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49 lines (29 loc) · 2.23 KB

{ "title" : "Balances Not Loading or Showing on MyCrypto", "sort" : "02", "category" : "Addresses & Balances", "description" : "Addresses & Balances", "date_published" : "2017-06-20T08:00:00+08:00", "date_modified" : "2018-11-29T08:00:00+08:00" }


This is most likely due to the fact that either you are behind a firewall, you have refreshed the page a bunch of times and hit your hourly API limit, or our nodes are under extreme strain and are refusing to return your balance information.

The easiest way to check your balance is actually not by unlocking your wallet. You only need your address in order to see your balance. It is not recommended that you enter your private key anywhere if you just want to check on the balance or see incoming / outgoing transactions. Instead...


Paste your address into the search bar and it will pull up your address and transaction history on:


ETC Paste your address into the search bar and it will pull up your address and transaction history.

If you need to send some tokens and they aren't loading, here are some things you can try to troubleshoot:

  1. Hard refresh the page. On Chrome on OSX, you hit cmd+shift+r. On a PC, it's ctrl+shift+r.

  2. Check your internet / firewall.

  3. Try connecting to a different network in the top-right corner. Choosing one that you are not currently connected to may solve your problem. If you are interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, you have four nodes to choose from:
