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ServerListPlus v3.4

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@stephan-gh stephan-gh released this 20 Oct 15:06
· 309 commits to master since this release

First off, I would like to apologize for the long delay without updates. I've been really busy with other projects, and time was just too short to test it as itensively as I always did for the updates before. After testing that most things are working, I've decided to release this now instead of holding it back any longer, so keep in mind there might be still some smaller bugs.

Future versions of ServerListPlus may require Java 8 instead of Java 7. If you're still using Java 7 you should update as soon as possible if you want to be able to use all future updates of ServerListPlus.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


  • Player names persist now after restarts. They're saved in a local file. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled if wanted in the plugin configuration by setting Storage.Enabled to false.
  • Fixed random player placeholder and added new player list placeholder
  • Fixed skins not updating when using the player head icons from the plugin directly. This was because it was still using the older skin servers. You can also use "steve" or "alex" instead of "char" now to get one of the default ones.
  • Fixed a bug happening occasionally when using the %online@world% placeholder on Bukkit.
  • Fixed online placeholder not accepting dashes in server name.
  • Added new UUID placeholders
  • Added support for CanaryMod and experimental support for Sponge (not included in this release)
  • Various fixes and stability / performance improvements.