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Smart-Contract Kit/Lib for Cardano with Full-Node, Rust Modular-Toolbox, Cardano-Launcher, and Hydra POC


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Research and Development (WIP) libraries of Solidity smart-contracts for the Cardano KEVM and Blockchain. This repository includes Rust-Cardano (Modular Toolbox), Cardano-Launcher, Hydra POC node, 2 jormungandr node implementations, and a Cardano Full-Node, Which is the core component used to participate in the Cardano decentralized blockchain.

Just like Bitcoin, Cardano uses the UTXO (unspent transaction output) model where the inputs are unspent outputs from previous transactions. However, the network has expanded upon this to employ an extended UTXO model (EUTXO) which offers unique advantages over other accounting models.

Without going too deep into the technicalities of it, the EUTXO model essentially allows the validity of transactions to be checked off-chain before the transaction is sent to the blockchain. This is in contrast to Ethereum Layer 1 which processes transactions all on-chain. Transaction execution costs can be also determined off-chain before transmission which is another unique feature.

Plutus Core will be used to define the parameters of these EUTXO transactions and compile the code developed for smart contracts. A Plutus Application Framework (PAF) will provide easy access to services and applications running on the network with full web browser interoperability.

Cardano launched native tokens on March 1st,2021 ‘Mary’ upgrade to allow users to create uniquely defined custom tokens and carry out transactions with them. Plutus will expand on current token capabilities, vastly improving minting policies which will be beneficial for NFTs which may need time locks.

Cardano Alonzo Upgrade - Successful (09-12-2021)

Plutus is part of the Alonzo upgrade, a major upgrade stage on the Cardano roadmap which introduces smart contracts and the ability to build dapps. In an earlier blog post, the team hinted at a timeline:


“May and June will be a time for quality assurance and testing with users, which will be followed by a feature freeze lasting for four weeks. This will provide crypto exchanges and wallets with the time to upgrade and prepare for the Alonzo protocol update. We expect the Alonzo upgrade (hard fork) to happen in late summer 2021, Following the Mainnet release of 'Mary' on March 1, 2021."


🚧 Hydra Proof of Concept (POC) 🚧

A home to our colorful experiments and prototypes.

⚠️ Disclaimer

This is prototypical and exploratory work shared here for your interest. Although we might create a prototype for a hydra-node in here, some experiments have not a clear goal or usage in mind. We do not provide documentation or support for the artifacts created here by purpose as we also intend to throw away / discontinue use when we start building the final product. Please note the code quality seen around here is not representative of our best practices and you will find many code smells and dirtyhacks. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

👷‍♂️ Development

We provide a shell.nix to set up a development environment. So a simple call to nix-shell should put everything in place for building, testing and general development.

Make sure the following caches are listed in your nix.conf for a speedy setup:

substituters =
trusted-public-keys =

Also, some of us use direnv and nix-direnv to automatically import the nix-shell environment into our favorite shell or editor.

Building & Testing

cabal build and cabal test should work as expected

Important Notice *

Experimental repository under active research & development, may update frequently. (Some files may be missing or hidden) consider work in progress.


Cardano Full-Node (README.rst)

Integration of the ledger, consensus, networking and node shell repositories.

Logging is provided as a feature by the node shell to the other packages.

The cardano-node is the top level for the node and aggregates the other components from other packages: consensus, ledger and networking, with configuration, CLI, logging and monitoring.

The node no longer incorporates wallet or explorer functionality. The wallet backend and explorer backend are separate components that run in separate external processes that communicate with the node via local IPC.

Network Configuration, Genesis and Topology Files

The latest supported networks can be found at []

How to build Documentation for building the node can be found here.

Linux Executable You can download the latest version of cardano-node and cardano-cli here.

Also Windows Executable


The download includes cardano-node.exe and a .dll. To run the node with cardano-node run you need to reference a few files and directories as arguments. These can be copied from the cardano-node repo into the executables directory. The command to run the node on mainnet looks like this:

cardano-node.exe run --topology ./mainnet-topology.json --database-path ./state --port 3001 --config ./configuration-mainnet.yaml --socket-path \.\pipe\cardano-node cardano-node

This refers to the client that is used for running a node.

