diff --git a/example/googleMapsExample.html b/example/googleMapsExample.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1dc0a3b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/googleMapsExample.html @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + + + 3D Tiles Renderer Options Example + + + + +
+ Testing another change the evaluation Cesium Ion token from the Cesium repository or your own token and asset id
into the fields and press "reload" to see the demo. See cesium.com for more information. +
+ + + diff --git a/example/googleMapsExample.js b/example/googleMapsExample.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2597ac7d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/googleMapsExample.js @@ -0,0 +1,604 @@ +import { + DebugTilesRenderer as TilesRenderer, + NONE, + SCREEN_ERROR, + GEOMETRIC_ERROR, + DISTANCE, + DEPTH, + RELATIVE_DEPTH, + IS_LEAF, + RANDOM_COLOR, +} from '../src/index.js'; +import { + Scene, + DirectionalLight, + AmbientLight, + WebGLRenderer, + PerspectiveCamera, + CameraHelper, + Raycaster, + Vector2, + Vector3, + Quaternion, + Mesh, + CylinderBufferGeometry, + MeshBasicMaterial, + Group, + TorusBufferGeometry, + sRGBEncoding, + Matrix4, + Box3, + Sphere, + SphereGeometry, +} from 'three'; +import { FlyOrbitControls } from './FlyOrbitControls.js'; +import { BufferGeometryUtils } from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js'; +import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js'; +import { DRACOLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/DRACOLoader.js'; +import { GUI } from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/lil-gui.module.min.js'; +import Stats from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/stats.module.js'; + +const ALL_HITS = 1; +const FIRST_HIT_ONLY = 2; + +const apiOrigin = 'https://tile.googleapis.com'; + +const hashUrl = window.location.hash.replace( /^#/, '' ); +let camera, controls, scene, renderer, tiles, cameraHelper; +let raycaster, mouse, rayIntersect, lastHoveredElement; +let offsetParent; +let statsContainer, stats; + +const params = { + + 'enableUpdate': true, + 'raycast': NONE, + 'enableCacheDisplay': false, + 'enableRendererStats': false, + + 'apiKey': 'put-your-google-api-key-here', + 'errorTarget': 6, + 'errorThreshold': 60, + 'maxDepth': 15, + 'loadSiblings': true, + 'stopAtEmptyTiles': true, + 'displayActiveTiles': false, + 'resolutionScale': 1.0, + + 'up': '+Y', + 'displayBoxBounds': false, + 'colorMode': 0, + 'reload': reinstantiateTiles, + +}; + +init(); +animate(); + +function rotationBetweenDirections( dir1, dir2 ) { + + const rotation = new Quaternion(); + const a = new Vector3().crossVectors( dir1, dir2 ); + rotation.x = a.x; + rotation.y = a.y; + rotation.z = a.z; + rotation.w = 1 + dir1.clone().dot( dir2 ); + rotation.normalize(); + + return rotation; + +} + +function setupTiles() { + + tiles.fetchOptions.mode = 'cors'; + + // Note the DRACO compression files need to be supplied via an explicit source. + // We use unpkg here but in practice should be provided by the application. + const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader(); + dracoLoader.setDecoderPath( 'https://unpkg.com/three@0.123.0/examples/js/libs/draco/gltf/' ); + + const loader = new GLTFLoader( tiles.manager ); + loader.setDRACOLoader( dracoLoader ); + + tiles.manager.addHandler( /\.gltf$/, loader ); + offsetParent.add( tiles.group ); + + tiles.setResolutionFromRenderer( camera, renderer ); + tiles.setCamera( camera ); + +} + +function isInt( input ) { + + return ( typeof input === 'string' ) ? ! isNaN( input ) && ! isNaN( parseFloat( input ) ) && Number.isInteger( parseFloat( input ) ) : Number.isInteger( input ); + +} + +function reinstantiateTiles() { + + let url = hashUrl || '../data/tileset.json'; + + if ( hashUrl ) { + + params.ionAssetId = isInt( hashUrl ) ? hashUrl : ''; + + } + + if ( tiles ) { + + offsetParent.remove( tiles.group ); + tiles.dispose(); + tiles = null; + + } + + url = new URL( `${apiOrigin}/v1/3dtiles/root.json?key=${ params.apiKey }` ); + + fetch( url, { mode: 'cors' } ) + .then( ( res ) => { + + if ( res.ok ) { + + return res.json(); + + } else { + + return Promise.reject( `${res.status} : ${res.statusText}` ); + + } + + } ) + .then( ( json ) => { + + if ( !json.root ) { + throw new Error( `malformed response: ${ json }` ); + } + + // TODO: check this is correct + // find first node with uri and treat that as root + let uri = undefined; + const toVisit = []; + for ( let curr = json.root; curr !== undefined; curr = toVisit.pop() ) { + if ( curr.content?.uri ) { + uri = new URL( `${ apiOrigin }${ curr.content.uri }` ); + uri.searchParams.append( 'key', params.apiKey ); + break; + } + + toVisit.push( ...curr.children ); + } + + if ( !uri ) { + throw new Error( `can't find root uri in response: ${ json }` ); + } + + const session = uri.searchParams.get( 'session' ); + + console.log('uri', uri); + console.log('session', session); + + tiles = new TilesRenderer( uri.toString() ); + + tiles.preprocessURL = uri => { + + uri = new URL( uri ); + if ( /^http/.test( uri.protocol ) ) { + + uri.searchParams.append( 'session', session ); + uri.searchParams.append( 'key', params.apiKey ); + + } + return uri.toString(); + + }; + + tiles.onLoadTileSet = () => { + + const box = new Box3(); + const sphere = new Sphere(); + const matrix = new Matrix4(); + + let position; + let distanceToEllipsoidCenter; + + if ( tiles.getOrientedBounds( box, matrix ) ) { + + position = new Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition( matrix ); + distanceToEllipsoidCenter = position.length(); + + } else if ( tiles.getBoundingSphere( sphere ) ) { + + position = sphere.center.clone(); + distanceToEllipsoidCenter = position.length(); + + } + + const surfaceDirection = position.normalize(); + const up = new Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); + const rotationToNorthPole = rotationBetweenDirections( surfaceDirection, up ); + + tiles.group.quaternion.x = rotationToNorthPole.x; + tiles.group.quaternion.y = rotationToNorthPole.y; + tiles.group.quaternion.z = rotationToNorthPole.z; + tiles.group.quaternion.w = rotationToNorthPole.w; + + tiles.group.position.y = - distanceToEllipsoidCenter; + + }; + + setupTiles(); + + } ) + .catch( err => { + + console.error( 'Unable to get gmaps tileset:', err ); + + } ); + +} + +function init() { + scene = new Scene(); + + // primary camera view + renderer = new WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } ); + renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio ); + renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); + renderer.setClearColor( 0x151c1f ); + renderer.outputEncoding = sRGBEncoding; + + document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); + renderer.domElement.tabIndex = 1; + + camera = new PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 4000 ); + camera.position.set( 10, 10, 10 ); + cameraHelper = new CameraHelper( camera ); + scene.add( cameraHelper ); + + const geom = new SphereGeometry(1, 32, 8); + const mat = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } ); + const mesh = new Mesh(geom, mat); + mesh.position.x = 4; + scene.add(mesh); + + // controls + controls = new FlyOrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement ); + controls.screenSpacePanning = false; + controls.minDistance = 1; + controls.maxDistance = 2000; + + // lights + const dirLight = new DirectionalLight( 0xffffff ); + dirLight.position.set( 1, 2, 3 ); + scene.add( dirLight ); + + const ambLight = new AmbientLight( 0xffffff, 0.2 ); + scene.add( ambLight ); + + offsetParent = new Group(); + scene.add( offsetParent ); + + // Raycasting init + raycaster = new Raycaster(); + mouse = new Vector2(); + + rayIntersect = new Group(); + + const rayIntersectMat = new MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xe91e63 } ); + const rayMesh = new Mesh( new CylinderBufferGeometry( 0.25, 0.25, 6 ), rayIntersectMat ); + rayMesh.