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Removed unnecessary address formatting. Corrected date parsing.
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MichaelBone committed Mar 6, 2019
1 parent a3775f1 commit ddc331f
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 287 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
"main": "scraper.js",
"dependencies": {
"cheerio": "1.0.0-rc.2",
"didyoumean2": "2.0.2",
"fs": "0.0.1-security",
"moment": "2.24.0",
"path": "0.12.7",
"pdfjs-dist": "2.0.943",
Expand Down
187 changes: 63 additions & 124 deletions scraper.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

235 changes: 74 additions & 161 deletions scraper.ts
Expand Up @@ -6,18 +6,16 @@

"use strict";

import * as fs from "fs";
import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
import * as request from "request-promise-native";
import * as sqlite3 from "sqlite3";
import * as urlparser from "url";
import * as moment from "moment";
import * as pdfjs from "pdfjs-dist";
import didYouMean, * as didyoumean from "didyoumean2";


const DevelopmentApplicationsUrl = "";
const DevelopmentApplicationsSearchUrl = "";
const CommentUrl = "";

declare const process: any;
Expand All @@ -26,12 +24,6 @@ declare const process: any;

const Tolerance = 3;

// Address information.

let StreetNames = null;
let StreetSuffixes = null;
let SuburbNames = null;

// Sets up an sqlite database.

async function initializeDatabase() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,43 +93,6 @@ interface Cell extends Rectangle {
elements: Element[]

// Reads all the address information into global objects.

function readAddressInformation() {
// Read the street names.

StreetNames = {}
for (let line of fs.readFileSync("streetnames.txt").toString().replace(/\r/g, "").trim().split("\n")) {
let streetNameTokens = line.toUpperCase().split(",");
let streetName = streetNameTokens[0].trim();
let suburbName = streetNameTokens[1].trim();
(StreetNames[streetName] || (StreetNames[streetName] = [])).push(suburbName); // several suburbs may exist for the same street name

// Read the street suffixes.

StreetSuffixes = {};
for (let line of fs.readFileSync("streetsuffixes.txt").toString().replace(/\r/g, "").trim().split("\n")) {
let streetSuffixTokens = line.toUpperCase().split(",");
StreetSuffixes[streetSuffixTokens[0].trim()] = streetSuffixTokens[1].trim();

// Read the suburb names.

SuburbNames = {};
for (let line of fs.readFileSync("suburbnames.txt").toString().replace(/\r/g, "").trim().split("\n")) {
let suburbTokens = line.toUpperCase().split(",");

let suburbName = suburbTokens[0].trim();
SuburbNames[suburbName] = suburbTokens[1].trim();
if (suburbName.startsWith("MOUNT ")) {
SuburbNames["MT " + suburbName.substring("MOUNT ".length)] = suburbTokens[1].trim();
SuburbNames["MT." + suburbName.substring("MOUNT ".length)] = suburbTokens[1].trim();
SuburbNames["MT. " + suburbName.substring("MOUNT ".length)] = suburbTokens[1].trim();

// Constructs a rectangle based on the intersection of the two specified rectangles.

function intersect(rectangle1: Rectangle, rectangle2: Rectangle): Rectangle {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,69 +143,6 @@ function getHorizontalOverlapPercentage(rectangle1: Rectangle, rectangle2: Recta
return (intersectionWidth * 100) / unionWidth;

// Formats the text as a street.

function formatStreetName(text: string) {
if (text === undefined)
return text;

let tokens = text.trim().toUpperCase().split(" ");

// Expand the street suffix (for example, this converts "ST" to "STREET").

let token = tokens.pop();
let streetSuffix = StreetSuffixes[token];
tokens.push((streetSuffix === undefined) ? token : streetSuffix);

// Extract tokens from the end of the array until a valid street name is encountered (this
// looks for an exact match).

for (let index = 6; index >= 2; index--)
if (StreetNames[tokens.slice(-index).join(" ")] !== undefined)
return tokens.join(" "); // reconstruct the street with the leading house number (and any other prefix text)

// Extract tokens from the end of the array until a valid street name is encountered (this
// allows for a spelling error).

