Set-Location (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Add-Type -Path .\OpenCL\*.cs function Start-SubProcessWithoutStealingFocus { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$ArgumentList = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$LogPath = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$WorkingDirectory = "", [ValidateRange(-2, 3)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int]$Priority = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$EnvBlock ) $PriorityNames = [PSCustomObject]@{-2 = "Idle"; -1 = "BelowNormal"; 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "AboveNormal"; 2 = "High"; 3 = "RealTime"} $Job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $PID, (Resolve-Path ".\CreateProcess.cs"), $FilePath, $ArgumentList, $WorkingDirectory, $MinerVisibility { param($ControllerProcessID, $CreateProcessPath, $FilePath, $ArgumentList, $WorkingDirectory, $MinerVisibility) $ControllerProcess = Get-Process -Id $ControllerProcessID if ($ControllerProcess -eq $null) {return} #CreateProcess won't be usable inside this job if Add-Type is run outside the job Add-Type -Path $CreateProcessPath $lpApplicationName = $FilePath; $lpCommandLine = '"' + $FilePath + '"' #Windows paths cannot contain ", so there is no need to escape if ($ArgumentList -ne "") {$lpCommandLine += " " + $ArgumentList} $lpProcessAttributes = New-Object SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES $lpProcessAttributes.Length = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($lpProcessAttributes) $lpThreadAttributes = New-Object SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES $lpThreadAttributes.Length = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($lpThreadAttributes) $bInheritHandles = $false $dwCreationFlags = [CreationFlags]::CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE $lpEnvironment = [IntPtr]::Zero if ($WorkingDirectory -ne "") {$lpCurrentDirectory = $WorkingDirectory} else {$lpCurrentDirectory = [IntPtr]::Zero} $lpStartupInfo = New-Object STARTUPINFO $lpStartupInfo.cb = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($lpStartupInfo) $lpStartupInfo.wShowWindow = [ShowWindow]::SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE $lpStartupInfo.dwFlags = [STARTF]::STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW $lpProcessInformation = New-Object PROCESS_INFORMATION [Kernel32]::CreateProcess($lpApplicationName, $lpCommandLine, [ref] $lpProcessAttributes, [ref] $lpThreadAttributes, $bInheritHandles, $dwCreationFlags, $lpEnvironment, $lpCurrentDirectory, [ref] $lpStartupInfo, [ref] $lpProcessInformation) $Process = Get-Process -Id $lpProcessInformation.dwProcessId if ($Process -eq $null) { [PSCustomObject]@{ProcessId = $null} return } [PSCustomObject]@{ProcessId = $Process.Id; ProcessHandle = $Process.Handle} $ControllerProcess.Handle | Out-Null $Process.Handle | Out-Null do {if ($ControllerProcess.WaitForExit(1000)) {$Process.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null}} while ($Process.HasExited -eq $false) } do {Start-Sleep 1; $JobOutput = Receive-Job $Job} while ($JobOutput -eq $null) $Process = Get-Process | Where-Object Id -EQ $JobOutput.ProcessId if ($Process) {$Process.PriorityClass = $PriorityNames.$Priority} Return $Job } function Get-CommandPerDevice { # rewrites the command parameters # if a parameter has multiple values, only the values for the available devices are returned # parameters with a single value are valid for all devices and remain untouched [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [String]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int[]]$Devices ) $CommandPerDevice = "" $Command -split "(?=\s{1,}--|\s{1,}-| ,|^,)" | ForEach-Object { $Token = $_ $Prefix = $null $ParameterValueSeparator = $null $ValueSeparator = $null $Values = $null if ($Token.TrimStart() -match "(?:^[-=]{1,})") { # supported prefix characters are listed in brackets: [-=]{1,} $Prefix = "$($Token -split $Matches[0] | Select -Index 0)$($Matches[0])" $Token = $Token -split $Matches[0] | Select -Last 1 if ($Token -match "(?:[ =]{1,})") { # supported separators are listed in brackets: [ =]{1,} $ParameterValueSeparator = $Matches[0] $Parameter = $Token -split $ParameterValueSeparator | Select -Index 0 $Values = $Token.Substring(("$($Parameter)$($ParameterValueSeparator)").length) if ($Values -match "(?:[,; ]{1})") { # supported separators are listed in brackets: [,; ]{1} $ValueSeparator = $Matches[0] $RelevantValues = @() $Devices | Foreach-Object { if ($Values.Split($ValueSeparator) | Select -Index $_) {$RelevantValues += ($Values.Split($ValueSeparator) | Select -Index $_)} else {$RelevantValues += ""} } $CommandPerDevice += "$($Prefix)$($Parameter)$($ParameterValueSeparator)$(($RelevantValues -join $ValueSeparator).TrimEnd($ValueSeparator))" } else {$CommandPerDevice += "$($Prefix)$($Parameter)$($ParameterValueSeparator)$($Values)"} } else {$CommandPerDevice += "$($Prefix)$($Token)"} } else {$CommandPerDevice += $Token} } $CommandPerDevice } function Get-Balance { [CmdletBinding()] param($Config, $NewRates) $BalancesData = [PSCustomObject]@{} $Balances = @(Get-ChildItem "Balances" -File | Where-Object {$Config.Pools.