EMNLP 2020 Findings
We provide the reproduce code for proposed SBM model Before reproducing, make sure the below python packages installed
Version: 1.5.0
Version: 2.5.1
To trained our proposed model, follow the step below
- Clone the repositorry with git lfs
git lfs clone
- cd in Zero-Shot-Rationalization-By-QA/
- Download train-v2.0.json and dev-v2.0.json from SQuAD2.0 webpage and put them into data/
- preprocessing all data, run
- To train the model, run
You can chage the using GPU and other hyperparameters in this shell script - The best model(with lowest valid loss) will happen in the second or third epochs, check the output when training to select the best model
- The model will be store in Zero-Shot-Rationalization-By-QA/model_merge3/ and in that directory, model_0.pickle is the first epoch model, model_1.pickle is the second, and so on.
After training is dene, the model will be saved in Zero-Shot-Rationalization-By-QA/model_merge3/ , pick the best model from output valid loss and change the --predict_model in _run_beer_reason.sh and _run_movie_reason.sh
To extract the rationales using our model, follow the steps below
- run appearance(0), aroma(1), palate(2)
./_run_beer_reason.sh 0
The first input argument is the choosing aspects, 0 is appearance, 1 is aroma, 2 is palate. The output will be store in software/predict_beer_[0/1/2].json - The output from stdout will contain AVG Len, you can scale the --want_len in ./_run_beer_reason.sh script to acquire rationales with different highlighted ratio. For example, since the avg context length is 127, if you want a 10% highlighted rationales, the output AVG Len should be 12. If 20% highlighted rationales is expected, the output AVG Len should be 25.
To extract the rationales using our model, simply execute the command below:
The output will be store in software/predict_movie.json
Before running code, please download the data/ directory and move it under software/ directory, both are provided as a zip file when submit the paper. And make sure the data list below was download and placed in the data/ directory
- train-v2.0.json (Not provided)
- Download it from https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/
- dev-v2.0.json (Not provided)
- Download it from https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/
We use the data provided by the paper ("Rationalizing Neural Predictions". Tao Lei, Regina Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola. EMNLP 2016), the link of data can be find in http://people.csail.mit.edu/taolei/beer/
- annotations.json (Provided)
- Directly download from the link above, is already in the data directory
- reviews.mixed3.txt (Provided)
- randomly picked 20000 data from reviews.aspect0.train.txt, reviews.aspect1.train.txt, reviews.aspect2.train.txt and merge together
- reviews.mixed_heldout.txt (Provided)
- randomly picked 20000 data from reviews.aspect0.heldout.txt, reviews.aspect1.heldout.txt, reviews.aspect2.heldout.txt and merge together
We use the data provide from https://www.kaggle.com/lakshmi25npathi/imdb-dataset-of-50k-movie-reviews as training and valid data, and use the data provided in (ERASER benchmark)http://www.eraserbenchmark.com as test data
- IMDB_dataset.csv (Provided)
- Downloaded directly from the above link, contains 50000 data for training and validation
- movie_sentence_layer_test.json (Provided)
- We split each sentence in the test data provided by ERASER to form a dataset in SQuAD 2.0 format. This is used to feed into our model for rationalizing
- movie_rationale.pickle (Provided)
- We extract the labeled rationales in test data and store it into a dictionary
all codes needed for reproduce our experiment is provided in software/
- script/train.py
- Include model structure, training process and predict process
- script/data_preproc.py
- script forr data preprocessing
- script/evaluate_qa.py
- script contains evaluation metrics
- script/process_beer.py
- preprocessing for beer training and valid data
- script/process_movie.py
- preprocessing for movie training and valid data
- script/ask_beer_reason.py
- Creating SQuAD format data for beer rationalization
- make_data.sh
- run to preprocces data for training and testing
- _run_train.sh
- run to train our model
- _run_beer_reason.sh
- shell script for beer rationale prediction, and evaluate the IOU F1 and Token F1 scores
- _run_movie_reason.sh
- shell script for movie rationale prediction, and evaluate the IOU F1 and Token F1 scores