for (let index = 6; index >= 2; index--) {
let threshold = 7 - index; // set the number of allowed spelling errors proportional to the number of words
let streetNameMatch = <string>didYouMean(tokens.slice(-index).join(" "), Object.keys(StreetNames), { caseSensitive: false, returnType: didyoumean.ReturnTypeEnums.FIRST_CLOSEST_MATCH, thresholdType: didyoumean.ThresholdTypeEnums.EDIT_DISTANCE, threshold: threshold, trimSpaces: true });
if (streetNameMatch !== null) {
tokens.splice(-index, index); // remove elements from the end of the array
return (tokens.join(" ") + " " + streetNameMatch).trim(); // reconstruct the street with any other original prefix text

return text;

// Formats the address, ensuring that it has a valid suburb, state and post code.

function formatAddress(address: string) {
// Allow for a few special cases (eg. road type suffixes).

address = address.trim().replace(/ TCE NTH/g, " TERRACE NORTH").replace(/ TCE STH/g, " TERRACE SOUTH").replace(/ TCE EAST/g, " TERRACE EAST").replace(/ TCE WEST/g, " TERRACE WEST");

// Break the address up based on commas (the main components of the address are almost always
// separated by commas).

let commaIndex = address.lastIndexOf(",");
if (commaIndex < 0)
return address;
let streetName = address.substring(0, commaIndex);
let suburbName = address.substring(commaIndex + 1);

// Add the state and post code to the suburb name.

suburbName = <string>didYouMean(suburbName, Object.keys(SuburbNames), { caseSensitive: false, returnType: didyoumean.ReturnTypeEnums.FIRST_CLOSEST_MATCH, thresholdType: didyoumean.ThresholdTypeEnums.EDIT_DISTANCE, threshold: 2, trimSpaces: true });
if (suburbName === null)
return address;

// Reconstruct the full address using the formatted street name and determined suburb name.

return formatStreetName(streetName) + ", " + SuburbNames[suburbName];

// Examines all the lines in a page of a PDF and constructs cells (ie. rectangles) based on those
// lines.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,6 +298,11 @@ async function parsePdf(url: string) {

// Parse the PDF. Each page has the details of multiple applications.

let applicationNumberHeadingCell: Cell = undefined;
let receivedDateHeadingCell: Cell = undefined;
let addressHeadingCell: Cell = undefined;
let descriptionHeadingCell: Cell = undefined;

let pdf = await pdfjs.getDocument({ data: buffer, disableFontFace: true, ignoreErrors: true });
for (let pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < pdf.numPages; pageIndex++) {
console.log(`Reading and parsing applications from page ${pageIndex + 1} of ${pdf.numPages}.`);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -479,10 +376,14 @@ async function parsePdf(url: string) {

// Find the heading cells.

let applicationNumberHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "app"));
let receivedDateHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "lodged"));
let addressHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "siteaddress"));
let descriptionHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "description"));
if (applicationNumberHeadingCell === undefined) {
applicationNumberHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "app"));
receivedDateHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "lodged"));
addressHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "siteaddress"));
descriptionHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "description"));
if (descriptionHeadingCell === undefined)
descriptionHeadingCell = cells.find(cell => cell.elements.some(element => element.text.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") === "developmentdescription"));

if (applicationNumberHeadingCell === undefined) {
let elementSummary = => `[${element.text}]`).join("");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,14 +422,13 @@ async function parsePdf(url: string) {

let address = => element.text).join(" ").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").trim();
let address = => element.text).join("").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").trim();

if (address === "") {
console.log("Ignoring the development application because it has no address.");

address = formatAddress(address);
if (address === "") { // an address must be present
console.log("Ignoring the development application because the address is blank.");
Expand All @@ -538,13 +438,13 @@ async function parsePdf(url: string) {

let description = "";
if (descriptionCell !== undefined)
description = => element.text).join(" ").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").trim();
description = => element.text).join("").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").trim();

// Construct the received date.

let receivedDate = moment.invalid();
if (receivedDateCell !== undefined && receivedDateCell.elements.length > 0)
receivedDate = moment(receivedDateCell.elements[0].text.trim(), "D/MM/YYYY", true);
receivedDate = moment( => element.text).join("").replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").trim(), "D MMMM YYYY", true);

applicationNumber: applicationNumber,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,60 +480,73 @@ async function main() {

let database = await initializeDatabase();

// Read all street, street suffix and suburb information.
// Search for pages containing development application PDFs.

console.log(`Retrieving page: ${DevelopmentApplicationsSearchUrl}`);

// Read the main page of development applications.