$($_.BaseName) -and ($Config.ExcludePoolName -inotcontains $_.BaseName -or $Config.ShowPoolBalancesExcludedPools)} | ForEach-Object { Get-ChildItemContent "Balances\$($_.Name)" -Parameters @{Config = $Config} } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content | Sort-Object Name) $BalancesData | Add-Member Balances $Balances #Get exchgange rates for all payout currencies if ($CurrenciesWithBalances = @($Balances.currency | Sort-Object -Unique)) { $BalancesData | Add-Member ApiRequest "$(($CurrenciesWithBalances | ForEach-Object {$_.ToUpper()}) -join ",")&tsyms=$(($Config.Currency | ForEach-Object {$_.ToUpper()}) -join ",")&extraParams=" try { $Rates = Invoke-RestMethod $BalancesData.ApiRequest -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 10 -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Log -Level Warn "Pool API (CryptoCompare) has failed - cannot convert balances to other currencies. " $BalancesData | Add-Member Rates $Rates Return $BalancesData } #Add total of totals $Totals = [PSCustomObject]@{Name = "*Total*"} #Add converted values $Config.Currency | ForEach-Object { $Currency = $_.ToUpper() #Get number of digits from $NewRates if ($NewRates.$Currency -ne $null) {$Digits = ($NewRates.$Currency).length - ([Int]($NewRates.$Currency)).length - 1} else {$Digits = 8} $Balances | Foreach-Object { if ($Rates.$($_.Currency).$Currency) { # Add separate element with numeric value. Measure-Object can not sum strings (-f) $_ | Add-Member "_Value in $Currency" ($_.Total * $Rates.$($_.Currency).$Currency) -Force #Format to string $_ | Add-Member "Value in $Currency" ("{0:N$($Digits)}" -f ($_.Total * $Rates.$($_.Currency).$Currency)) -Force } else { $_ | Add-Member "Value in $Currency" {"unknown"} -Force } } if (($Balances."_Value in $Currency" | Measure-Object -Sum -ErrorAction Ignore).sum) {$Totals | Add-Member "Value in $Currency" ("{0:N$($Digits)}" -f ($Balances."_Value in $Currency" | Measure-Object -Sum -ErrorAction Ignore).sum) -Force} } #Add Balance (in currency) $Rates.PSObject.Properties.Name | ForEach-Object { $Currency = $_.ToUpper() if ($NewRates.$Currency -ne $null) {$Digits = ($NewRates.$Currency).length - ([Int]($NewRates.$Currency)).length - 1} else {$Digits = 8} $Balances | Foreach-Object { if ($Currency -eq $_.Currency) { # Add separate element with numeric value. Measure-Object can not sum strings (-f) $_ | Add-Member "_Balance ($Currency)" $_.Total #Format to string $_ | Add-Member "Balance ($Currency)" ("{0:N$($Digits)}" -f $_.Total) } } if (($Balances."_Balance ($Currency)" | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) {$Totals | Add-Member "Balance ($Currency)" ("{0:N$($Digits)}" -f ($Balances."_Balance ($Currency)" | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)} } $Balances | Foreach-Object { $Balance = $_ #Format to string, cannot be done before calculations are done. Measure-Object can not sum strings (-f) $_.Total = ("{0:N$($Digits)}" -f $_.Total) #Cleanup, remove elements required for calculations $Balance.PSObject.Properties.Name | Where-Object {$_ -like "_*"} | ForEach-Object {$Balance.PSObject.Properties.Remove($_)} } $Balances += $Totals $BalancesData | Add-Member Balances $Balances -force $BalancesData | Add-Member Rates $Rates } Return $BalancesData } function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Alias("LogContent")][string]$Message, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("Error", "Warn", "Info", "Verbose", "Debug")][string]$Level = "Info" ) Begin { } Process { # Inherit the same verbosity settings as the script importing this if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InformationPreference')) { $InformationPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('InformationPreference') } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { $VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference') } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Debug')) { $DebugPreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('DebugPreference') } # Get mutex named MPMWriteLog. Mutexes are shared across all threads and processes. # This lets us ensure only one thread is trying to write to the file at a time. $mutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, "MPMWriteLog") $filename = ".\Logs\MultiPoolMiner_$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd").txt" $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" if (-not (Test-Path "Stats" -PathType Container)) {New-Item "Stats" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null} switch ($Level) { 'Error' { $LevelText = 'ERROR:' Write-Error -Message $Message } 'Warn' { $LevelText = 'WARNING:' Write-Warning -Message $Message } 'Info' { $LevelText = 'INFO:' Write-Information -MessageData $Message } 'Verbose' { $LevelText = 'VERBOSE:' Write-Verbose -Message $Message } 'Debug' { $LevelText = 'DEBUG:' Write-Debug -Message $Message } } # Attempt to aquire mutex, waiting up to 1 second if necessary. If aquired, write to the log file and release mutex. Otherwise, display an error. if ($mutex.WaitOne(1000)) { "$date $LevelText $Message" | Out-File -FilePath $filename -Append -Encoding utf8 $mutex.ReleaseMutex() } else { Write-Error -Message "Log file is locked, unable to write message to $FileName." } } End {} } function