diff --git a/src/iapws_g704.f90 b/src/iapws_g704.f90 index 5d6fa21..633e7cc 100644 --- a/src/iapws_g704.f90 +++ b/src/iapws_g704.f90 @@ -128,14 +128,11 @@ module iapws__g704 pure function findgas_abc(gas, abc)result(value) !! Find the index of the gas in the ABC table. implicit none - character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas - !! Gas. - type(abc_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: abc - !! ABC table. - integer(int32) :: value - !! index of the gas. + + character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas !! Gas. + type(abc_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: abc !! ABC table. + integer(int32) :: value !! index of the gas. - !! local variables integer(int32) :: i value = 0 @@ -151,12 +148,11 @@ pure function findgas_abc(gas, abc)result(value) pure function findgas_efgh(gas, efgh)result(value) !! Find the index of the gas in the ABC table. implicit none - character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas - !! Gas. - type(efgh_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: efgh - !! EFGH table. - integer(int32) :: value - !! index of gas. + + character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas !! Gas. + type(efgh_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: efgh !! EFGH table. + integer(int32) :: value !! index of gas. + integer(int32) :: i value = 0 @@ -172,10 +168,9 @@ pure function findgas_efgh(gas, efgh)result(value) pure elemental function f_p1star_H2O(T)result(value) !! Compute p1* in H2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - real(dp) :: value - !! p1* in MPa. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + real(dp) :: value !! p1* in MPa. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -188,10 +183,9 @@ pure elemental function f_p1star_H2O(T)result(value) pure elemental function f_p1star_D2O(T)result(value) !! Compute p1* in D2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - real(dp) :: value - !! p1* in MPa. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + real(dp) :: value !! p1* in MPa. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -204,12 +198,10 @@ pure elemental function f_p1star_D2O(T)result(value) pure elemental function f_kh_p1star_H2O(T, abc)result(value) !! Compute kh/p1* in H2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc - !! ABC coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kH/p1* adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc !! ABC coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kH/p1* adimensional. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -222,12 +214,10 @@ pure elemental function f_kh_p1star_H2O(T, abc)result(value) pure elemental function f_kh_p1star_D2O(T, abc)result(value) !! Compute kh/p1* in D2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc - !! ABC coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kh/p1* adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc !! ABC coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kh/p1* adimensional. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -240,56 +230,48 @@ pure elemental function f_kh_p1star_D2O(T, abc)result(value) pure elemental function ft_H2O(tau)result(value) !! Compute f(t) for H2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: tau - !! tau = 1-T/Tr. - real(dp) :: value - !! f(t) is adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: tau !! tau = 1-T/Tr. + real(dp) :: value !! f(t) is adimensional. value = sum(cidi_H2O(:,1) * tau**(cidi_H2O(:,2))) end function pure elemental function ft_D2O(tau)result(value) !! Compute f(t) for D2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: tau - !! tau = 1-T/Tr. - real(dp) :: value - !! f(t) is adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: tau !! tau = 1-T/Tr. + real(dp) :: value !! f(t) is adimensional. value = sum(cidi_D2O(:,1) * tau**(cidi_D2O(:,2))) end function pure elemental function f_kh_H2O(T, abc)result(value) !! Compute kH in H2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc - !! ABC coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kH in MPa. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc !! ABC coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kH in MPa. value = f_kh_p1star_H2O(T, abc) * f_p1star_H2O(T) end function pure elemental function f_kh_D2O(T, abc)result(value) !! Compute kH in D2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc - !! ABC coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kH in MPa. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(abc_t), intent(in) :: abc !! ABC coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kH in MPa. value = f_kh_p1star_D2O(T, abc) * f_p1star_D2O(T) end function pure elemental function f_kd_H2O(T, efgh) result(value) !! Compute kd in H2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(efgh_t), intent(in) :: efgh - !! EFGH coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kD adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(efgh_t), intent(in) :: efgh !! EFGH coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kD adimensional. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -313,12 +295,10 @@ pure elemental function f_kd_H2O(T, efgh) result(value) pure elemental function f_kd_D2O(T, efgh) result(value) !! Compute kd in D2O. implicit none - real(dp), intent(in) :: T - !! Temperature in K. - type(efgh_t), intent(in) :: efgh - !! EFGH coefficients. - real(dp) :: value - !! kD adimensional. + + real(dp), intent(in) :: T !! Temperature in K. + type(efgh_t), intent(in) :: efgh !! EFGH coefficients. + real(dp) :: value !! kD adimensional. real(dp) :: Tr real(dp) :: tau @@ -343,13 +323,11 @@ pure subroutine kh(T, gas, heavywater, k) !! Compute the henry constant kH for a given temperature. implicit none - ! arguments real(dp), intent(in) :: T(:) !! Temperature in K. character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas !! Gas. integer(int32), intent(in) :: heavywater !! Flag if D2O (1) is used or H2O(0). real(dp), intent(out) :: k(:) !! Henry constant. Filled with NaNs if gas not found. - ! variables integer(int32) :: i if(heavywater > 0)then @@ -374,13 +352,11 @@ pure subroutine kd(T, gas, heavywater, k) !! Compute the vapor-liquid constant kd for a given temperature. implicit none - ! arguments real(dp), intent(in) :: T(:) !! Temperature in K. character(len=*), intent(in) :: gas !! Gas. integer(int32), intent(in) :: heavywater !! Flag if D2O (1) is used or H2O(0). real(dp), intent(out) :: k(:) !! Vapor-liquid constant. Filled with NaNs if gas not found. - ! variables integer(int32) :: i if(heavywater > 0)then @@ -405,11 +381,8 @@ pure function ngases(heavywater)result(n) !! Returns the number of gases. implicit none - ! arguments - integer(int32), intent(in) :: heavywater - !! Flag if D2O (1) is used or H2O(0). - integer(int32) :: n - !! Number of gases. + integer(int32), intent(in) :: heavywater !! Flag if D2O (1) is used or H2O(0). + integer(int32) :: n !! Number of gases. if(heavywater > 0)then n = ngas_D2O