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React Anagram Animation

A React component to use CSS animations to swap letters in 2 words which are an anagram of each other.

The text is animated in position after calculating initial and final positions of each letter.

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yarn add react-anagram-animation


npm install react-anagram-animation





import React from 'react';
import Anagram from 'react-anagram-animation';

export default function MyComponent() {
    return (
        <Anagram words={['React Anagram Animation', 'Magenta Raincoat Airman']} />

To control the animation speed and timing, you can pass an object of animationOptions.

<Anagram animationOptions={{
    randomStartMin: 0,
    randomStartMax: 0,
    randomReverseMin: 6000,
    randomReverseMax: 6000,
    loopAnimation: 20000,
    waitToStart: 5000,
}} />

If you are using an embedded font and need to wait for it to load before animating, then you should specify the fontToObserve object with the font family name and/or other font specifics.

<Anagram fontToObserve={{ family: 'Open Sans' }} />
<Anagram fontToObserve={{
    family: 'Roboto',
    weight: 600,
    style: 'italic',
    stretch: 'expanded',
}} />



Prop Type Default Description
words array ['React Anagram Animation', 'Magenta Raincoat Airman'] An array containing exactly 2 words which are an anagram of each other.
animationOptions object AnimationOptions Timing options for when to start, how fast to animate forwards, backwards, and when to loop (optional).
fontToObserve object FontToObserve A description of an embedded font to observe and wait until loaded. If not specified, animation will loaded immediately (optional).


Property Type Default Description
randomStartMin number 0 The minimum amount of time to randomly wait before starting to animate each letter
randomStartMax number 3000 The maximum amount of time to randomly wait before starting to animate each letter
randomReverseMin number 6000 The minimum amount of time to randomly wait before starting to animate each letter in reverse
randomReverseMax number 9000 The maximum amount of time to randomly wait before starting to animate each letter in reverse
loopAnimation number 12000 The amount of time for each full loop of the animation
waitToStart number 0 The amount of time to wait before beginning the animation on start up


This object is passed along to Font Face Observer

Property Type Description
family string The font-family: Roboto, Inter, Open Sans, etc
weight string or number The font-weight: normal, bold, 800, etc
style string The font-style: normal, italic, oblique
stretch string The font stretch: normal, condensed, expanded, etc


You can use the CSS transition property to adjust the speed and duration of the animation completely. Can you find a neat transition animation? Please share! :)

.anagram-swap .word .letter {
    transition: all, 2s, cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1), 2s;

Run Locally

To run demo locally:

  • yarn
  • yarn start

and a browser will open to the demo.

Future Ideas

  • Animate between more than 2 words.
  • Animate non-anagram words.
  • Supply different animation easing.




A React component to use CSS animations to swap letters in 2 words which are an anagram of each other.






No packages published


  • JavaScript 84.2%
  • HTML 5.7%
  • CSS 5.4%
  • SCSS 4.7%