The general synopsis is as follows:

Usage: cardano-node run [--topology FILEPATH] [--database-path FILEPATH] [--socket-path FILEPATH] [--byron-delegation-certificate FILEPATH] [--byron-signing-key FILEPATH] [--shelley-kes-key FILEPATH] [--shelley-vrf-key FILEPATH] [--shelley-operational-certificate FILEPATH] [[--host-addr HOST-NAME] [--port PORT]] [--config NODE-CONFIGURATION] [--validate-db] Run the node. --topology - Filepath to a topology file describing which peers the node should connect to. --database-path - Path to the blockchain database. --byron-delegation-certificate - Optional path to the Byron delegation certificate. The delegation certificate allows the delegator (the issuer of said certificate) to give his/her own block signing rights to somebody else (the delegatee). The delegatee can then sign blocks on behalf of the delegator. --byron-signing-key - Optional path to the Bryon signing key. --shelley-signing-key - Optional path to the Shelley signing key. --shelley-kes-key - Optional path to the Shelley KES signing key. --shelley-vrf-key - Optional path to the Shelley VRF signing key. --shelley-operational-certificate - Optional path to the Shelley operational certificate. --socket-path - Path to the socket file. --host-addr - Optionally specify your node's IPv4 or IPv6 address. --port - Specify which port to assign to the node. --config - Specify the filepath to the config .yaml file. This file is responsible for all the other node's required settings. See examples in configuration (e.g. config-0.yaml). --validate-db - Flag to revalidate all on-disk database files

Configuration .yaml files

The --config flag points to a .yaml file that is responsible to configuring the logging & other important settings for the node. E.g. see the Byron mainnet configuration in this configuration.yaml. Some of the more important settings are as follows:

Protocol: RealPBFT -- Protocol the node will execute

RequiresNetworkMagic: RequiresNoMagic -- Used to distinguish between mainnet (RequiresNoMagic) and testnets (RequiresMagic)

Logging Logs are output to the logs/ dir.

Profiling & statistics

Profiling data and RTS run stats are stored in the profile/ dir.

Please see scripts/ for how to obtain profiling information using the scripts.

Scripts Please see scripts/ for information on the various scripts.


A CLI utility to support a variety of key material operations (genesis, migration, pretty-printing..) for different system generations. Usage documentation can be found at cardano-cli/

The general synopsis is as follows:

Usage: cardano-cli (Byron specific commands | Shelley specific commands | Miscellaneous commands)

NOTE: the exact invocation command depends on the environment. If you have only built cardano-cli, without installing it, then you have to prepend cabal run -- before :code:cardano-cli. We henceforth assume that the necessary environment-specific adjustment has been made, so we only mention cardano-cli.

The subcommands are subdivided in groups, and their full list can be seen in the output of cardano-cli --help.

All subcommands have help available. For example:

cabal v2-run -- cardano-cli -- byron key migrate-delegate-key-from --help

cardano-cli -- byron key migrate-delegate-key-from Usage: cardano-cli byron key migrate-delegate-key-from (--byron-legacy-formats | --byron-formats) --from FILEPATH (--byron-legacy-formats | --byron-formats) --to FILEPATH Migrate a delegate key from an older version.

Available options: --byron-legacy-formats Byron/cardano-sl formats and compatibility --byron-formats Byron era formats and compatibility --from FILEPATH Signing key file to migrate. --byron-legacy-formats Byron/cardano-sl formats and compatibility --byron-formats Byron era formats and compatibility --to FILEPATH Non-existent file to write the signing key to. -h,--help Show this help text

Genesis operations


The Byron genesis generation operations will create a directory that contains:

genesis.json: The genesis JSON file itself. avvm-seed..seed: Ada Voucher Vending Machine seeds (secret). Affected by --avvm-entry-count and --avvm-entry-balance. delegate-keys..key: Delegate private keys. Affected by: --n-delegate-addresses. delegation-cert..json: Delegation certificates. Affected by: --n-delegate-addresses. genesis-keys..key: Genesis stake private keys. Affected by: --n-delegate-addresses, --total-balance. poor-keys.*.key: Non-delegate private keys with genesis UTxO. Affected by: --n-poor-addresses, --total-balance. More details on the Byron Genesis JSON file can be found in docs/reference/

Byron genesis delegation and related concepts are described in detail in:


The canned scripts/benchmarking/ example provides a nice set of defaults and illustrates available options.

