diff --git a/Instructions/Labs/AZ400_M09_L16_Monitoring_Application_Performance_with_Application_Insights.md b/Instructions/Labs/AZ400_M09_L16_Monitoring_Application_Performance_with_Application_Insights.md index ed1a4289..92369739 100644 --- a/Instructions/Labs/AZ400_M09_L16_Monitoring_Application_Performance_with_Application_Insights.md +++ b/Instructions/Labs/AZ400_M09_L16_Monitoring_Application_Performance_with_Application_Insights.md @@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ In this task, you will add a YAML build definition to the existing project. - Validate **App Service Type** points to Web App on Windows. - in the **App Service name** dropdown list, select the name of the web app you deployed earlier in the lab (**az400eshoponweb...). - in the **Package or folder** text box, **update** the Default Value to `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/Web.zip`. + - Expand **Application and Configuration Settings** and add the value `-UseOnlyInMemoryDatabase true -ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Development` 1. Confirm the settings from the Assistant pane by clicking the **Add** button. > **Note**: This will automatically add the deployment task to the YAML pipeline definition. @@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ In this task, you will add a YAML build definition to the existing project. appType: 'webApp' WebAppName: 'az400eshoponWeb369825031' packageForLinux: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/Web.zip' + AppSettings: '-UseOnlyInMemoryDatabase true -ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Development' ``` > **Note**: The **packageForLinux** parameter is misleading in the context of this lab, but it is valid for Windows or Linux.