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Get context for your tab
Learn to context for your tab, context of user, team, or company, access information, retrieve context in private or shared channels, and handle theme change.

Get context for your tab

Your tab requires contextual information to display relevant content:

  • Basic information about the user, team, or company.
  • Locale and theme information.
  • The and page.subPageId that identify what is in this tab (known as entityId and subEntityId prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).

User context

Context about the user, team, or company can be especially useful when:

  • You create or associate resources in your app with the specified user or team.
  • You initiate an authentication flow from Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) or other identity provider, and you don't require the user to enter their username again.

For more information, see authenticate a user in your Microsoft Teams.


Although this user information can help provide a smooth user experience, you must not use it as proof of identity. For example, an attacker can load your page in a browser and render harmful information or requests.

Access context information

You can access context information in two ways:

Get context by inserting URL placeholder values

Use placeholders in your configuration or content URLs. Microsoft Teams replaces the placeholders with the relevant values when determining the actual configuration or content URL. The available placeholders include all fields on the context object. Common placeholders include the following properties:

  • {}: The developer-defined unique ID for the page defined when first configuring the page. (Known as {entityId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {page.subPageId}: The developer-defined unique ID for the subpage this content points defined when generating a deep link for a specific item within the page. (Known as {subEntityId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {user.loginHint}: A value suitable as a sign in hint for Azure AD. This is usually the login name of the current user in their home tenant. (Known as {loginHint} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {user.userPrincipalName}: The User Principal Name of the current user in the current tenant. (Known as {userPrincipalName} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {}: The Azure AD object ID of the current user in the current tenant. (Known as {userObjectId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {app.theme}: The current user interface (UI) theme such as default, dark, or contrast. (Known as {theme} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {team.groupId}: The ID of the Office 365 group in which the tab resides. (Known as {groupId} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0)
  • {}: The Azure AD tenant ID of the current user. (Known as {tid} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).
  • {app.locale}: The current locale of the user formatted as languageId-countryId, for example en-us. (Known as {locale} prior to TeamsJS v.2.0.0).


The previous {upn} placeholder is now deprecated. For backward compatibility, it is currently a synonym for {user.loginHint}.

For example, in your app manifest if you set your tab configurationUrl attribute to "{user.loginHint}&tenant={}&group={team.groupId}&theme={app.theme}" and the signed-in user has the following attributes:

  • Their username is
  • Their company tenant ID is e2653c-etc.
  • They're a member of the Office 365 group with ID 00209384-etc.
  • The user has set their Teams theme to dark.

. . . then Teams will call the following URL when configuring the tab:

Get context by using the Microsoft Teams JavaScript library

You can also retrieve the information listed above using the Microsoft Teams JavaScript client SDK by calling microsoftTeams.getContext(function(context) { /* ... */ }).

The following code provides an example of context variable:

    "teamId": "The Microsoft Teams ID in the format 19:[id]",
    "teamName": "The name of the current team",
    "channelId": "The channel ID in the format 19:[id]",
    "channelName": "The name of the current channel",
    "chatId": "The chat ID in the format 19:[id]",
    "locale": "The current locale of the user formatted as languageId-countryId (for example, en-us)",
    "entityId": "The developer-defined unique ID for the entity this content points to",
    "subEntityId": "The developer-defined unique ID for the sub-entity this content points to",
    "loginHint": "A value suitable as a login hint for Azure AD. This is usually the login name of the current user, in their home tenant",
    "userPrincipalName": "The principal name of the current user, in the current tenant",
    "userObjectId": "The Azure AD object id of the current user, in the current tenant",
    "tid": "The Azure AD tenant ID of the current user",
    "groupId": "Guid identifying the current Office 365 Group ID",
    "theme": "The current UI theme: default | dark | contrast",
    "isFullScreen": "Indicates if the tab is in full-screen",
    "teamType": "The type of team",
    "teamSiteUrl": "The root SharePoint site associated with the team",
    "teamSiteDomain": "The domain of the root SharePoint site associated with the team",
    "teamSitePath": "The relative path to the SharePoint site associated with the team",
    "channelRelativeUrl": "The relative path to the SharePoint folder associated with the channel",
    "sessionId": "The unique ID for the current Teams session for use in correlating telemetry data",
    "userTeamRole": "The user's role in the team",
    "isTeamArchived": "Indicates if team is archived",
    "hostClientType": "The type of host client. Possible values are android, ios, web, desktop, surfaceHub, teamsRoomsAndroid, teamsPhones, teamsDisplays rigel (deprecated, use teamsRoomsWindows instead)",
    "frameContext": "The context where tab URL is loaded (for example, content, task, setting, remove, sidePanel)",
    "sharepoint": "The SharePoint context is available only when hosted in SharePoint",
    "tenantSKU": "The license type for the current user tenant. Possible values are enterprise, free, edu, unknown",
    "userLicenseType": "The license type for the current user",
    "parentMessageId": "The parent message ID from which this task module is launched",
    "ringId": "The current ring ID",
    "appSessionId": "The unique ID for the current session used for correlating telemetry data",
    "isCallingAllowed": "Indicates if calling is allowed for the current logged in user",
    "isPSTNCallingAllowed": "Indicates if PSTN calling is allowed for the current logged in user",
    "meetingId": "The meeting ID used by tab when running in meeting context",
    "defaultOneNoteSectionId": "The OneNote section ID that is linked to the channel",
    "isMultiWindow": "The indication whether the tab is in a pop out window"


