################################################## OVERALL DRIVER OPTIONS #################################################### Running mode: retrospective Map projection of the LIS domain: latlon Number of nests: 1 Number of surface model types: 1 Surface model types: LSM Surface model output interval: 1da Land surface model: "Noah-MP.4.0.1" Number of met forcing sources: 1 Blending method for forcings: overlay Met forcing sources: "MERRA2" "GPM IMERG" # "GDAS" #"MERRA2" "GPM IMERG" Met forcing chosen ensemble member: 1 Topographic correction method (met forcing): "lapse-rate and slope-aspect" "lapse-rate and slope-aspect" Enable spatial downscaling of precipitation: 0 1 Spatial upscaling method (met forcing): none none Spatial interpolation method (met forcing): bilinear bilinear Temporal interpolation method (met forcing): "linear" "linear" #################################################### RUNTIME OPTIONS ####################################################### Forcing variables list file: ./forcing_variables_v2.txt Output methodology: "2d gridspace" Output model restart files: 1 Output data format: "netcdf" #"distributed binary" #netcdf Output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" Start mode: coldstart #coldstart[ first year] restart [for the sequence year] Starting year: 2017 Starting month: 04 Starting day: 01 Starting hour: 00 Starting minute: 00 Starting second: 00 Ending year: 2017 Ending month: 04 Ending day: 30 Ending hour: 23 Ending minute: 30 Ending second: 00 Undefined value: -9999 Output directory: ./output/ Diagnostic output file: ./logs/lislog_ Number of ensembles per tile: 1 #The following options are used for subgrid tiling based on vegetation Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of elevation bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands): 0.05 Maximum number of slope bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands): 0.05 Maximum number of aspect bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands): 0.05 #Processor layout #Should match the total number of processors used Number of processors along x: 8 # increase when total run are more than 12 hours [DISCOVER limit time] Number of processors along y: 8 #Decompose by processes: .true. Halo size along x: 0 Halo size along y: 0 #Sub-models Radiative transfer model: none Number of application models: 0 #HYMAP router Routing model: "none" #External runoff data source: "LIS runoff output" #LIS runoff output directory: "../GLOBAL_10km_OL/OUTPUT/" #LIS runoff output interval: "1da" #HYMAP2 routing model time step: "15mn" #TEMPLATE model timestep: "15mn" #HYMAP2 routing model output interval: "1da" #HYMAP2 routing model restart interval: "1mo" # method: enter 1 - kinematic; 2 - diffusive # linear reservoir flag: enter 1 - use; or 2 - do not use linear reservoirs # evaporation option: enter 1 - compute; or 2 - do not compute evapotation in floodplains #HYMAP2 routing method: "kinematic" #HYMAP2 routing model time step method: "adaptive" #HYMAP2 routing model adaptive time step alfa coefficient: 1 #HYMAP2 run in ensemble mode: 0 #HYMAP2 routing model linear reservoir flag: 0 #HYMAP2 routing model evaporation option: none # "penman" #HYMAP2 routing model start mode: restart #HYMAP2 routing model restart file: ./LIS_RST_NOAHMP401_201903312330.d01.nc #HYMAP2 floodplain dynamics: 1 #HYMAP2 enable 2-way coupling: 0 #HYMAP2 reservoir operation option: 0 #HYMAP2 number of reservoirs: 1 #HYMAP2 reservoir operation input time series size: 2 #HYMAP2 reservoir operation input directory: ./ #HYMAP2 reservoir operation header filename: ./header_test.txt #HYMAP2 reservoir operation input data type: "water level" # "streamflow" # #HYMAP2 routing model dwi flag: 0 #HYMAP2 use localization update in DA: 0 #HYMAP2 localization update window size: 5 #HYMAP2 localization weight map: distance_map_volta.nc ################################################## DATA ASSIMILATON ####################################################### #Data assimilation options Number of data assimilation instances: 0 Data assimilation algorithm: none Data assimilation set: none Data assimilation exclude analysis increments: 0 Data assimilation output interval for diagnostics: "1da" Data assimilation number of observation types: 1 Data assimilation output ensemble spread: 0 Data assimilation scaling strategy: "none" Data assimilation output processed observations: 1 Data assimilation output innovations: 0 #Number of state variables: 7 1 Data assimilation use a trained forward model: 0 Data assimilation trained forward model output file: none #Data assimilation observation domain file: ./proc_LDT/GSFC_GRACE_tws_obs/GRACE_domain.nc Apply perturbation bias correction: 0 Bias estimation algorithm: "none" "none" Bias estimation attributes file: "none" "none" Bias estimation restart output frequency: Bias estimation start mode: Bias estimation restart file: #Perturbation options Perturbations start mode: coldstart Perturbations restart output