Key operations

Note that key operations do not support password-protected keys.

Signing key generation & verification key extraction

Signing keys can be generated using the keygen subcommand. Extracting a verification key out of the signing key is performed by the to-verification subcommand.

Delegate key migration

In order to continue using a delegate key from the Byron Legacy era in the new implementation, it needs to be migrated over, which is done by the migrate-delegate-key-from subcommand:

$ cabal v2-run -- cardano-cli byron key migrate-delegate-key-from --byron-legacy-formats --from --byron-formats --to Signing key queries One can gather information about a signing key's properties through the signing-key-public and signing-key-address subcommands (the latter requires the network magic):

$ cabal v2-run -- cardano-cli byron signing-key-public --byron-formats --secret

public key hash: a2b1af0df8ca764876a45608fae36cf04400ed9f413de2e37d92ce04 public key: sc4pa1pAriXO7IzMpByKo4cG90HCFD465Iad284uDYz06dHCqBwMHRukReQ90+TA/vQpj4L1YNaLHI7DS0Z2Vg==

$ cabal v2-run -- cardano-cli signing-key-address --byron-formats --secret key0.pbft --testnet-magic 42

2cWKMJemoBakxhXgZSsMteLP9TUvz7owHyEYbUDwKRLsw2UGDrG93gPqmpv1D9ohWNddx VerKey address with root e5a3807d99a1807c3f161a1558bcbc45de8392e049682df01809c488, attributes: AddrAttributes { derivation path: {} }



Transactions can be created via the issue-genesis-utxo-expenditure & issue-utxo-expenditure commands.

The easiest way to create a transaction is via the scripts/benchmarking/ script as follows:

./scripts/benchmarking/ transaction_file

NB: This by default creates a transaction based on configuration/defaults/liveview/config-0.yaml

If you do not have a genesis_file you can run scripts/benchmarking/ which will create an example genesis_file for you. The script scripts/benchmarking/ has defaults for all the requirements of the issue-genesis-utxo-expenditure command.


The submit-tx subcommand provides the option of submitting a pre-signed transaction, in its raw wire format (see GenTx for Byron transactions).

The canned scripts/benchmarking/ script will submit the supplied transaction to a testnet launched by scripts/benchmarking/ script.

Issuing UTxO expenditure (genesis and regular)

To make a transaction spending UTxO, you can either use the:

issue-genesis-utxo-expenditure, for genesis UTxO issue-utxo-expenditure, for normal UTxO subcommands directly, or, again use canned scripts that will make transactions tailored for the aforementioned testnet cluster:

scripts/benchmarking/ scripts/benchmarking/ The script requires the target file name to write the transaction to, input TxId (for normal UTxO), and optionally allows specifying the source txin output index, source and target signing keys and lovelace value to send.

The target address defaults to the 1-st richman key (configuration/delegate-keys.001.key) of the testnet, and lovelace amount is almost the entirety of its funds.

Local node queries

You can query the tip of your local node via the get-tip command as follows

Open tmux Run cabal build cardano-node Run ./scripts/benchmarking/ cabal exec cardano-cli -- get-tip --config configuration/defaults/liveview/config-0.yaml --socket-path socket/0 You will see output from stdout in this format:

Current tip: Block hash: 4ab21a10e1b25e39 Slot: 6 Block number: 5 Update proposals Update proposal creation A Byron update proposal can be created as follows:

cardano-cli -- byron node create-update-proposal --config NODE-CONFIGURATION --signing-key FILEPATH --protocol-version-major WORD16 --protocol-version-minor WORD16 --protocol-version-alt WORD8 --application-name STRING --software-version-num WORD32 --system-tag STRING --installer-hash HASH --filepath FILEPATH ..

