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Use case

  • use case diagram

    • Sighn up
    • Login
    • see posts
    • join group
    • post q
    • del post
    • make a group
    • leave a group
  • Admin can

    • Login
    • See posts
    • Del * posts
    • Make a group
    • Remove members from a group
  • User can

    • login
    • See posts
    • Join group
    • Post Q
    • Del post
    • Leave group
  • Non sighned in user can

    • Sign up
    • see posts

User Story

  • US ID

    1. Sighnup

      • A. have a email field where users can add valid email
      • B. Have a password feild where users can add password
      • C. Have a 3rd feild where users have to add email 2 time to make sure its correct
      • Non-Functional Requirements
        • It should only take 1-2 minutes to sighn up
    2. Login

      • A. have a reqired feild to enter email
      • B. Have a requred field to enter password
      • C. If the password or email isnt valid infrom the user
    3. View feed

      • A. Users have the ability to see all the the posts from their subed groups
    4. See post

      • A. A user can see all threads posted by groups he follows
      • B. Then is able to selected the thread and view more detials on the thread
    5. Join group

      • A. User can go to a sub tab that has all groups.
      • B. User has ability to add groups to his favorites
      • C. Have a list of favorite groups
      • D. If already in group tell user
    6. Make a thread

      • A. User can make a thread with a title and body
      • B. If the user is not sighned up then they can't make a post
    7. Make comment

      • A. If user is not signed up can't make a comment
      • B. If user is sighned up then they have the ability to comment on thread
    8. del a post

      • A. Admin can del * posts
      • B. User can only del post that was made my them
    9. Make a group

      • A. Admin has the ability to make groups
      • B. Users have the ability to add a group make request to the admin
    10. Leave a group

      • A. Admin has the ability to remove any member from a group
      • B. User can leave a group in any time
    11. Ban user

      • A. If user is breaking rules of the group admin has the ability to remove them from the site with a ban function where the admin put the user ID into the function
      • Non-Functional Requirements
        • It should tell the user they have been banded
    12. Unban a user

      • A. If the admin wants to unban a user after some lentgh of them the admin can add their user ID to the unband fucntion to add the back to the site.
      • Non-Functional Requirements
        • The user should be informed that they are able to logback in


Short project for software engineering







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