Set-Stat { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Double]$Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [DateTime]$Updated = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime(), [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [TimeSpan]$Duration, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Bool]$FaultDetection = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Bool]$ChangeDetection = $false ) $Updated = $Updated.ToUniversalTime() $Path = "Stats\$Name.txt" $SmallestValue = 1E-20 $Stat = Get-Content $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { $Stat = $Stat | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop $Stat = [PSCustomObject]@{ Live = [Double]$Stat.Live Minute = [Double]$Stat.Minute Minute_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_Fluctuation Minute_5 = [Double]$Stat.Minute_5 Minute_5_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_5_Fluctuation Minute_10 = [Double]$Stat.Minute_10 Minute_10_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_10_Fluctuation Hour = [Double]$Stat.Hour Hour_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Hour_Fluctuation Day = [Double]$Stat.Day Day_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Day_Fluctuation Week = [Double]$Stat.Week Week_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Week_Fluctuation Duration = [TimeSpan]$Stat.Duration Updated = [DateTime]$Stat.Updated } $ToleranceMin = $Value $ToleranceMax = $Value if ($FaultDetection) { $ToleranceMin = $Stat.Week * (1 - [Math]::Min([Math]::Max($Stat.Week_Fluctuation * 2, 0.1), 0.9)) $ToleranceMax = $Stat.Week * (1 + [Math]::Min([Math]::Max($Stat.Week_Fluctuation * 2, 0.1), 0.9)) } if ($ChangeDetection -and [Decimal]$Value -eq [Decimal]$Stat.Live) {$Updated = $Stat.updated} if ($Value -lt $ToleranceMin -or $Value -gt $ToleranceMax) { Write-Log -Level Warn "Stat file ($Name) was not updated because the value ($([Decimal]$Value)) is outside fault tolerance ($([Int]$ToleranceMin) to $([Int]$ToleranceMax)). " } else { $Span_Minute = [Math]::Min($Duration.TotalMinutes / [Math]::Min($Stat.Duration.TotalMinutes, 1), 1) $Span_Minute_5 = [Math]::Min(($Duration.TotalMinutes / 5) / [Math]::Min(($Stat.Duration.TotalMinutes / 5), 1), 1) $Span_Minute_10 = [Math]::Min(($Duration.TotalMinutes / 10) / [Math]::Min(($Stat.Duration.TotalMinutes / 10), 1), 1) $Span_Hour = [Math]::Min($Duration.TotalHours / [Math]::Min($Stat.Duration.TotalHours, 1), 1) $Span_Day = [Math]::Min($Duration.TotalDays / [Math]::Min($Stat.Duration.TotalDays, 1), 1) $Span_Week = [Math]::Min(($Duration.TotalDays / 7) / [Math]::Min(($Stat.Duration.TotalDays / 7), 1), 1) $Stat = [PSCustomObject]@{ Live = $Value Minute = ((1 - $Span_Minute) * $Stat.Minute) + ($Span_Minute * $Value) Minute_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Minute) * $Stat.Minute_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Minute * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Minute) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Minute), $SmallestValue))) Minute_5 = ((1 - $Span_Minute_5) * $Stat.Minute_5) + ($Span_Minute_5 * $Value) Minute_5_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Minute_5) * $Stat.Minute_5_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Minute_5 * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Minute_5) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Minute_5), $SmallestValue))) Minute_10 = ((1 - $Span_Minute_10) * $Stat.Minute_10) + ($Span_Minute_10 * $Value) Minute_10_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Minute_10) * $Stat.Minute_10_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Minute_10 * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Minute_10) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Minute_10), $SmallestValue))) Hour = ((1 - $Span_Hour) * $Stat.Hour) + ($Span_Hour * $Value) Hour_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Hour) * $Stat.Hour_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Hour * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Hour) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Hour), $SmallestValue))) Day = ((1 - $Span_Day) * $Stat.Day) + ($Span_Day * $Value) Day_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Day) * $Stat.Day_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Day * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Day) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Day), $SmallestValue))) Week = ((1 - $Span_Week) * $Stat.Week) + ($Span_Week * $Value) Week_Fluctuation = ((1 - $Span_Week) * $Stat.Week_Fluctuation) + ($Span_Week * ([Math]::Abs($Value - $Stat.Week) / [Math]::Max([Math]::Abs($Stat.Week), $SmallestValue))) Duration = $Stat.Duration + $Duration Updated = $Updated } } } catch { if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) {Write-Log -Level Warn "Stat file ($Name) is corrupt and will be reset. "} $Stat = [PSCustomObject]@{ Live = $Value Minute = $Value Minute_Fluctuation = 0 Minute_5 = $Value Minute_5_Fluctuation = 0 Minute_10 = $Value Minute_10_Fluctuation = 0 Hour = $Value Hour_Fluctuation = 0 Day = $Value Day_Fluctuation = 0 Week = $Value Week_Fluctuation = 0 Duration = $Duration Updated = $Updated } } if (-not (Test-Path "Stats" -PathType