Some resources discussing the basics of finding and realizing AI Opportunities
PWC predicts AI will be a game changer - and honestly, with ChatGPT on the scene and THE big hype end of 2022/beginning of 2023, there can be only little doubt about the importance of AI on all kinds of aspects of value creation. It can certainly help you code against the Microsoft Graph API and Azure, as I found out.
So you see, interesting times ahead. The main question will be, can you afford not to be part of this (r)evolution? Some related reads as follow.
Explanations of "AI Opportunity Mapping Design Sprints" and why you should have them
On why and how Intelligent Automation adds operational exellence to the ML advancements
Want to learn more? Well, you probably need to integrate some tools and sytems, so why not pick up some integration tricks while you're learning:
Integration in a serverless world
And even more reads:
LinkedIn > LinkedIn Articles about Business & Tech
Medium > Articles about detailed topics around Cloud Computing and more
Cheers! Mo