import { app, Context } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

app.getContext().then((context: Context) => {

Equivalent async/await pattern:

import { app, Context } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

async function example() {
  const context: Context = await app.getContext();


import { app, Context } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

app.getContext().then((context) => {

Equivalent async/await pattern:

import { app, Context } from "@microsoft/teams-js";

async function example() {
  const context = await app.getContext();


import * as microsoftTeams from "@microsoft/teams-js";

microsoftTeams.getContext((context: microsoftTeams.Context) => {
  /* ... */


import microsoftTeams from "@microsoft/teams-js";

microsoftTeams.getContext((context) => {
  /* ... */ 

The following table lists commonly used context properties of the context object:

TeamsJS v2 name TeamsJS v1 name Description
team.internalId teamId The Microsoft Teams ID for the team with which the content is associated.
team.displayName teamName The name for the team with which the content is associated. channelId The Microsoft Teams ID for the channel with which the content is associated.
channel.displayName channelName The name for the channel with which the content is associated. chatId The Microsoft Teams ID for the chat with which the content is associated.
app.locale locale The current locale that the user has configured for the app formatted as languageId-countryId (for example, en-us). entityId The developer-defined unique ID for the page this content points to.
page.subPageId subEntityId The developer-defined unique ID for the subpage this content points to. This field should be used to restore to a specific state within a page, such as scrolling to or activating a specific piece of content.
user.loginHint loginHint A value suitable for use as a login_hint when authenticating with Azure AD. Because a malicious party can run your content in a browser, this value should be used only as a hint as to who the user is and never as proof of identity. This field is available only when the identity permission is requested in the manifest.
user.userPrincipalName upn The UPN of the current user. This may be an externally authenticated UPN (for example, guest users). Because a malicious party runs your content in a browser, this value should be used only as a hint as to who the user is and never as proof of identity. This field is available only when the identity permission is requested in the manifest. userObjectId The Azure AD object ID of the current user. Because a malicious party runs your content in a browser, this value should be used only as a hint as to who the user is and never as proof of identity. This field is available only when the identity permission is requested in the manifest. tid The Azure AD tenant ID of the current user. Because a malicious party can run your content in a browser, this value should be used only as a hint as to who the user is and never as proof of identity. This field is available only when the identity permission is requested in the manifest.
team.groupId groupId The Office 365 group ID for the team with which the content is associated. This field is available only when the identity permission is requested in the manifest.
app.theme theme The current UI theme: default, dark, contrast
page.isFullScreen isFullScreen Indication whether the page is in full-screen mode.
team.type teamType The type of the team.
sharepointSite.teamSiteUrl teamSiteUrl The root SharePoint site associated with the team.
sharepointSite.teamSiteDomain teamSiteDomain The domain of the root SharePoint site associated with the team.
sharepointSite.teamSitePath teamSitePath The relative path to the SharePoint site associated with the team.
channel.relativeUrl channelRelativeUrl The relative path to the SharePoint folder associated with the channel. sessionId Unique ID for the current Host session for use in correlating telemetry data.
team.userRole userTeamRole The user's role in the team. Because a malicious party can run your content in a browser, this value should be used only as a hint as to the user's role, and never as proof of her role.
team.isArchived isTeamArchived Indicates whether team is archived. Apps should use this as a signal to prevent any changes to content associated with archived teams. hostClientType The type of the host client. Possible values are: android, ios, web, desktop, rigel
page.frameContext frameContext The context where page url is loaded (content, task, setting, remove, sidePanel)
sharepoint sharepoint SharePoint context. This is only available when hosted in SharePoint.
user.tenant.teamsSku tenantSKU The license type for the current user tenant. Possible values are enterprise, free, edu, unknown
user.licenseType userLicenseType The license type for the current user. Possible values are E1, E3, and E5 enterprise plans
app.parentMessageId parentMessageId The ID of the parent message from which this task module was launched. This is only available in task modules launched from bot cards. ringId Current ring ID.
app.sessionId appSessionId Unique ID for the current Host session for use in correlating telemetry data.
user.isCallingAllowed isCallingAllowed Represents whether calling is allowed for the current logged-in user.
user.isPSTNCallingAllowed isPSTNCallingAllowed Indicates if PSTN calling is allowed for the current user meetingId The meeting ID used by tab when running in meeting context.
channel.defaultOneNoteSectionId defaultOneNoteSectionId The OneNote section ID that is linked to the channel.
page.isMultiWindow isMultiWindow The indication whether the tab is in a pop out window.