Container)) {New-Item "Stats" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null} [PSCustomObject]@{ Live = [Decimal]$Stat.Live Minute = [Decimal]$Stat.Minute Minute_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_Fluctuation Minute_5 = [Decimal]$Stat.Minute_5 Minute_5_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_5_Fluctuation Minute_10 = [Decimal]$Stat.Minute_10 Minute_10_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Minute_10_Fluctuation Hour = [Decimal]$Stat.Hour Hour_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Hour_Fluctuation Day = [Decimal]$Stat.Day Day_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Day_Fluctuation Week = [Decimal]$Stat.Week Week_Fluctuation = [Double]$Stat.Week_Fluctuation Duration = [String]$Stat.Duration Updated = [DateTime]$Stat.Updated } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $Path $Stat } function Get-Stat { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Name ) if (-not (Test-Path "Stats" -PathType Container)) {New-Item "Stats" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null} if ($Name) { # Return single requested stat Get-ChildItem "Stats" -File | Where-Object BaseName -EQ $Name | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json } else { # Return all stats $Stats = [PSCustomObject]@{} Get-ChildItem "Stats" -File | ForEach-Object { $BaseName = $_.BaseName $FullName = $_.FullName try { $_ | Get-Content -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { $Stats | Add-Member $BaseName $_ } } catch { #Remove broken stat file Write-Log -Level Warn "Stat file ($BaseName) is corrupt and will be reset. " Remove-Item -Path $FullName -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } Return $Stats } } function Get-ChildItemContent { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$Parameters = @{} ) function Invoke-ExpressionRecursive ($Expression) { if ($Expression -is [String]) { if ($Expression -match '(\$|")') { try {$Expression = Invoke-Expression $Expression} catch {$Expression = Invoke-Expression "`"$Expression`""} } } elseif ($Expression -is [PSCustomObject]) { $Expression | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach-Object { $Expression.$_ = Invoke-ExpressionRecursive $Expression.$_ } } return $Expression } Get-ChildItem $Path -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { $Name = $_.BaseName $Content = @() if ($_.Extension -eq ".ps1") { $Content = & { $Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {Set-Variable $_ $Parameters.$_} & $_.FullName @Parameters } } else { $Content = & { $Parameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {Set-Variable $_ $Parameters.$_} try { ($_ | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object {Invoke-ExpressionRecursive $_} } catch [ArgumentException] { $null } } if ($Content -eq $null) {$Content = $_ | Get-Content} } $Content | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Name) { [PSCustomObject]@{Name = $_.Name; Content = $_} } else { [PSCustomObject]@{Name = $Name; Content = $_} } } } } filter ConvertTo-Hash { [CmdletBinding()] $Hash = $_ switch ([math]::truncate([math]::log($Hash, [Math]::Pow(1000, 1)))) { "-Infinity" {"0 H"} 0 {"{0:n2} H" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 0))} 1 {"{0:n2} KH" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 1))} 2 {"{0:n2} MH" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 2))} 3 {"{0:n2} GH" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 3))} 4 {"{0:n2} TH" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 4))} Default {"{0:n2} PH" -f ($Hash / [Math]::Pow(1000, 5))} } } function ConvertTo-LocalCurrency { [CmdletBinding()] # To get same numbering scheme regardless of value BTC value (size) to determine formatting # Use $Offset to add/remove decimal places param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Double]$Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Double]$BTCRate, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int]$Offset ) $Digits = ([math]::truncate(10 - $Offset - [math]::log($BTCRate, 10))) if ($Digits -lt 0) {$Digits = 0} if ($Digits -gt 10) {$Digits = 10} ($Value * $BTCRate).ToString("N$($Digits)") } function Get-Combination { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Array]$Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int]$SizeMax = $Value.Count, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int]$SizeMin = 1 ) $Combination = [PSCustomObject]@{} for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Value.Count; $i++) { $Combination | Add-Member @{[Math]::Pow(2, $i) = $Value[$i]} } $Combination_Keys = $Combination | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name for ($i = $SizeMin; $i -le $SizeMax; $i++) { $x = [Math]::Pow(2, $i) - 1 while ($x -le [Math]::Pow(2, $Value.Count) - 1) { [PSCustomObject]@{Combination = $Combination_Keys | Where-Object {$_ -band $x} | ForEach-Object {$Combination.