To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
It's an Extension helper for UIImageView to Upload an image when post to server
1.Set progress and image
imgView.uploadImage(UIImage.init(named: "app_icon_60")!, progress: progress)
2.Set Upload completed With function
1.imgView.uploadCompleted(2.0) // Duration
2.imgView.uploadCompleted() // Default Duration 0.3
3.Set Upload failed with function
1.imgView.uploadImageFail(2.0) // Duration
2.imgView.uploadImageFail() // Default Duration 0.3
4.Upload Completed block
imgView.completedBlock = {
print("Upload Finish")
5.Upload Failed block
imgView.failBlock = {
print("Upload Fail")
6.Set Progress Style
public enum LoadingStyle {
case Sector
case CenterExpand
case CenterShrink
case RoundWith(lineWdith:CGFloat,lineColor:UIColor)
case Wave
} = .Sector = .RoundWith(lineWdith: 5, lineColor: UIColor.yellowColor()) = .Wave
Convenience for Button Image Extension
public func uploadImage(image: UIImage, progress: Float)
public func uploadImageFail()
public func uploadImageFail(duration: CFTimeInterval)
public func uploadCompleted()
public func uploadCompleted(duration: CFTimeInterval)
public func completedBlock(completed: (() -> Void)?)
public func failedBlock(completed: (() -> Void)?)
public func setStyle(style: MMUploadImage.LoadingStyle)
public func setAutoCompleted(isAuto: Bool)
MMUploadImage is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Swift 3
pod 'MMUploadImage'
Swift 2.3
pod 'MMUploadImage', '~> 1.0'
MMUploadImage is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.