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How to write unit tests in our current frontend stack.

This project is built with @mercateo/ws. We assume you use an alias like alias ws="npm run -s ws --" to use it.

To build and serve the app call ws watch. To run the unit tests call ws unit.


Here is a breakdown of all involved frameworks:

  • expect: Our assertion framework (e.g. expect(foo).toBe(bar)). Includes support for spies.
  • Mocha: Our test framework responsible for structuring (e.g. decribe, it) and reporting.
  • Karma: Our test runner which takes care of launching browsers.
  • react-test-renderer (and react-dom/test-utils): A lib for basic React tests. (react-addons-test-utils is deprecated.)
  • Enzyme: A lib for more complex React tests.
  • InversifyJS: Used for dependency injection/inversion of control in some of our packages.
  • PhantomJS: A headless browser which is used to execute the tests. (It is based on WebKit and has the same APIs as a real browser, but starts faster.)
  • import-inject-loader: A WebPack loader which can add new APIs to your modules at build time, so you can override import's or globals with mocks in your tests.

Note that we don't really use a mocking library in our stack. In most cases this is not necessary due to the dynamic nature of JavaScript. We just write down what we need. However @otbe experimented with writing a TypeScript specific mocking library called emock. It was quite nice, but we don't really used it so far.


In src/ you can find basic components written with our current stack: React, MobX and TypeScript.

In tests/ you can find the according tests:

Good to know

To run a single test write it.only(...) instead of it(...). To ignore a single test write it.skip(...). The same is true for test suites created with describe (e.g. describe.only and describe.skip).


PhantomJS is based on Chrome and like other browsers PhantomJS becomes old. That's why we typically need similar polyfills in our tests like we use in our real app (e.g. babel-polyfill for Object.assign).

For primitive values there is no real difference between expect(foo).toBe(bar) and expect(foo).toEqual(bar). toBe means "the same" and is like a strict comparison with ===. E.g. expect(foo).toBe(bar) is the same as expect(foo === bar).toBe(true). On the other hand toEqual checks if two objects look alike - it compares all keys and values in the object with each other. I'd default to use toBe as it is more strict.

The line numbers in the stack trace are currently allways a little bit off... that happens because of incorrect source maps. But the file name should be allways correct.

Other approaches

Many people prefer Jest nowadays. It's fast, because it is only run inside a Node environment - not inside a browser engine. So you have to mock all Browser APIs (e.g. the DOM). Of course most people have done this already in open source projects. But it feels odd to test your code inside a different environment where it will be executed by the user.

Jest features Snapshot testing. This can be usefull for testing something liek complex React trees. You capture a know good result and use it for test to see, if your result changes anywhere. However this tests really everything and some things are likely to change often (like styling), so it could be possible that you would need to update your snapshots very often - even if your test is not interested in styling differences. However... this can be avoided, if you write custom serializers. At the end it depends on your use case.

Another interesting approach is html-looks-like which only tests what "looks like" something.


How to write unit tests in our current frontend stack.






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