$_}} $smallest = ($x -band - $x) $ripple = $x + $smallest $new_smallest = ($ripple -band - $ripple) $ones = (($new_smallest / $smallest) -shr 1) - 1 $x = $ripple -bor $ones } } } function Start-SubProcess { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$ArgumentList = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$LogPath = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$WorkingDirectory = "", [ValidateRange(-2, 3)] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Int]$Priority = 0 ) $ScriptBlock = "Set-Location '$WorkingDirectory'; (Get-Process -Id `$PID).PriorityClass = '$(@{-2 = "Idle"; -1 = "BelowNormal"; 0 = "Normal"; 1 = "AboveNormal"; 2 = "High"; 3 = "RealTime"}[$Priority])'; " $ScriptBlock += "& '$FilePath'" if ($ArgumentList) {$ScriptBlock += " $ArgumentList"} $ScriptBlock += " *>&1" $ScriptBlock += " | Write-Output" if ($LogPath) {$ScriptBlock += " | Tee-Object '$LogPath'"} Start-Job ([ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptBlock)) } function Expand-WebRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Path = "" ) # Set current path used by .net methods to the same as the script's path [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentFileSystemLocation if (-not $Path) {$Path = Join-Path ".\Downloads" ([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).BaseName} if (-not (Test-Path ".\Downloads" -PathType Container)) {New-Item "Downloads" -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null} $FileName = Join-Path ".\Downloads" (Split-Path $Uri -Leaf) if (Test-Path $FileName -PathType Leaf) {Remove-Item $FileName} [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Invoke-WebRequest $Uri -OutFile $FileName -UseBasicParsing if (".msi", ".exe" -contains ([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).Extension) { Start-Process $FileName "-qb" -Wait } else { $Path_Old = (Join-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $Path)) ([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).BaseName) $Path_New = Split-Path $Path if (Test-Path $Path_Old -PathType Container) {Remove-Item $Path_Old -Recurse -Force} Start-Process "7z" "x `"$([IO.Path]::GetFullPath($FileName))`" -o`"$([IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path_Old))`" -y -spe" -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden if (Test-Path $Path_New -PathType Container) {Remove-Item $Path_New -Recurse -Force} #use first (topmost) directory in case, e.g. ClaymoreDual_v11.9, contain multiple miner binaries for different driver versions in various sub dirs $Path_Old = (Get-ChildItem $Path_Old -File -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -EQ $(Split-Path $Path -Leaf)}).Directory | Select-Object -First 1 if ($Path_Old) { Move-Item $Path_Old $Path_New -PassThru | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.LastWritetime = Get-Date} $Path_Old = (Join-Path (Split-Path (Split-Path $Path)) ([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).BaseName) if (Test-Path $Path_Old -PathType Container) {Remove-Item $Path_Old -Recurse -Force} } else { Throw "Error: Cannot find $($Path). " } } } function Get-TCPResponse { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Server = "localhost", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Port, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Timeout = 100 ) try { $Response = "" $Client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient $Server, $Port Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $TimeOut if ([int64]$Client.Available -gt 0) { $Stream = $Client.GetStream() $BindResponseBuffer = New-Object Byte[] -ArgumentList $Client.Available $Read = $Stream.Read($BindResponseBuffer, 0, $BindResponseBuffer.count) $Response = ($BindResponseBuffer | ForEach {[char][int]$_}) -join '' } } finally { if ($Client) {$Client.Close()} } $Response } function Invoke-TcpRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Server = "localhost", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Port, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Request, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Timeout = 10 #seconds ) try { $Client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $Server, $Port $Stream = $Client.GetStream() $Writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter $Stream $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $Stream $client.SendTimeout = $Timeout * 1000 $client.ReceiveTimeout = $Timeout * 1000 $Writer.AutoFlush = $true $Writer.WriteLine($Request) $Response = $Reader.ReadLine() } finally { if ($Reader) {$Reader.Close()} if ($Writer) {$Writer.Close()} if ($Stream) {$Stream.Close()} if ($Client) {$Client.Close()} } $Response } function Get-Device { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$Name = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String[]]$ExcludeName = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Switch]$Refresh = $false ) if ($Name) { $DeviceList = Get-Content "Devices.txt" | ConvertFrom-Json $Name_Devices = $Name | ForEach-Object { $Name_Split = $_ -split '#' $Name_Split = @($Name_Split | Select-Object -First 1) + @($Name_Split | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {[Int]$_}) $Name_Split += @("*") * (100 - $Name_Split.Count) $Name_Device = $DeviceList.("{0}" -f $Name_Split) | Select-Object * $Name_Device | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach-Object {$Name_Device.$_ = $Name_Device.