running on localhost at 2016/01/27 17:07:33 command line options: configFile=../Config/Simple.config >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RootDir = ".." ConfigDir = "$RootDir$/Config" DataDir = "$RootDir$/Data" OutputDir = "$RootDir$/Output" ModelDir = "$OutputDir$/Models" deviceId = 0 command = Simple_Demo_Train:Simple_Demo_Test precision = "float" traceLevel = 1 modelPath = "$ModelDir$/simple.dnn" outputNodeNames = ScaledLogLikelihood Simple_Demo_Train = [ action = "train" SimpleNetworkBuilder = [ layerSizes = 2:50*2:2 trainingCriterion = "CrossEntropyWithSoftmax" evalCriterion = "ErrorPrediction" layerTypes = "Sigmoid" initValueScale = 1.0 applyMeanVarNorm = true uniformInit = true needPrior = true ] SGD = [ epochSize = 0 minibatchSize = 25 learningRatesPerMB = 0.5:0.2*20:0.1 momentumPerMB = 0.9 dropoutRate = 0.0 maxEpochs = 10 ] reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "$DataDir$/SimpleDataTrain.txt" miniBatchMode = "partial" randomize = "auto" verbosity = 1 features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "$DataDir$/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] Simple_Demo_Test = [ action = "test" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "$DataDir$/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "$DataDir$/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] Simple_Demo_Output=[ action = "write" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "$DataDir$/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "$DataDir$/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] outputPath = "$OutputDir$/SimpleOutput" ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG (VARIABLES NOT RESOLVED) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RootDir = ".." ConfigDir = "../Config" DataDir = "../Data" OutputDir = "../Output" ModelDir = "../Output/Models" deviceId = 0 command = Simple_Demo_Train:Simple_Demo_Test precision = "float" traceLevel = 1 modelPath = "../Output/Models/simple.dnn" outputNodeNames = ScaledLogLikelihood Simple_Demo_Train = [ action = "train" SimpleNetworkBuilder = [ layerSizes = 2:50*2:2 trainingCriterion = "CrossEntropyWithSoftmax" evalCriterion = "ErrorPrediction" layerTypes = "Sigmoid" initValueScale = 1.0 applyMeanVarNorm = true uniformInit = true needPrior = true ] SGD = [ epochSize = 0 minibatchSize = 25 learningRatesPerMB = 0.5:0.2*20:0.1 momentumPerMB = 0.9 dropoutRate = 0.0 maxEpochs = 10 ] reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTrain.txt" miniBatchMode = "partial" randomize = "auto" verbosity = 1 features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] Simple_Demo_Test = [ action = "test" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] Simple_Demo_Output=[ action = "write" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] outputPath = "../Output/SimpleOutput" ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< RAW CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configparameters: Simple.config:command=Simple_Demo_Train:Simple_Demo_Test configparameters: Simple.config:ConfigDir=../Config configparameters: Simple.config:DataDir=../Data configparameters: Simple.config:deviceId=0 configparameters: Simple.config:ModelDir=../Output/Models configparameters: Simple.config:modelPath=../Output/Models/simple.dnn configparameters: Simple.config:OutputDir=../Output configparameters: Simple.config:outputNodeNames=ScaledLogLikelihood configparameters: Simple.config:precision=float configparameters: Simple.config:RootDir=.. configparameters: Simple.config:Simple_Demo_Output=[ action = "write" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] outputPath = "../Output/SimpleOutput" ] configparameters: Simple.config:Simple_Demo_Test=[ action = "test" reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTest.txt" randomize = "none" features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] configparameters: Simple.config:Simple_Demo_Train=[ action = "train" SimpleNetworkBuilder = [ layerSizes = 2:50*2:2 trainingCriterion = "CrossEntropyWithSoftmax" evalCriterion = "ErrorPrediction" layerTypes = "Sigmoid" initValueScale = 1.0 applyMeanVarNorm = true uniformInit = true needPrior = true ] SGD = [ epochSize = 0 minibatchSize = 25 learningRatesPerMB = 0.5:0.2*20:0.1 momentumPerMB = 0.9 dropoutRate = 0.0 maxEpochs = 10 ] reader = [ readerType = "UCIFastReader" file = "../Data/SimpleDataTrain.txt" miniBatchMode = "partial" randomize = "auto" verbosity = 1 features = [ dim = 2 start = 0 ] labels = [ start = 2 dim = 1 labelDim = 2 labelMappingFile = "../Data/SimpleMapping.txt" ] ] ] configparameters: Simple.config:traceLevel=1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PROCESSED CONFIG WITH ALL VARIABLES RESOLVED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< command: Simple_Demo_Train Simple_Demo_Test precision = float SimpleNetworkBuilder Using GPU 0 EXCEPTION occurred: ConfigValue (uint64_t): invalid input string ------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: cntk configFile=yourConfigFile For detailed information please consult the CNTK book "An Introduction to Computational Networks and the Computational Network Toolkit" -------------------------------------------------------------------