What is your Minecraft Username?` i_Legend27 What is your Discord name, including numbers (e.g. john01dav#6953)? MasterBoopa#3180 What is your current rank?` Member What rank are you applying for? Moderator/Admin What is your time zone? PST How long have you been playing on Modded Minecraft Club? 3-4 days How often and at what times (In US-EST) can you be on each day (please be detailed)? I can be on from 10:00am to 3:am EST my work isn’t too demanding I’m generally away for 1-2 hours each day aside from sleep How long have you been playing Minecraft in-general? I have been playing Minecraft since 2014 8 years or 10k hours How long have you played Modded Minecraft? I have been playing modded minecraft since 2014 8 years or 5k hours In what ways have you already helped the server? I have guided Duckweed#9341 on issues of fixing server lag for all 1.16 -1.18 suggesting issues I find in game and know of having occurred on other servers such as retrogen, and adding plugins to help with entity lag In what ways do you plan to help the server after you become a staff member and how will holding your requested rank help you do that? Obtaining the rank of admin or moderator will help me further assist with the fixing of server lag issues and help prevent it in the future so everyone can enjoy a smooth modded experience Why do you want to become a moderator/admin? I am determined to help the servers run as smooth as possible and give players a nice experience especially if they have just started playing modded minecraft Why do you play on Modded Minecraft Club rather than other servers? I play on Modded minecraft club because it has had one of the better connections for my location the only other server I could play on would be Minewonderland where I’ve spent close to 2k hours playing modded minecraft In what ways would you improve the server if you owned it? Implementation of clear lag and other lag preventative plugins Have you ever been a staff member before (on a different server)?If so, are you still a staff member? If not, why not? Please be detailed: I have owned and run a pixelmon server in the past with custom written plugins my time spent on minewonderland has allotted me with several staff commands such as muting people being able to see /msg conversations across all 27 of their servers Have you ever been banned? If so, please explain why in a detailed manner: I have never to my knowledge been banned from a server Why should we choose you over other applicants or maintaining our present size? I would find it hard to believe that any current staff or future staff could match my play time history for modded minecraft my extensive knowledge of lag prevention for servers and all around game knowledge Please rate your English skills from 1-10, 1 being no English and 10 being a native speaker with perfect grammar: 9.9 I am a native speaker I wouldn’t call my grammar 100% perfect Do you speak any other languages? If so list them and rate them 1-10: none What advice can you give to deal with people who have trouble acting maturely? It would depend on the scenario honestly just chill out and focus on playing the game because that’s why everyone is here not to cause drama What would you do as a moderator or admin if a new player joins and spams the chat with suggestions to make the server better? I would hear them out in general and if the server was having issues pertaining to that area and they had knowledge of other servers having the same issue and knew what the solution was I would take it into consideration and look into it further What would you do as a moderator or admin if a player was griefed but they did not claim their build? I would check the build for who placed the blocks given the time frame question both parties ban the offender and roll back the chunk(s) affected Would you respond differently if they claimed their build? If so, how? My response would be the same as it is a pretty standard procedure What would you do if a player joins the server for the first time and suddenly brags in chat about having many more items than they should have at that point in the game? Check their inventory and monitor them in spectator to gather more information before making an educated decision Youtube: MasterBoopa I have an iphone I already use a password manager for most things as it’s more efficient