$_ -f $Name_Split} $Name_Device } } if ($ExcludeName) { if (-not $DeviceList) {$DeviceList = Get-Content "Devices.txt" | ConvertFrom-Json} $ExcludeName_Devices = $ExcludeName | ForEach-Object { $ExcludeName_Split = $_ -split '#' $ExcludeName_Split = @($ExcludeName_Split | Select-Object -First 1) + @($ExcludeName_Split | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {[Int]$_}) $ExcludeName_Split += @("*") * (100 - $ExcludeName_Split.Count) $ExcludeName_Device = $DeviceList.("{0}" -f $ExcludeName_Split) | Select-Object * $ExcludeName_Device | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach-Object {$ExcludeName_Device.$_ = $ExcludeName_Device.$_ -f $ExcludeName_Split} $ExcludeName_Device } } # Try to get cached devices first to improve performance if ((Test-Path Variable:Script:CachedDevices) -and -not $Refresh) { $Devices = $CachedDevices $Devices | Foreach-Object { $Device = $_ if ((-not $Name) -or ($Name_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -like ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))})) { if (-not ($ExcludeNameName) -or ($ExcludeName_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -notlike ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))})) { $Device } } } return } [OpenCl.Platform]::GetPlatformIDs() | ForEach-Object { [OpenCl.Device]::GetDeviceIDs($_, [OpenCl.DeviceType]::All) } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 > DumpOpenCL.txt $Devices = @() $PlatformId = 0 $Index = 0 $PlatformId_Index = @{} $Type_PlatformId_Index = @{} $Vendor_Index = @{} $Type_Vendor_Index = @{} $Type_Index = @{} try { [OpenCl.Platform]::GetPlatformIDs() | ForEach-Object { [OpenCl.Device]::GetDeviceIDs($_, [OpenCl.DeviceType]::All) | ForEach-Object { $Device_OpenCL = $_ | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json $Device = [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = [Int]$Index PlatformId = [Int]$PlatformId PlatformId_Index = [Int]$PlatformId_Index."$($PlatformId)" Type_PlatformId_Index = [Int]$Type_PlatformId_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)"."$($PlatformId)" Vendor = [String]$Device_OpenCL.Vendor Vendor_ShortName = $(Switch ([String]$Device_OpenCL.Vendor) { "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." {"AMD"} "Intel(R) Corporation" {"INTEL"} "NVIDIA Corporation" {"NVIDIA"} default {[String]$Device_OpenCL.Vendor} } ) Vendor_Index = [Int]$Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Vendor)" Type_Vendor_Index = [Int]$Type_Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)"."$($Device_OpenCL.Vendor)" Type = [String]$Device_OpenCL.Type Type_Index = [Int]$Type_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)" OpenCL = $Device_OpenCL Model = "$($Device_OpenCL.Name)$(if ($Device_OpenCL.Vendor -eq "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.") {"$([math]::Round((4 * $Device_OpenCL.GlobalMemSize / 1GB), 0) / 4)GB"})" Model_Norm = "$($Device_OpenCL.Name -replace '[^A-Z0-9]' -replace 'GeForce')$(if ($Device_OpenCL.Vendor -eq "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.") {"$([math]::Round((4 * $Device_OpenCL.GlobalMemSize / 1GB), 0) / 4)GB"})" } if ((-not $Name) -or ($Name_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -like ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))})) { if ((-not $ExcludeName) -or (-not ($ExcludeName_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -like ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))}))) { $Devices += $Device | Add-Member Name ("{0}#{1:d2}" -f $Device.Type, $Device.Type_Index).ToUpper() -PassThru } } if (-not $Type_PlatformId_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)") { $Type_PlatformId_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)" = @{} } if (-not $Type_Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)") { $Type_Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)" = @{} } $Index++ $PlatformId_Index."$($PlatformId)"++ $Type_PlatformId_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)"."$($PlatformId)"++ $Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Vendor)"++ $Type_Vendor_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)"."$($Device_OpenCL.Vendor)"++ $Type_Index."$($Device_OpenCL.Type)"++ } $PlatformId++ } } catch { Write-Log -Level Warn "OpenCL device detection has failed. " } # CPU detection in OpenCL does not work well, sometimes not being included, sometimes being included twice for each processor - remove any CPUs from the OpenCL devices and generate more accurate ones # Remove them instead of not generating them in the first place, because skipping them would affect the indexes [array]$Devices = $Devices | Where-Object {$_.Type -ne "Cpu"} $CPUIndex = 0 Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Processor | Foreach-Object { # Vendor and type the same for all CPUs, so there is no need to actually track the extra indexes. Include them only for compatibility. $CPUInfo = $_ | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json $Device = [PSCustomObject]@{ Index = [Int]$Index Vendor = $CPUInfo.Manufacturer Vendor_ShortName = $(if ($CPUInfo.Manufacturer -eq "GenuineIntel") {"INTEL"} else {"AMD"}) Type_Vendor_Index = $CPUIndex Type = "Cpu" Type_Index = $CPUIndex CIM = $CPUInfo Model = $CPUInfo.Name Model_Norm = "$($CPUInfo.Manufacturer)$($CPUInfo.NumberOfCores)CoreCPU" } if ((-not $Name) -or ($Name_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -like ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))})) { if ((-not $ExcludeName) -or (-not ($ExcludeName_Devices | Where-Object {($Device | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)) -like ($_ | Select-Object ($_ | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name))}))) { $Devices += $Device | Add-Member Name ("{0}#{1:d2}" -f $Device.Type, $Device.Type_Index).ToUpper() -PassThru } } $CPUIndex++ $Index++ } $Script:CachedDevices = $Devices $Devices } function Get-Algorithm { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Algorithm = "" ) if (-not (Test-Path Variable:Script:Algorithms)) { $Script:Algorithms = Get-Content "Algorithms.txt" | ConvertFrom-Json } $Algorithm = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($Algorithm -replace "-", " " -replace "_", " ")) -replace " " if ($Script:Algorithms.$Algorithm) {$Script:Algorithms.$Algorithm} else {$Algorithm} } function Get-Region { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Region = "" ) if (-not (Test-Path Variable:Script:Regions)) { $Script:Regions = Get-Content "Regions.txt" | ConvertFrom-Json } $Region = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(($Region -replace "-", " " -replace "_", " ")) -replace " " if ($Script:Regions.$Region) {$Script:Regions.$Region} else {$Region} } enum MinerStatus { Running Idle Failed } class Miner { $Name $Path $Arguments $Wrap $API $Port [string[]]$Algorithm = @() $DeviceName $Profit $Profit_Comparison $Profit_MarginOfError $Profit_Bias $Profit_Unbias $Speed $Speed_Live $Best $Best_Comparison hidden [System.Management.Automation.Job]$Process = $null $New hidden [TimeSpan]$Active = [TimeSpan]::Zero hidden [Int]$Activated = 0 hidden [MinerStatus]$Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle $Benchmarked $LogFile $Pool hidden [Array]$Data = @() $ShowMinerWindow $BenchmarkIntervals $ProcessId [String[]]GetProcessNames() { return @(([IO.FileInfo]($this.Path | Split-Path -Leaf -ErrorAction Ignore)).BaseName) } [String]GetCommandLineParameters() { return $this.Arguments } [String]GetCommandLine() { return "$($this.Path) $($this.GetCommandLineParameters())" } hidden StartMining() { $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Failed $this.New = $true $this.Activated++ if ($this.Process) { if ($this.Process | Get-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $this.Process | Remove-Job -Force } if (-not ($this.Process | Get-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $this.Active += $this.Process.PSEndTime - $this.Process.PSBeginTime $this.Process = $null } } if (-not $this.Process) { if ($this.ShowMinerWindow -and -not ($this.API -eq "Wrapper")) { if (Test-Path ".\CreateProcess.cs" -PathType Leaf) { $this.Process = Start-SubProcessWithoutStealingFocus -FilePath $this.Path -ArgumentList $this.GetCommandLineParameters() -WorkingDirectory (Split-Path $this.Path) -Priority ($this.Device.Type | ForEach-Object {if ($_ -eq "CPU") {-2}else {-1}} | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) } else { $this.Process = Start-Job ([ScriptBlock]::Create("Start-Process $(@{desktop = "powershell"; core = "pwsh"}.$Global:PSEdition) `"-command ```$Process = (Start-Process '$($this.Path)' '$($this.GetCommandLineParameters())' -WorkingDirectory '$(Split-Path $this.Path)' -WindowStyle Minimized -PassThru).Id; Wait-Process -Id `$PID; Stop-Process -Id ```$Process`" -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait")) } } else { $this.LogFile = $Global:ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(".\Logs\$($this.Name)-$($this.Port)_$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").txt") $this.Process = Start-SubProcess -FilePath $this.Path -ArgumentList $this.GetCommandLineParameters() -LogPath $this.LogFile -WorkingDirectory (Split-Path $this.Path) -Priority ($this.Device.Type | ForEach-Object {if ($_ -eq "CPU") {-2}else {-1}} | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum) } if ($this.Process | Get-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { for ($WaitForPID = 0; $WaitForPID -le 20; $WaitForPID++) { if ($this.ProcessId = (Get-CIMInstance CIM_Process | Where-Object {$_.ExecutablePath -eq $this.Path -and $_.CommandLine -like "*$($this.Path)*$($this.GetCommandLineParameters())*"}).ProcessId) { $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Running break } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } } } hidden StopMining() { $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Failed if ($this.ProcessId) { if (Get-Process -Id $this.ProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Stop-Process -Id $this.ProcessId -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } $this.ProcessId = $null } if ($this.Process) { if ($this.Process | Get-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $this.Process | Remove-Job -Force } if (-not ($this.Process | Get-Job -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $this.Active += $this.Process.PSEndTime - $this.Process.PSBeginTime $this.Process = $null $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Idle } } } [DateTime]GetActiveLast() { if ($this.Process.PSBeginTime -and $this.Process.PSEndTime) { return $this.Process.PSEndTime } elseif ($this.Process.PSBeginTime) { return