#Overall driver options LDT running mode: "LSM parameter processing" Processed LSM parameter filename: ./ldt_param123_noahmp25.nc LIS number of nests: 1 Number of surface model types: 1 Surface model types: "LSM" Land surface model: "Noah-MP.3.6" Lake model: none Water fraction cutoff value: 0.5 Number of met forcing sources: 1 Met forcing sources: "PRINCETON" Met spatial transform methods: "neighbor" # bilinear Topographic correction method (met forcing): "lapse-rate" Temporal interpolation method (met forcing): linear LDT diagnostic file: ldtlog LDT output directory: OUTPUT Undefined value: -9999.0 #Processor layout Number of ensembles per tile: 1 Number of processors along x: 1 Number of processors along y: 1 #LIS domain Map projection of the LIS domain: latlon Run domain lower left lat: 7.75 Run domain lower left lon: 68 Run domain upper right lat: 35.5 Run domain upper right lon: 97.5 Run domain resolution (dx): 0.25 Run domain resolution (dy): 0.25 # Parameters Landcover data source: MODIS_Native Landcover classification: IGBPNCEP Landcover file: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/igbp.bin Landcover spatial transform: tile Landcover fill option: none # Set to none if creating land mask Landcover map projection: latlon Create or readin landmask: create Landmask data source: MODIS_Native Landmask spatial transform: none #Crop-Irrigation Parameters Incorporate crop information: .true. # .true. = incorporate crop/irrig info with LSM parameters Crop classification: "FAOSTAT05" Crop library directory: "./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/crop_params/Crop.Library.Files/" Assign crop value type: "none" # Assign: "none", "single", "multiple" crop values #Assign single crop value: .true. Default crop type: "maize" # "maize", "millet", etc. Crop type data source: "Monfreda08" # UMDCROPMAP, Monfreda08, CONSTANT Crop type file: "./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/crop_parms/Monfreda_175Crops/Crops/" Crop map spatial transform: "average" # Upscale # Irrigation maps: # GRIPC: Irrigation fraction data source: "GRIPC" Irrigation fraction map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/irrigation/global_gripc/irrigtype_salmon2013.flt Irrigation fraction spatial transform: average Irrigation type data source: "GRIPC" Irrigation type map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/irrigation/global_gripc/irrigtype_salmon2013.flt Irrigation type spatial transform: tile # Soil Parameters Soil fraction data source: none Soils spatial transform: none Soils fill option: none Soils map projection: latlon Soil texture data source: STATSGOFAO_Native Soil texture map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/topsoil30snew Soil texture spatial transform: mode Soil texture fill option: neighbor Soil texture fill value: 6 Soil texture fill value for Antarctica: 16 Soil texture fill radius: 5 Soil texture map projection: latlon Soil texture force exclusion of water points during fill: true # Topography parameters -- Elevation, Slope, Aspect Elevation data source: SRTM_Native Elevation number of bands: 1 Elevation map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/topo_parms/SRTM30/raw_wgtopo30antarc Elevation fill option: none # Preserve elevation for water bodies Elevation fill value: 0 Elevation fill radius: 5 Slope data source: SRTM_Native Slope number of bands: 1 Slope map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/topo_parms/SRTM30/raw_wgtopo30antarc Slope fill option: none # Preserve slope for water bodies Slope fill value: 0 Slope fill radius: 5. Aspect data source: SRTM_Native Aspect number of bands: 1 Aspect map: ./INPUTLS_PARAMETERS/topo_parms/SRTM30/raw_wgtopo30antarc Aspect fill option: none # Preserve aspect ratio for water bodies Aspect fill value: 3.14159 Aspect fill radius: 5. Topography spatial transform: average Topography map projection: latlon # LSM-specific parameters Albedo data source: NCEP_Native Albedo map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/albedo Albedo climatology interval: monthly Albedo spatial transform: budget-bilinear Albedo fill option: neighbor Albedo fill value: 0.15 Albedo fill radius: 5 Albedo map projection: latlon Max snow albedo data source: Barlage_Native Max snow albedo map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/maximum_snow_albedo.hdf Max snow albedo spatial transform: average Max snow albedo fill option: neighbor Max snow albedo fill value: 0.3 Max snow albedo fill radius: 5 Max snow albedo map projection: latlon Greenness data source: NCEP_Native Greenness fraction map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/gfrac Greenness climatology interval: monthly Calculate min-max greenness fraction: .false. Greenness maximum map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/gfrac_max.asc Greenness minimum map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/gfrac_min.asc Greenness spatial transform: budget-bilinear Greenness fill option: neighbor Greenness fill radius: 5 Greenness fill value: 0.3 Greenness maximum fill value: 1.0 Greenness minimum fill value: 0.0 Greenness map projection: latlon #Slope type inputs Slope type data source: CONSTANT Slope type map: none Slope type spatial transform: neighbor # none | neighbor | mode Slope type fill option: neighbor # none | neighbor Slope type fill radius: 0 # Number of pixels to search for neighbor Slope type fill value: 1. # Recommended static value to fill where missing Slope type map projection: latlon Bottom temperature data source: ISLSCP1 Bottom temperature map: ./INPUT/LS_PARAMETERS/noah_2dparms/SOILTEMP.60 Bottom temperature spatial transform: budget-bilinear Bottom temperature fill option: average Bottom temperature fill value: 287.0 Bottom temperature fill radius: 5. Bottom temperature topographic downscaling: lapse-rate Bottom temperature map projection: latlon Noah-MP PBL Height Value: 900. PRINCETON elevation map: ./INPUT/hydro1k_elev_mean_1d.asc # ------------------------