province faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Oriente Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Gibson faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Principality of Regulus faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rasalhague Dominion faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Raven Alliance faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Fiefs faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Regulan Free States faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Rim Territories faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Saiph Triumvirate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Sarna Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Chesterton Trade League faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Silver Hawk Coalition faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Star League-in-Exile faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Stewart Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Commonality faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Styk Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Taurian Homeworlds faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Terracap Confederation faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Barrens faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector The Protectorate faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Tortuga Dominions faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector United Hindu Collective faction did not have a long enough startingPlanet vector Loaded a total of 149 factions Loaded 805 Bloodname records. Starting load of planetary data from XML... Loaded a total of 3449 planets Parsing C:\Users\pheonixstorm\workspace\mekhq-0.3.26-git-windows\data\canonUnitQuirks.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of quirk entries: 588 Parsing C:\Users\pheonixstorm\workspace\mekhq-0.3.26-git-windows\mmconf\unitQuirksOverride.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of quirk entries: 1 MMRandom: generating RNG type #1 Parsing customWeaponOrder.xml ...Parsing finished. Total number of custom weapon order entries: 0 Reading unit files: Looking in data\mechfiles... Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 400 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 58 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 171 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 466 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 47 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 171 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 24 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 3262 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 71 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 34 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 18 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ Loading from zip file >> Other/Morpheus MPR-3 LMorte II.mtf Failed to load equipment: Claw Failed to load equipment: Claw Failed to load equipment: Claw Failed to load equipment: Claw Failed to load equipment: Claw Loading from zip file >> _Battletechnology/Clytemnestra AS-CTP-005-BT.mtf Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Loading from zip file >> _Battletechnology/Ventilator VNT-1A-BT.mtf Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce NA/CombatMaster CMM-A2-FC-NA.