For more information, see Updates to the Context interface and the Context interface API reference.

Retrieve context in private channels


Private channels are currently in private developer preview only.

When your content page is loaded in a private channel, the data you receive from the getContext call is obfuscated to protect the privacy of the channel.

The following fields are changed when your content page is in a private channel:

  • team.groupId: Undefined for private channels
  • team.internalId: Set to the threadId of the private channel
  • team.displayName: Set to the name of the private channel
  • sharepointSite.url: Set to the URL of a distinct, unique SharePoint site for the private channel
  • sharepointSite.path: Set to the path of a distinct, unique SharePoint site for the private channel
  • sharepointSite.domain: Set to the domain of a distinct, unique SharePoint site domain for the private channel

If your page makes use of any of these values, the value of channel.membershipType field must be Private to determine if your page is loaded in a private channel and can respond appropriately.

Retrieve context in Microsoft Teams Connect shared channels


Currently, Microsoft Teams Connect shared channels are in developer preview only.

When your content page is loaded in a Microsoft Teams Connect shared channel, the data you receive from the getContext call is altered due to the unique roster of users in shared channels. The following fields are changed when your content page is in a shared channel:

  • team.groupId: Undefined for shared channels.
  • team.internalId: Set to the threadId of the team, the channel is shared for the current user. If the user has access to multiple teams, this is set to the team that hosts (creates) the shared channel.
  • team.displayName: Set to the name of the team, the channel is shared for the current user. If the user has access to multiple teams, this is set to the team that hosts (creates) the shared channel.
  • sharepointSite.url: Set to the URL of a distinct, unique SharePoint site for the shared channel.
  • sharepointSite.path: Set to the path of a distinct, unique SharePoint site for the shared channel.
  • sharepointSite.domain: Set to the domain of a distinct, unique SharePoint site domain for the shared channel.

In addition to these field changes, there are two new fields available for shared channels:

  • hostTeamGroupId: Set to the team.groupId associated with the hosting team, or the team that created the shared channel. The property can make Microsoft Graph API calls retrieve membership of the shared channel.
  • hostTeamTenantId: Set to the channel.ownerTenantId associated with the hosting team, or the team that created the shared channel. The property can be cross-referenced with the current user's tenant ID found in the field of the context object to determine if the user is internal or external to the hosting team's tenant.

If your page makes use of any of these values, the value of channel.membershipType field must be Shared to determine if your page is loaded in a shared channel and can respond appropriately.


teamSiteUrl also works well for standard channels. If your page makes use of any of these values, the value of channelType field must be Shared to determine if your page is loaded in a shared channel and can respond appropriately.

Get context in shared channels

When the content UX is loaded in a shared channel, use the data received from getContext call for shared channel changes. If tab makes use of any of the following values, you must populate the channelType field to determine if the tab is loaded in a shared channel, and respond appropriately. For shared channels, the groupId value is null, since the host team's groupId doesn't accurately reflect the true membership of the shared channel. To address this, the hostTeamGroupID and hostTenantID properties are newly added and useful for making Microsoft Graph API calls to retrieve membership. hostTeam refers to the Team that created the shared channel. currentTeam refers to Team that the current user is accessing the shared channel from.

For more information about these concepts, see Shared channels.

Use the following getContext properties in shared channels:

Property Description
channelId The property is set to the SC channel thread ID.
channelType The property is set to sharedChannel for shared channels.
groupId The property is null for shared Channels.
hostTenantId The property is newly added and describes the host's tenant ID, useful for comparing against the current user's tid tenant ID property.
hostTeamGroupId The property is newly added and describes the host team’s Azure AD group ID, useful for making Microsoft Graph API calls to retrieve shared channel membership.
teamId The property is newly added and set to the thread ID of the current shared team.
teamName The property is set to current shared team's teamName.
teamType The property is set to current shared team's teamType.
teamSiteUrl The property describes the shared channel's channelSiteUrl.
teamSitePath The property describes the shared channel's channelSitePath.
teamSiteDomain The property describes the shared channel's channelSiteDomain.
tenantSKU The property describes the host team’s tenantSKU.
tid The property describes the current user’s tenant ID.
userObjectId The property describes current user’s ID.
userPrincipalName The property describes the current user’s UPN.

For more information on shared channels, see Shared channels.

Handle theme change

You can register your app to be informed if the theme changes by calling { /* ... */ }).

The theme argument in the function is a string with a value of default, dark, or contrast.

Next step

[!div class="nextstepaction"] Build tabs with Adaptive Cards

See also