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Sergey Mikolaytis edited this page Dec 18, 2018 · 20 revisions

Hello everyone, here I will try to describe in detail everything that relates to integration with Laitis and answer in advance possible questions.

Most integration cases can be solved by creating commands, the other cases are solved by creating Laitis Extensions.

Typical cases:

I have a smart house and I want to turn on a lamp in my living room using voice command.

  • If the smart house has a web interface and can accept web requests - create the command Enable the lamp which will execute the HTTP request to the smart home server (for details see the article" Server that processing web requests from Laitis ").
  • Write a simple program/script in any language, which will send a command to a smart house at startup in a format convenient for you. In Laitis, create a command that will run your program or script.

I own a pizza delivery network and I want to order a pizza by executing some voice commands over Laitis.

  • If you have a website for ordering pizza - you can cover the website with management voice commands and create a collection (for details see the article "How to Create Website Management Voice Commands in Laitis").

  • If you want to ask the user first: What kind of pizza do you want? Where to deliver? and so on, create commands that extract all the information and store it in user variables, and with the command Confirm order, you can send an HTTP request or open a web site with order parameters in the link (for details see the article" How to create consecutive commands in Laitis ").

I want to conduct a social experiment and ask the users of Laitis to answer several questions verbally.

I have a service, and it notifies about especially important events. I want them to be pronounced via Laitis.

Let your service send URL requests to Laitis:

  • Send to Laitis actions to say/pronounce
  • Send to Laitis phrases, as if they were told by the user in the microphone, and on the part of Laitis, create commands for these phrases.

I am the creator of 3D games for PCs and I want to be able to fully play it using voice through Laitis.

  • Create a collection of commands for your game in Laitis, send to the game keyboard shortcuts or immediately voice commands through the HTTP protocol.
  • Your games can work like service and send to Laitis various actions when something happens in the game.

I'm the creator of the website and I want it to be fully surfed with voice via Laitis.

I am a developer of a new management system in the enterprise and I want my grandmothers, who do not know the computer well, to communicate with him in their native language.

  • You can create a collection of commands in Laitis, in which there will be commands to manage your management system. If you have a program for Windows - send shortcuts or just voice commands to the program via the HTTP protocol. If not the program, but the website, read the article "How to Create Website Management Voice Commands in Laitis".
  • Your program can work like service and send to Laitis various actions when something happens in the game.

I am an entrepreneur and I want to flood the city with terminals on Windows for children with games and contests.

  • Your program can work like service and send to Laitis various actions when something happens in the game.

I want to create an application on Android/iOS that will use Siri/Ok Google/Bigsbi to send commands to Laitis, and control the computer through the phone from a distance.

  • Your app can send commands directly to Laitis over URL requests.
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