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce NA/Odin OD-1-NA.mtf Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/Awesome AWS-9MA-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/BattleMaster BLR-1C-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/BattleMaster BLR-1C2-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: Dual Cockpit Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/BattleMaster BLR-2C-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/BattleMaster BLR-3C-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/FieldMaster FLM-D2-1D-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: CC Sensors Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/Leopard LPD-DC-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/Wellington WEL-4T-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Ammo Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Ammo Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Failed to load equipment: ISCaselessAC10 Loading from zip file >> _Mechforce UK/Zeus ZEU-X-UK.mtf Failed to load equipment: Command Console Loading from zip file >> _Solaris VII/Mantis SA-MN-S7.mtf Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Loading from zip file >> _Solaris VII/Ronin SA-RN-S7.mtf Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) Failed to load equipment: Claw (THB) ...loaded 1224 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 1243 files. Looking in zip file data\mechfiles\ ...loaded 113 files. ...loaded 0 files. Saving unit cache. 7302 units loaded. Loading more unit images from localserver_mechset.txt... Loading more unit images from localclient_mechset.txt... ... finished localclient_mechset.txt. ... finished localserver_mechset.txt. Starting load of Rank Systems from XML... Done loading Rank Systems Starting load of news data for 3067 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3067 Loading Campaign Options from XML... --- clanPriceModifier 1.0 --- useFactionForNames true --- repairSystem 0 --- useUnitRating true --- unitRatingMethod Interstellar Ops --- useEraMods false --- assignedTechFirst false --- resetToFirstTech false --- useTactics false --- useInitBonus false --- useToughness false --- useArtillery false --- useAbilities false --- useEdge false --- useImplants false --- altQualityAveraging false --- useAdvancedMedical false --- useDylansRandomXp false --- useQuirks false --- payForParts false --- payForUnits false --- payForSalaries false --- payForOverhead false --- payForMaintain false --- payForTransport false --- usedPartsValueA 0.1 --- usedPartsValueB 0.2 --- usedPartsValueC 0.3 --- usedPartsValueD 0.5 --- usedPartsValueE 0.7 --- usedPartsValueF 0.9 --- damagedPartsValue 0.33 --- canceledOrderReimbursement 0.5 --- sellUnits false --- sellParts false --- scenarioXP 1 --- killsForXP 0 --- killXPAward 0 --- nTasksXP 25 --- tasksXP 1 --- mistakeXP 0 --- successXP 0 --- idleXP 0 --- targetIdleXP 10 --- monthsIdleXP 2 --- contractNegotiationXP 0 --- adminWeeklyXP 0 --- limitByYear true --- disallowExtinctStuff false --- allowClanPurchases true --- allowISPurchases true --- allowCanonOnly false --- useAmmoByType false --- usePercentageMaint false --- waitingPeriod 7 --- acquisitionSkill Tech --- acquisitionSupportStaffOnly true --- techLevel 3 --- nDiceTransitTime 1 --- constantTransitTime 0 --- unitTransitTime 2 --- acquireMosBonus 1 --- acquireMosUnit 2 --- acquireMinimumTime 1 --- acquireMinimumTimeUnit 2 --- equipmentContractPercent 5.0 --- equipmentContractBase false --- equipmentContractSaleValue false --- blcSaleValue false --- clanAcquisitionPenalty 0 --- isAcquisitionPenalty 0 --- useLoanLimits false --- payForRecruitment false --- healWaitingPeriod 1 --- naturalHealingWaitingPeriod 15 --- destroyByMargin false --- destroyMargin 4 --- maintenanceCycleDays 7 --- maintenanceBonus -1 --- useQualityMaintenance true --- useUnofficalMaintenance false --- checkMaintenance true --- useRandomHitsForVees false --- minimumHitsForVees 1 --- maxAcquisitions 0 --- useUnofficialProcreation false --- useUnofficialProcreationNoRelationship false --- useTransfers true --- personnelMarketType 3 --- personnelMarketRandomEliteRemoval 10 --- personnelMarketRandomVeteranRemoval 8 --- personnelMarketRandomRegularRemoval 6 --- personnelMarketRandomGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketRandomUltraGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketReportRefresh true --- personnelMarketDylansWeight 0.3 --- salaryEnlistedMultiplier 1.0 --- salaryCommissionMultiplier 1.2 --- salaryAntiMekMultiplier 1.5 --- probPhenoMW 95 --- probPhenoAero 95 --- probPhenoBA 100 --- probPhenoVee 0 --- tougherHealing false --- useAtB false --- useAero false --- useVehicles true --- clanVehicles true --- doubleVehicles true --- adjustPlayerVehicles false --- opforLanceTypeMechs 1 --- opforLanceTypeMixed 2 --- opforLanceTypeVehicles 3 --- opforUsesVTOLs true --- useDropShips false --- skillLevel 2 --- aeroRecruitsHaveUnits false --- useShareSystem false --- sharesExcludeLargeCraft false --- sharesForAll false --- retirementRolls true --- customRetirementMods false --- trackUnitFatigue false --- mercSizeLimited false --- trackOriginalUnit false --- regionalMechVariations false --- searchRadius 800 --- intensity 1.0 --- variableContractLength false --- instantUnitMarketDelivery false --- useWeatherConditions true --- useLightConditions true --- usePlanetaryConditions false --- useAltMapgen false --- useLeadership true --- useStrategy true --- baseStrategyDeployment 3 --- additionalStrategyDeployment 1 --- adjustPaymentForStrategy false --- restrictPartsByMission true --- limitLanceWeight true --- limitLanceNumUnits true --- useAtBCapture false --- contractMarketReportRefresh true --- unitMarketReportRefresh true --- startGameDelay 500 --- salaryTypeBase 0,1500,1500,900,900,900,900,960,750,960,900,1000,1000,1000,1000,800,800,800,800,400,1500,400,500,500,500,500 --- salaryXpMultiplier 0.6,0.6,1.0,1.6,3.2 --- usePortraitForType false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false --- rats Xotl,Total Warfare --- ratsNoEra Xotl,Total Warfare Load Campaign Options Complete! Loading Random Skill Preferences from XML... --- overallRecruitBonus 0 --- recruitBonuses 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --- specialAbilBonus -10,-10,-2,0,1 --- tacticsMod -10,-10,-7,-4,-1 --- randomizeSkill true --- useClanBonuses true --- antiMekProb 10 --- combatSmallArmsBonus -3 --- supportSmallArmsBonus -10 --- artilleryProb 10 --- artilleryBonus -2 --- secondSkillProb 0 --- secondSkillBonus -4 Load Random Skill Preferences Complete! Loading Campaign Options from XML... --- clanPriceModifier 1.0 --- useFactionForNames true --- repairSystem 0 --- useUnitRating true --- unitRatingMethod Interstellar Ops --- useEraMods false --- assignedTechFirst false --- resetToFirstTech false --- useTactics false --- useInitBonus false --- useToughness false --- useArtillery false --- useAbilities false --- useEdge false --- useImplants false --- altQualityAveraging false --- useAdvancedMedical false --- useDylansRandomXp false --- useQuirks false --- payForParts false --- payForUnits false --- payForSalaries false --- payForOverhead false --- payForMaintain false --- payForTransport false --- usedPartsValueA 0.1 --- usedPartsValueB 0.2 --- usedPartsValueC 0.3 --- usedPartsValueD 0.5 --- usedPartsValueE 0.7 --- usedPartsValueF 0.9 --- damagedPartsValue 0.33 --- canceledOrderReimbursement 0.5 --- sellUnits false --- sellParts false --- scenarioXP 1 --- killsForXP 0 --- killXPAward 0 --- nTasksXP 25 --- tasksXP 1 --- mistakeXP 0 --- successXP 0 --- idleXP 0 --- targetIdleXP 10 --- monthsIdleXP 2 --- contractNegotiationXP 0 --- adminWeeklyXP 0 --- limitByYear true --- disallowExtinctStuff true --- allowClanPurchases true --- allowISPurchases true --- allowCanonOnly false --- useAmmoByType false --- usePercentageMaint false --- waitingPeriod 7 --- acquisitionSkill Automatic Success --- acquisitionSupportStaffOnly false --- techLevel 3 --- nDiceTransitTime 0 --- constantTransitTime 0 --- unitTransitTime 2 --- acquireMosBonus 1 --- acquireMosUnit 2 --- acquireMinimumTime 1 --- acquireMinimumTimeUnit 2 --- equipmentContractPercent 5.0 --- equipmentContractBase false --- equipmentContractSaleValue false --- blcSaleValue