This is a further bugfix release in the 2.5-branch with a several changes to the page layout and a few fixes. The minimal PHP version, the forum is able to run is PHP 7.3, the maximal (tested) PHP version is 8.2. The minimal version of the MySQL database server was raised to version 5.7.7 respectively version 10.2.2 in case of a MariaDB server with the previous release (20240729.1). The minimal version of MLF from one can start an upgrade is version 2.4.19.
Important notice: after finishing the upgrade process the forum stays in maintenance modus. You have to manually enable the forum again in the settings page afterwards.
- large enhancements for an writing direction independent page layout, mainly for support of right to left written languages
- large enhancements of using modern layout techniques (flexbox, grid) for a better support for mobile devices with typically narrower browser viewports
- add a forgotten case of adding a column to the column list of a select because of using the column in the order-by-clause
- several fixes and enhancements in the upgrade script
- fixes in the language files for arabic, german and italian languages