A multiplayer hangman game using Python and Javascript. For Side Project Club in Winter 2018 at the University of Waterloo.
Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hay36VJ2_Xw
- Teresa (@TeresaTXCA)
- Eric (@Exxliang)
- Alex (@alextwin)
For setup instructions, go to SETUP
In a new Terminal/Command Prompt,
Step 1: Get to the project folder
On Mac
cd ~/Documents/GitHub/MultiplayerHangman
On Windows
cd Documents\GitHub\MultiplayerHangman
Step 2: Start the server
On Mac
. venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP="server.py"
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run
On Windows
set FLASK_APP=server.py
flask run
Step 3: Open the webpage
In a browser, go to:
These are the files you need to change when you want to make changes.
MultiplayerHangman/ (project folder)
├── server.py (Python server)
├── static/
| └── js/
| └── hangman.js (Javascript loaded on website)
| └── css/
| └── hangman.css (CSS loaded on website)
└── templates/
└── index.html (HTML loaded on website)