A modern UPNP client made in Typescript. Compatible with both ESM and CommonJS.
- UpnpDeviceClient: to connect to any UPNP devices
- UpnpMediaRendererClient: to play medias on UPNP devices
- also includes DLNA helpers
$ npm install upnp-client-ts
import upnp from 'upnp-client';
// Instantiate a client with a device description URL (discovered by SSDP)
const client = new upnp.UpnpDeviceClient('');
// Get the device description
const deviceDescription = await client.getDeviceDescription();
// Get the device's AVTransport service description
const serviceDescription = await client.getServiceDescription('AVTransport');
// Call GetMediaInfo on the AVTransport service
const callActionResponse = await client.callAction('AVTransport', 'GetMediaInfo', { InstanceID: 0 });
const listener = (event: UpnpEvent) => {
await client.subscribe('AVTransport', listener);
// Will receive events like { InstanceID: 0, TransportState: 'PLAYING' } when playing media
await client.unsubscribe('AVTransport', listener);
import upnp from 'upnp-client';
const client = new upnp.UpnpMediaRendererClient('');
const options = {
autoplay: true,
contentType: 'audio/flac',
dlnaFeatures: dlnaContentFeatures, // see below for dlnaHelpers
metadata: {
title: 'My song',
creator: 'My creator',
artist: 'My artist',
album: 'My album',
albumArtURI: '',
type: 'audio'
await client.load('', options);
await client.loadNext('', options);
await client.pause();
await client.play();
await client.stop();
await client.next();
await client.previous();
await client.seek(60);
// you can also call any AVTransport action supported by your device
const response = await client.callAVTransport('YourCustomAVTransportCall', {
InstanceID: client.instanceId
You can generate DLNA flags and features thanks to the provided helpers, for instance:
const dlnaContentFeatures =
`${upnp.dlnaHelpers.getDlnaSeekModeFeature('range')};` +
`${upnp.dlnaHelpers.getDlnaTranscodeFeature(false)};` +
In the metadata you're passing to your speaker, make sure to avoid using accents and special characters.
Here is a simple helper you could use:
const escapeSpecialChars = (value: string) => {
return value
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '') // remove all accents from characters
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/’/g, "'");
Run with debug traces
$ DEBUG=true node index.js
This project is based on the awesome work from @thibauts.
Corentin Mors |