The mandatory arguments are config, signing-key, protocol-version-major, protocol-version-minor, protocol-version-alt, application-name, software-version-num, system-tag, installer-hash and filepath.

The remaining arguments are optional parameters you want to update in your update proposal.

You can also check your proposal's validity using the validate-cbor command. See: Validate CBOR files.

See the Byron specification for more details on update proposals.

Update proposal submission

You can submit your proposal using the submit-update-proposal command.


cardano-cli -- byron node submit-update-proposal --config configuration/defaults/mainnet/configuration.yaml --filepath my-update-proposal --socket-path socket/0

The socket path must either be specified as an argument (--socket-path) or specified in the supplied config file.

See the Byron specification for more deatils on update proposals.

Update proposal voting

You can create and submit byron update proposal votes with the create-proposal-vote & submit-proposal-vote commands. The following are two example commands:

Byron vote creation:

cabal exec cardano-cli -- byron node create-proposal-vote --config configuration/defaults/liveview/config-0.yaml --signing-key configuration/defaults/liveview/genesis/delegate-keys.000.key --proposal-filepath ProtocolUpdateProposalFile --vote-yes --output-filepath UpdateProposalVoteFile Byron vote submission:

cabal exec cardano-cli -- byron node submit-proposal-vote --config configuration/defaults/liveview/config-0.yaml --filepath UpdateProposalVoteFile --socket-path socket/node-0-socket


run ghcid with: ghcid -c "cabal v2-repl exe:cardano-node --reorder-goals"


cardano-node is essentially a container which implements several components such networking, consensus, and storage. These components have individual test coverage. The node goes through integration and release testing by Devops/QA while automated CLI tests are ongoing alongside development.

Developers on cardano-node can launch their own testnets or run the chairman tests locally.

Chairman tests Debugging Pretty printing CBOR encoded files

It may be useful to print the on chain representations of blocks, delegation certificates, txs and update proposals. There are two commands that do this (for any cbor encoded file):

To pretty print as CBOR: cabal exec cardano-cli -- pretty-print-cbor --filepath CBOREncodedFile

Validate CBOR files

You can validate Byron era blocks, delegation certificates, txs and update proposals with the validate-cbor command.

cabal exec cardano-cli -- validate-cbor --byron-block 21600 --filepath CBOREncodedByronBlockFile

Native Token Pre-Production Environment

Thanks for your interest in building native tokens on Cardano. To help you get started we have compiled a handy list of resources:

Cardano Forum discussion forum

Developer Documentation for Native Tokens

Please note that over the holiday period, technical support for the pre-production environment and token builder tool will be extremely limited. Support is unavailable between the dates of 23rd - 27th December and 31 December - 3rd January inclusive. Outside these hours, our technical and community teams will be periodically checking in on the GitHub repo and dedicated Cardano Forum discussion forum, to expedite any urgent queries or requests. We encourage you to draw on community feedback and support as much as possible.

If you require test ada during this period, please fill out this form and you will be sent your test ada. Note that until the wallet backend is fully integrated, this is an essentially manual process and there may therefore be some delay before the request is processed. For technical reasons, it may only be possible to fund newly created addresses that have been properly set up on the Pre-Production Environment. Unfortunately, since the form only records payment addresses, it will not be possible to contact you if the funding attempt fails, or to notify you that it has succeeded. Please check that you have submitted the address correctly, and retry if you need to

API Documentation

The API documentation is published here.

The documentation is built with each push, but is only published from master branch. In order to test if the documentation is working, build the documentation locally with ./scripts/ and open haddocks/index.html in the browser.




OpenZeppelin OpenZeppelin Contracts Upgradeable


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 []


  1. Definitions.

    "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.

    "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.

    "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.

    "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.

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  7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.

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APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.

  To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
  boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
  replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
  the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
  comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
  file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
  same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
  identification within third-party archives.

Copyright (c) 2021 Justin Mitchell

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.