false --- clanAcquisitionPenalty 0 --- isAcquisitionPenalty 0 --- useLoanLimits false --- payForRecruitment false --- healWaitingPeriod 1 --- naturalHealingWaitingPeriod 15 --- destroyByMargin false --- destroyMargin 4 --- maintenanceCycleDays 7 --- maintenanceBonus -1 --- useQualityMaintenance true --- useUnofficalMaintenance false --- checkMaintenance false --- useRandomHitsForVees false --- minimumHitsForVees 1 --- maxAcquisitions 0 --- useUnofficialProcreation false --- useUnofficialProcreationNoRelationship false --- useTransfers true --- personnelMarketType 3 --- personnelMarketRandomEliteRemoval 10 --- personnelMarketRandomVeteranRemoval 8 --- personnelMarketRandomRegularRemoval 6 --- personnelMarketRandomGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketRandomUltraGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketReportRefresh true --- personnelMarketDylansWeight 0.3 --- salaryEnlistedMultiplier 1.0 --- salaryCommissionMultiplier 1.2 --- salaryAntiMekMultiplier 1.5 --- probPhenoMW 95 --- probPhenoAero 95 --- probPhenoBA 100 --- probPhenoVee 0 --- tougherHealing false --- useAtB false --- useAero false --- useVehicles true --- clanVehicles true --- doubleVehicles true --- adjustPlayerVehicles false --- opforLanceTypeMechs 1 --- opforLanceTypeMixed 2 --- opforLanceTypeVehicles 3 --- opforUsesVTOLs true --- useDropShips false --- skillLevel 2 --- aeroRecruitsHaveUnits false --- useShareSystem false --- sharesExcludeLargeCraft false --- sharesForAll false --- retirementRolls true --- customRetirementMods false --- trackUnitFatigue false --- mercSizeLimited false --- trackOriginalUnit false --- regionalMechVariations false --- searchRadius 800 --- intensity 1.0 --- variableContractLength false --- instantUnitMarketDelivery false --- useWeatherConditions true --- useLightConditions true --- usePlanetaryConditions false --- useAltMapgen false --- useLeadership true --- useStrategy true --- baseStrategyDeployment 3 --- additionalStrategyDeployment 1 --- adjustPaymentForStrategy false --- restrictPartsByMission true --- limitLanceWeight true --- limitLanceNumUnits true --- useAtBCapture false --- contractMarketReportRefresh true --- unitMarketReportRefresh true --- startGameDelay 500 --- salaryTypeBase 0,1500,1500,900,900,900,900,960,750,960,900,1000,1000,1000,1000,800,800,800,800,400,1500,400,500,500,500,500 --- salaryXpMultiplier 0.6,0.6,1.0,1.6,3.2 --- usePortraitForType false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false --- rats Xotl,Total Warfare --- ratsNoEra Xotl,Total Warfare Load Campaign Options Complete! Loading Random Skill Preferences from XML... --- overallRecruitBonus 0 --- recruitBonuses 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --- specialAbilBonus -10,-10,-10,-10,-10 --- tacticsMod -10,-10,-10,-10,-10 --- randomizeSkill false --- useClanBonuses true --- antiMekProb 10 --- combatSmallArmsBonus -10 --- supportSmallArmsBonus -10 --- artilleryProb 0 --- artilleryBonus -2 --- secondSkillProb 0 --- secondSkillBonus -10 Load Random Skill Preferences Complete! Loading Campaign Options from XML... --- clanPriceModifier 4.0 --- useFactionForNames false --- repairSystem 0 --- useUnitRating true --- unitRatingMethod Interstellar Ops --- useEraMods false --- assignedTechFirst true --- resetToFirstTech true --- useTactics true --- useInitBonus false --- useToughness false --- useArtillery true --- useAbilities true --- useEdge true --- useImplants true --- altQualityAveraging false --- useAdvancedMedical false --- useDylansRandomXp false --- useQuirks true --- payForParts true --- payForUnits true --- payForSalaries true --- payForOverhead true --- payForMaintain true --- payForTransport true --- usedPartsValueA 0.1 --- usedPartsValueB 0.2 --- usedPartsValueC 0.3 --- usedPartsValueD 0.5 --- usedPartsValueE 0.7 --- usedPartsValueF 0.9 --- damagedPartsValue 0.4 --- canceledOrderReimbursement 0.5 --- sellUnits