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SicknessMiner: a deep-learning-driven text-mining tool to abridge disease-disease associations Nícia Rosário-Ferreira 1,2,⤉*, Victor Guimarães 3,4,⤉, Vitor S. Costa 3,4, Irina S. Moreira 5,6 - 2021, Submitted.


In order to install this system, the user needs two different python environments: a python 3.5 environment for NormCo, and a Python 3.7 environment for SicknessMiner.

We suggest the use of Anaconda3 in order to create both environments without changing a possible existing environment in the host machine.

In the following instructions, we assume the user has already cloned this repository and it is in this repository directory.

NormCo Installation

Install NormCo following the instruction in their github page.

We also listed the instructions to install NormCo herein, in order to make this README self-contained.


# Moving to parent directory
cd ..

# Cloning NormCo repository
git clone

# Moving to NormCo directory
cd aihn-ucsd/NormCo-deep-disease-normalization

# Creating and activating conda environment
conda create -n entity_normalization python=3.5
source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
. activate entity_normalization

# Installing NormCo dependences
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
conda install pytorch==0.4.0 torchvision -c pytorch

# Installing additional dependences
conda install --yes pandas tqdm nltk scikit-learn spacy smart_open

# Downloading nltk auxilary files
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
python -m nltk.downloader punkt

# Check the path of the python command of the environment
# Write down the result of this command, it might be useful later
which python

# Deactivating NormCo environment
conda deactivate

After installing NormCo, we should place it in the SicknessMiner directory.

# Moving to SicknessMiner parent directory
cd ../..

# Moving NormCo to SicknessMiner directory
mv aihn-ucsd/NormCo-deep-disease-normalization SicknessMiner

# Removing the remaining files
rm -rf aihn-ucsd

SicknessMiner Installation

Now that we have NormCo, we can install SicknessMiner.


# Entering SicknessMiner directory
cd SicknessMiner

# Creating and activating conda environment
conda create -n venv python=3.7
. activate venv

# Installing SicknessMiner dependences
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

# Installing bert-for-tf2
git clone

cd bert-for-tf2

python install

cd ..

# Removing bert-for-tf2 files
rm -rf bert-for-tf2

# Deactivating NormCo environment
# Skip this if you are going to run SicknessMiner next
conda deactivate

Download the Pre-trained Models

In order to use SicknessMiner, one must download the pre-trained models from here.

In order to do so, follow the steps below.

# Creating the model's directory
mkdir models

# Downloading the NER model
wget -O

# Downloading the NEN model
wget -O

The NER model was derived from the BioBERT models, which was a courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and can be found at


The steps bellow are used to run SicknessMiner. We assume the user is in the root directory of this repository.

The input files to SicknessMiner should be in PubTator format, ad there must be, at least, a blank line between the articles.

# Activating conda environment
# Skip this if you already have the environment activated
. activate venv

# Config environment variables
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)

# Run SicknessMiner
python sicknessminer/ <INPUT_FILE> <OUTPUT_FILE>

The CONDA_ENV variable must point to the python of the NormCo environment. That is usually placed inside anaconda directory.

One can check this by using the command which python with the NormCo environment activated.

The example below includes a possible valid path:

export CONDA_ENV=~/anaconda3/envs/entity_normalization/bin/python


Assuming all went well, you can now run the example:

python sicknessminer/ example/input.txt example/output.txt

The example/output.txt file should be equal to the example/expected.txt file.

The example/input.txt contains the first abstract from the train file obtained from the NCBI Disease dataset.

If one wants to use raw text files as input, he/she can do so by passing the --raw/-r alongside the input arguments, as shown in example below:

python sicknessminer/ --raw example/input_raw.txt example/output_raw.txt


python sicknessminer/ -r example/input_raw.txt example/output_raw.txt

The example/output_raw.txt file should be equal to the example/expected_raw.txt file.


Unsuccessful runs of the system might create temporary files in the tmp directory. These files are kept their for debugging propose, but they can take too much space.

In order to clean those files, use the command:

rm -rf tmp/


The directory results contains the results from the analysis presented in our paper mentioned above.

The files SicknessMiner.tsv and DisGeNET.tsv shows the diseases related to the target Blood Cancer diseases (BCs). The diseases in the SicknessMiner.tsv file are sorted by the number of co-mentions between them and the target disease, in a descending order. Whereas the diseases in the DisGeNET.tsv file are sorted by the Jaccard index between the set of genes related to the target disease and the set of genes related to the associated disease, in a descending order.

The meaning of the columns are described below.

For the SicknessMiner.tsv:

  1. Index_disease: the name of the target BC disease;
  2. Index_disease_id: the MeSH code of the target BC disease;
  3. Associated_disease: the name of the associated disease;
  4. Associated_disease_id: the MeSH code of the associated disease;
  5. Co-mentions: the number of co-mentions between the target and the associated disease.

For the DisGeNET.tsv:

  1. Index_disease: the name of the target BC disease;
  2. Index_disease_id: the UMLS CUI code of the target BC disease;
  3. Associated_disease: the name of the associated disease;
  4. Associated_disease_id: the UMLS CUI code of the associated disease;
  5. Jaccard_index: the Jaccard index between the set of genes related to the target disease and the set of genes related to the associated disease;
  6. MESH_id: the MeSH id of the associated disease, if known;
  7. OMIN_id: the OMIN id of the associated disease, if known.


SicknessMiner has two main models, the NER which uses a BioBERT model and NEN, which uses NormCo. We reimplemented the BioBERT model using the library bert-for-tf2. In addition, some pieces of code were obtained from the standoff2conll project.

If you use this system, please cite the following resources:

    title = "{BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining}",
    author = {Lee, Jinhyuk and Yoon, Wonjin and Kim, Sungdong and Kim, Donghyeon and Kim, Sunkyu and So, Chan Ho and Kang, Jaewoo},
    journal = {Bioinformatics},
    year = {2019},
    month = {09},
    issn = {1367-4803},
    doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btz682},
    url = {},
  title={BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding},
  author={Devlin, Jacob and Chang, Ming-Wei and Lee, Kenton and Toutanova, Kristina},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04805},
@inproceedings {wright2019normco,
    title={NormCo: Deep Disease Normalization for Biomedical Knowledge Base Construction},
    author={Wright, Dustin and Katsis, Yannis and Mehta, Raghav and Hsu, Chun-Nan},
    booktitle={Automated Knowledge Base Construction},


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