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Scope and Vision

Mera Gangapersaud edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 1 revision


A creative collaborative writing app

The goal is a real time creative writing collaboration 'game'.

Each participant takes a turn to add a limited amount of text (ie: 100 words max) to write a short story. Each story will have a maximum of 10 writers and a minimum of 2 who can be anonymous or invited friends. Once each story is finished, it can be exported as a pdf or doc.


  • landing page

    • users can
      • join an existing story
      • start a new story
  • story page

    • users can
      • see who is involved with the current story
      • type in a text editor on their turn
      • see the whole story as each writers turn takes place
      • choose to leave the story
        • can save story as they leave


  • Can users be anonymous or should they be required to have a user profile
    • this can affect a few things like if we decide to save/export stories or create stories and introduces new questions such as; Do we keep a copy of a story for a user to view on their profile later and if so, for how long.
  • There needs to be some research done in copyright implications. If content is collaborative how do we ensure each writer is credited for their work? Should users be required to sign a disclaimer?
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