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; + rayMesh.position.z += 3; + rayIntersect.add( rayMesh ); + + const rayRing = new Mesh( new TorusBufferGeometry( 1.5, 0.2, 16, 100 ), rayIntersectMat ); + rayIntersect.add( rayRing ); + scene.add( rayIntersect ); + rayIntersect.visible = false; + + reinstantiateTiles(); + + onWindowResize(); + window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false ); + renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove, false ); + renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, false ); + renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, false ); + renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', onMouseLeave, false ); + + // GUI + const gui = new GUI(); + gui.width = 300; + + const ionOptions = gui.addFolder( 'gmaps' ); + ionOptions.add( params, 'apiKey' ); + ionOptions.add( params, 'reload' ); + ionOptions.open(); + + const tileOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Tiles Options' ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'loadSiblings' ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'stopAtEmptyTiles' ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'displayActiveTiles' ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'errorTarget' ).min( 0 ).max( 50 ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'errorThreshold' ).min( 0 ).max( 1000 ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'maxDepth' ).min( 1 ).max( 100 ); + tileOptions.add( params, 'up', [ '+Y', '+Z', '-Z' ] ); + + const debug = gui.addFolder( 'Debug Options' ); + debug.add( params, 'displayBoxBounds' ); + debug.add( params, 'colorMode', { + + NONE, + SCREEN_ERROR, + GEOMETRIC_ERROR, + DISTANCE, + DEPTH, + RELATIVE_DEPTH, + IS_LEAF, + RANDOM_COLOR, + + } ); + + const exampleOptions = gui.addFolder( 'Example Options' ); + exampleOptions.add( params, 'resolutionScale' ).min( 0.01 ).max( 2.0 ).step( 0.01 ).onChange( onWindowResize ); + exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableUpdate' ).onChange( v => { + + tiles.parseQueue.autoUpdate = v; + tiles.downloadQueue.autoUpdate = v; + + if ( v ) { + + tiles.parseQueue.scheduleJobRun(); + tiles.downloadQueue.scheduleJobRun(); + + } + + } ); + exampleOptions.add( params, 'raycast', { NONE, ALL_HITS, FIRST_HIT_ONLY } ); + exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableCacheDisplay' ); + exampleOptions.add( params, 'enableRendererStats' ); + + gui.open(); + + statsContainer = document.createElement( 'div' ); + document.getElementById( 'info' ).appendChild( statsContainer ); + + // Stats + stats = new Stats(); + stats.showPanel( 0 ); + document.body.appendChild( stats.dom ); + +} + +function onWindowResize() { + + camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; + renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); + + camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); + renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio * params.resolutionScale ); + +} + +function onMouseLeave( e ) { + + lastHoveredElement = null; + +} + +function onMouseMove( e ) { + + const bounds = this.getBoundingClientRect(); + mouse.x = e.clientX - bounds.x; + mouse.y = e.clientY - bounds.y; + mouse.x = ( mouse.x / bounds.width ) * 2 - 1; + mouse.y = - ( mouse.y / bounds.height ) * 2 + 1; + + lastHoveredElement = this; + +} + +const startPos = new Vector2(); +const endPos = new Vector2(); +function onMouseDown( e ) { + + const bounds = this.getBoundingClientRect(); + startPos.set( e.clientX - bounds.x, e.clientY - bounds.y ); + +} + +function onMouseUp( e ) { + + const bounds = this.getBoundingClientRect(); + endPos.set( e.clientX - bounds.x, e.clientY - bounds.y ); + if ( startPos.distanceTo( endPos ) > 2 ) { + + return; + + } + + raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera ); + + raycaster.firstHitOnly = true; + const results = raycaster.intersectObject( tiles.group, true ); + if ( results.length ) { + + const object = results[ 0 ].object; + const info = tiles.getTileInformationFromActiveObject( object ); + + let str = ''; + for ( const key in info ) { + + let val = info[ key ]; + if ( typeof val === 'number' ) { + + val = Math.floor( val * 1e5 ) / 1e5; + + } + + let name = key; + while ( name.length < 20 ) { + + name += ' '; + + } + + str += `${ name } : ${ val }\n`; + + } + console.log( str ); + + } + +} + +function animate() { + + requestAnimationFrame( animate ); + + if ( ! tiles ) return; + + // update options + tiles.errorTarget = params.errorTarget; + tiles.errorThreshold = params.errorThreshold; + tiles.loadSiblings = params.loadSiblings; + tiles.stopAtEmptyTiles = params.stopAtEmptyTiles; + tiles.displayActiveTiles = params.displayActiveTiles; + tiles.maxDepth = params.maxDepth; + tiles.displayBoxBounds = params.displayBoxBounds; + tiles.colorMode = parseFloat( params.colorMode ); + + // TODO: required every raf? + tiles.setResolutionFromRenderer( camera, renderer ); + tiles.setCamera( camera ); + + offsetParent.rotation.set( 0, 0, 0 ); + if ( params.up === '-Z' ) { + + offsetParent.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2; + + } else if ( params.up === '+Z' ) { + + offsetParent.rotation.x = - Math.PI / 2; + + } + + offsetParent.updateMatrixWorld( true ); + + if ( parseFloat( params.raycast ) !== NONE && lastHoveredElement !== null ) { + + if ( lastHoveredElement === renderer.domElement ) { + + raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera ); + + } + + raycaster.firstHitOnly = parseFloat( params.raycast ) === FIRST_HIT_ONLY; + + const results = raycaster.intersectObject( tiles.group, true ); + if ( results.length ) { + + const closestHit = results[ 0 ]; + const point = closestHit.point; + rayIntersect.position.copy( point ); + + // If the display bounds are visible they get intersected + if ( closestHit.face ) { + + const normal = closestHit.face.normal; + normal.transformDirection( closestHit.object.matrixWorld ); + rayIntersect.lookAt( + point.x + normal.x, + point.y + normal.y, + point.z + normal.z + ); + + } + + rayIntersect.visible = true; + + } else { + + rayIntersect.visible = false; + + } + + } else { + + rayIntersect.visible = false; + + } + + // update tiles + window.tiles = tiles; + if ( params.enableUpdate ) { + + camera.updateMatrixWorld(); + tiles.update(); + + } + + render(); + stats.update(); + +} + +function render() { + + cameraHelper.visible = false; + + // render primary view + const dist = camera.position.distanceTo( rayIntersect.position ); + rayIntersect.scale.setScalar( dist * camera.fov / 6000 ); + + renderer.render( scene, camera ); + + const cacheFullness = tiles.lruCache.itemList.length / tiles.lruCache.maxSize; + let str = `Downloading: ${ tiles.stats.downloading } Parsing: ${ tiles.stats.parsing } Visible: ${ tiles.group.children.length - 2 }`; + + if ( params.enableCacheDisplay ) { + + const geomSet = new Set(); + tiles.traverse( tile => { + + const scene = tile.cached.scene; + if ( scene ) { + + scene.traverse( c => { + + if ( c.geometry ) { + + geomSet.add( c.geometry ); + + } + + } ); + + } + + } ); + + let count = 0; + geomSet.forEach( g => { + + count += BufferGeometryUtils.estimateBytesUsed( g ); + + } ); + str += `
Cache: ${ ( 100 * cacheFullness ).toFixed( 2 ) }% ~${ ( count / 1000 / 1000 ).toFixed( 2 ) }mb`; + + } + + if ( params.enableRendererStats ) { + + const memory = renderer.info.memory; + const programCount = renderer.info.programs.length; + str += `
Geometries: ${ memory.geometries } Textures: ${ memory.textures } Programs: ${ programCount }`; + + } + + if ( statsContainer.innerHTML !== str ) { + + statsContainer.innerHTML = str; + + } + +}