true --- sellParts true --- scenarioXP 1 --- killsForXP 2 --- killXPAward 1 --- nTasksXP 40 --- tasksXP 1 --- mistakeXP 1 --- successXP 0 --- idleXP 1 --- targetIdleXP 10 --- monthsIdleXP 2 --- contractNegotiationXP 0 --- adminWeeklyXP 0 --- limitByYear true --- disallowExtinctStuff false --- allowClanPurchases true --- allowISPurchases true --- allowCanonOnly false --- useAmmoByType false --- usePercentageMaint true --- waitingPeriod 14 --- acquisitionSkill Administration --- acquisitionSupportStaffOnly true --- techLevel 3 --- nDiceTransitTime 6 --- constantTransitTime 0 --- unitTransitTime 1 --- acquireMosBonus 3 --- acquireMosUnit 1 --- acquireMinimumTime 0 --- acquireMinimumTimeUnit 1 --- equipmentContractPercent 2.5 --- equipmentContractBase true --- equipmentContractSaleValue true --- blcSaleValue true --- clanAcquisitionPenalty 6 --- isAcquisitionPenalty 0 --- useLoanLimits true --- payForRecruitment true --- healWaitingPeriod 7 --- naturalHealingWaitingPeriod 28 --- destroyByMargin true --- destroyMargin 4 --- maintenanceCycleDays 28 --- maintenanceBonus -1 --- useQualityMaintenance false --- useUnofficalMaintenance false --- checkMaintenance true --- useRandomHitsForVees true --- minimumHitsForVees 1 --- maxAcquisitions 0 --- useUnofficialProcreation false --- useUnofficialProcreationNoRelationship false --- useTransfers true --- personnelMarketType 2 --- personnelMarketRandomEliteRemoval 10 --- personnelMarketRandomVeteranRemoval 8 --- personnelMarketRandomRegularRemoval 6 --- personnelMarketRandomGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketRandomUltraGreenRemoval 4 --- personnelMarketReportRefresh true --- personnelMarketDylansWeight 0.3 --- salaryEnlistedMultiplier 1.0 --- salaryCommissionMultiplier 1.2 --- salaryAntiMekMultiplier 1.5 --- probPhenoMW 95 --- probPhenoAero 95 --- probPhenoBA 100 --- probPhenoVee 0 --- tougherHealing true --- useAtB false --- useAero false --- useVehicles true --- clanVehicles true --- doubleVehicles true --- adjustPlayerVehicles false --- opforLanceTypeMechs 1 --- opforLanceTypeMixed 2 --- opforLanceTypeVehicles 3 --- opforUsesVTOLs true --- useDropShips false --- skillLevel 2 --- aeroRecruitsHaveUnits false --- useShareSystem false --- sharesExcludeLargeCraft false --- sharesForAll false --- retirementRolls true --- customRetirementMods false --- trackUnitFatigue false --- mercSizeLimited false --- trackOriginalUnit false --- regionalMechVariations false --- searchRadius 800 --- intensity 1.0 --- variableContractLength false --- instantUnitMarketDelivery false --- useWeatherConditions true --- useLightConditions true --- usePlanetaryConditions false --- useAltMapgen false --- useLeadership true --- useStrategy true --- baseStrategyDeployment 3 --- additionalStrategyDeployment 1 --- adjustPaymentForStrategy false --- restrictPartsByMission true --- limitLanceWeight true --- limitLanceNumUnits true --- useAtBCapture false --- contractMarketReportRefresh true --- unitMarketReportRefresh true --- startGameDelay 500 --- salaryTypeBase 0,1500,1500,900,900,900,900,960,750,960,900,1000,1000,1000,1000,800,800,800,800,400,1500,400,500,500,500,500 --- salaryXpMultiplier 0.6,0.6,1.0,1.6,3.2 --- usePortraitForType false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false --- rats Xotl,Total Warfare --- ratsNoEra Xotl,Total Warfare Load Campaign Options Complete! Loading Random Skill Preferences from XML... --- overallRecruitBonus 0 --- recruitBonuses 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --- specialAbilBonus -10,-10,-2,0,0 --- tacticsMod -10,-10,-7,-4,-1 --- randomizeSkill true --- useClanBonuses true --- antiMekProb 10 --- combatSmallArmsBonus -3 --- supportSmallArmsBonus -6 --- artilleryProb 10 --- artilleryBonus -2 --- secondSkillProb 10 --- secondSkillBonus -2 Load Random Skill Preferences Complete! Starting load of news data for 3067 from XML... loaded 0 days of news items for 3067