Get-Date } else { return [DateTime]::MinValue } } [TimeSpan]GetActiveTime() { if ($this.Process.PSBeginTime -and $this.Process.PSEndTime) { return $this.Active + ($this.Process.PSEndTime - $this.Process.PSBeginTime) } elseif ($this.Process.PSBeginTime) { return $this.Active + ((Get-Date) - $this.Process.PSBeginTime) } else { return $this.Active } } [Int]GetActivateCount() { return $this.Activated } [MinerStatus]GetStatus() { if ($this.Process.State -eq "Running" -and $this.ProcessId -and (Get-Process -Id $this.ProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ProcessName) { #Use ProcessName, some crashed miners are dead, but may still be found by their processId return [MinerStatus]::Running } elseif ($this.Status -eq "Running") { $this.ProcessId = $null $this.Status = [MinerStatus]::Failed return [MinerStatus]::Failed } else { return $this.Status } } SetStatus([MinerStatus]$Status) { if ($Status -eq $this.GetStatus()) {return} switch ($Status) { "Running" { $this.StartMining() } "Idle" { $this.StopMining() } Default { $this.StopMining() $this.Status = $Status } } } [String[]]UpdateMinerData () { $Lines = @() if ($this.Process.HasMoreData) { $Date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() $this.Process | Receive-Job | ForEach-Object { $Line = $_ -replace "`n|`r", "" $Line_Simple = $Line -replace "\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]", "" if ($Line_Simple) { $HashRates = @() $Devices = @() if ($Line_Simple -match "/s") { $Words = $Line_Simple -split " " $Words -match "/s$" | ForEach-Object { if (($Words | Select-Object -Index $Words.IndexOf($_)) -match "^((?:\d*\.)?\d+)(.*)$") { $HashRate = ($matches | Select-Object -Index 1) -as [Decimal] $HashRate_Unit = ($matches | Select-Object -Index 2) } else { $HashRate = ($Words | Select-Object -Index ($Words.IndexOf($_) - 1)) -as [Decimal] $HashRate_Unit = ($Words | Select-Object -Index $Words.IndexOf($_)) } switch -wildcard ($HashRate_Unit) { "kh/s*" {$HashRate *= [Math]::Pow(1000, 1)} "mh/s*" {$HashRate *= [Math]::Pow(1000, 2)} "gh/s*" {$HashRate *= [Math]::Pow(1000, 3)} "th/s*" {$HashRate *= [Math]::Pow(1000, 4)} "ph/s*" {$HashRate *= [Math]::Pow(1000, 5)} } $HashRates += $HashRate } } if ($Line_Simple -match "gpu|cpu|device") { $Words = $Line_Simple -replace "#", "" -replace ":", "" -split " " $Words -match "^gpu|^cpu|^device" | ForEach-Object { if (($Words | Select-Object -Index $Words.IndexOf($_)) -match "^(.*)((?:\d*\.)?\d+)$") { $Device = ($matches | Select-Object -Index 2) -as [Int] $Device_Type = ($matches | Select-Object -Index 1) } else { $Device = ($Words | Select-Object -Index ($Words.IndexOf($_) + 1)) -as [Int] $Device_Type = ($Words | Select-Object -Index $Words.IndexOf($_)) } $Devices += "{0}#{1:d2}" -f $Device_Type, $Device } } $Lines += $Line $this.Data += [PSCustomObject]@{ Date = $Date Raw = $Line_Simple HashRate = [PSCustomObject]@{[String]$this.Algorithm = [Int64]$HashRates} Device = $Devices } } } $this.Data = @($this.Data | Select-Object -Last 10000) } return $Lines } [Double]GetHashRate([String]$Algorithm = [String]$this.Algorithm, [Int]$Seconds = 60, [Boolean]$Safe = $this.New) { $HashRates_Devices = @($this.Data | Where-Object Device | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Device -Unique) if (-not $HashRates_Devices) {$HashRates_Devices = @("Device")} $HashRates_Counts = @{} $HashRates_Averages = @{} $HashRates_Variances = @{} $Hashrates_Samples = @{} #strip lower 10% and upper 10% of all values for better hashrate stability $Hashrates_Samples = @($this.Data | Where-Object {$_.HashRate.$Algorithm} | Where-Object {$_.Date -GE (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds( - $Seconds)}) $Hashrates_Samples | Sort-Object {$_.HashRate.$Algorithm} | Select-Object -Skip ([Int]($HashRates_Samples.Count * 0.1)) | Select-Object -SkipLast ([Int]($HashRates_Samples.Count * 0.1)) | ForEach-Object { $Data_Devices = $_.Device if (-not $Data_Devices) {$Data_Devices = $HashRates_Devices} $Data_HashRates = $_.HashRate.$Algorithm $Data_Devices | ForEach-Object {$HashRates_Counts.$_++} $Data_Devices | ForEach-Object {$HashRates_Averages.$_ += @(($Data_HashRates | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) / $Data_Devices.Count)} $HashRates_Variances."$($Data_Devices | ConvertTo-Json)" += @($Data_HashRates | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum) } $HashRates_Count = $HashRates_Counts.Values | ForEach-Object {$_} | Measure-Object -Minimum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Minimum $HashRates_Average = ($HashRates_Averages.Values | ForEach-Object {$_} | Measure-Object -Average | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Average) * $HashRates_Averages.Keys.Count $HashRates_Variance = $HashRates_Variances.Keys | ForEach-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$HashRates_Variances.$_ | Measure-Object -Average -Minimum -Maximum} | ForEach-Object {if ($_.Average) {($_.Maximum - $_.Minimum) / $_.Average}} | Measure-Object -Maximum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Maximum if ($Safe) { if ($HashRates_Count -lt 3 -or $HashRates_Variance -gt 0.05) { return 0 } else { return $HashRates_Average * (1 + ($HashRates_Variance / 2)) } } else { return $HashRates_Average } } }