console.log(`Retrieving page: ${DevelopmentApplicationsUrl}`);

let body = await request({ url: DevelopmentApplicationsUrl, rejectUnauthorized: false, proxy: process.env.MORPH_PROXY });
let body = await request({ url: DevelopmentApplicationsSearchUrl, rejectUnauthorized: false, proxy: process.env.MORPH_PROXY });
await sleep(2000 + getRandom(0, 5) * 1000);
let $ = cheerio.load(body);
let pdfUrls: string[] = [];
for (let element of $("div.unityHtmlArticle p a").get()) {
let pdfUrl = new urlparser.URL(element.attribs.href, DevelopmentApplicationsUrl).href;
if (pdfUrl.toLowerCase().includes("register") && pdfUrl.toLowerCase().includes(".pdf"))
if (!pdfUrls.some(url => url === pdfUrl)) // avoid duplicates

let pdfPageUrls: string[] = [];
for (let element of $("p.noLeading a.uGoToLink").get()) {
let pdfPageUrl = new urlparser.URL(element.attribs.href, DevelopmentApplicationsSearchUrl).href;
if (!pdfPageUrl.toLowerCase().includes(".pdf"))
if (!pdfPageUrls.some(url => url === pdfPageUrl)) // avoid duplicates

// Always parse the most recent PDF file and randomly select one other PDF file to parse.
// Randomly select two pages that contain developmnet application PDFs (avoid processing all
// PDFs at once because this may use too much memory, resulting in terminating the
// current process).

let selectedPdfPageUrls: string[] = [];
if (pdfPageUrls.length > 0) {
selectedPdfPageUrls.push(...pdfPageUrls.splice(getRandom(0, pdfPageUrls.length), 1));
selectedPdfPageUrls.push(...pdfPageUrls.splice(getRandom(0, pdfPageUrls.length), 1));

if (pdfUrls.length === 0) {
console.log("No PDF URLs were found on the page.");
if (selectedPdfPageUrls.length === 0) {
console.log("No PDF URLs were found.");

console.log(`Found ${pdfUrls.length} PDF file(s). Selecting two to parse.`);

// Select the most recent PDF. And randomly select one other PDF (avoid processing all PDFs
// at once because this may use too much memory, resulting in terminating the current
// process).

let selectedPdfUrls: string[] = [];
if (pdfUrls.length > 0)
selectedPdfUrls.push(pdfUrls[getRandom(0, pdfUrls.length)]);
if (getRandom(0, 2) === 0)

for (let pdfUrl of selectedPdfUrls) {
console.log(`Parsing document: ${pdfUrl}`);
let developmentApplications = await parsePdf(pdfUrl);
console.log(`Parsed ${developmentApplications.length} development ${(developmentApplications.length == 1) ? "application" : "applications"} from document: ${pdfUrl}`);

// Attempt to avoid reaching 512 MB memory usage (this will otherwise result in the
// current process being terminated by

if (global.gc)

console.log("Inserting development applications into the database.");
for (let developmentApplication of developmentApplications)
await insertRow(database, developmentApplication);
// Read the page containing development applications.

for (let selectedPdfPageUrl of selectedPdfPageUrls) {
console.log(`Retrieving page: ${selectedPdfPageUrl}`);

// Find any PDFs on the page.

let body = await request({ url: selectedPdfPageUrl, rejectUnauthorized: false, proxy: process.env.MORPH_PROXY });
await sleep(2000 + getRandom(0, 5) * 1000);
let $ = cheerio.load(body);

let pdfUrls: string[] = [];
for (let element of $("div.uFileItem p a").get()) {
let pdfUrl = new urlparser.URL(element.attribs.href, selectedPdfPageUrl).href;
if (pdfUrl.toLowerCase().includes(".pdf"))
if (!pdfUrls.some(url => url === pdfUrl)) // avoid duplicates

// Parse the PDFs that were found (there will typically only be one).

for (let pdfUrl of pdfUrls) {
console.log(`Parsing document: ${pdfUrl}`);
let developmentApplications = await parsePdf(pdfUrl);
console.log(`Parsed ${developmentApplications.length} development ${(developmentApplications.length == 1) ? "application" : "applications"} from document: ${pdfUrl}`);

// Attempt to avoid reaching 512 MB memory usage (this will otherwise result in the
// current process being terminated by

if (global.gc)

console.log("Inserting development applications into the database.");
for (let developmentApplication of developmentApplications)
await insertRow(database, developmentApplication);

Expand Down

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