interval: 1mo Perturbations restart filename: none Forcing perturbation algorithm: none Forcing perturbation frequency: 1hr Forcing attributes file: none Forcing perturbation attributes file: none State perturbation algorithm: none State perturbation frequency: 3hr State attributes file: none State perturbation attributes file: none Observation perturbation algorithm: none Observation perturbation frequency: 6hr Observation attributes file: none Observation perturbation attributes file: none ##################################################### PARAMETERS ########################################################## #The following options list the choice of parameter maps to be used LIS domain and parameter data file: ./lis_input_001.nc Landmask data source: LDT Landcover data source: LDT Soil texture data source: LDT Soil fraction data source: none Soil color data source: none Elevation data source: LDT Slope data source: LDT Aspect data source: LDT Curvature data source: none LAI data source: none SAI data source: none Albedo data source: LDT Max snow albedo data source: LDT Greenness data source: LDT Roughness data source: none Porosity data source: none Ksat data source: none B parameter data source: none Quartz data source: none Emissivity data source: none ###################################################### FORCINGS ########################################################### MERRA2 forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/MERRA2/ MERRA2 use lowest model level forcing: 1 MERRA2 use corrected total precipitation: 1 #GDAS forcing directory: ./input/FORCING/GDAS/ #./input/MET_FORCING/MERRA2/ IMERG forcing directory: ./input/MET_FORCING/IMERG/Final_V06B/ IMERG product: 'late' #'final' 'late' IMERG version: V06B ###################################################### IRRIGATION ########################################################### Irrigation scheme: "none" Irrigation output interval: "1da" Irrigation threshold: 0.4 Irrigation GVF parameter 1: 0.4 Irrigation GVF parameter 2: 0. Irrigation scheduling based on dynamic vegetation: 1 #Works together with dynamic vegetation option = 2 Groundwater abstraction for irrigation: 1 Irrigation source water partition: 1 Sprinkler irrigation max root depth file: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/irrigation/conus_modis/maxrootdepth32.txt ################################################ LAND SURFACE MODELS ###################################################### Noah-MP.4.0.1 model timestep: 30mn # 30mn Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart output interval: 1da #1mo Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file: ./output/rst/SURFACEMODEL/ #./LIS_RST_NOAHMP401_200104302330.d01.nc Noah-MP.4.0.1 restart file format: netcdf Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/SOILPARM.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 general parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/GENPARM.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 MP parameter table: ./input/LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/MPTABLE_UMD.TBL Noah-MP.4.0.1 number of soil layers: 4 Noah-MP.4.0.1 thickness of soil layers: 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 dynamic vegetation option: 2 # Up to 10 different options Noah-MP.4.0.1 canopy stomatal resistance option: 1 # 1=Ball-Berry; 2=Jarvis Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance: 1 # 1=Noah; 2=CLM; 3=SSiB Noah-MP.4.0.1 runoff and groundwater option: 1 # 1=SIMGM; 2=SIMTOP; 3=Schaake96; 4=BATS; 5=Miguez-Macho&Fan Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface layer drag coefficient option: 1 # 1=M-O; 2=Chen97 Noah-MP.4.0.1 supercooled liquid water option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.4.0.1 frozen soil permeability option: 1 # 1=NY06; 2=Koren99 Noah-MP.4.0.1 radiation transfer option: 3 # 1=gap=F(3D;cosz); 2=gap=0; 3=gap=1-Fveg Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow surface albedo option: 2 # 1=BATS; 2=CLASS Noah-MP.4.0.1 rainfall & snowfall option: 1 # 1=Jordan91; 2=BATS; 3=Noah Noah-MP.4.0.1 lower boundary of soil temperature option: 2 # 1=zero-flux; 2=Noah Noah-MP.4.0.1 snow&soil temperature time scheme option: 1 # 1=semi-implicit; 2=fully implicit; 3=FSNO for TS Noah-MP.4.0.1 glacier option: 1 # 1=include phase change; 2=slab ice (Noah) Noah-MP.4.0.1 surface resistance option: 1 # 1=Sakaguchi and Zeng 2009; 2=Sellers (1992); 3=adjusted Sellers; 4=option1 for non-snow and rsurf_snow for snow Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil configuration option: 1 # 1=input dominant soil texture; 2=input soil texture varies that varies with depth; 3=soil composition and pedotransfer; 4=input soil properties Noah-MP.4.0.1 soil pedotransfer function option: 1 # 1=Saxton and Rawls (2006) (used when soil_opt=3) Noah-MP.4.0.1 crop model option: 0 # 0=No crop model; 1=Liu et al. 2016; 2=Gecros Noah-MP.4.0.1 urban physics option: 0 # 0=No; 1=Single-layer; 2=Multi-layer BEP scheme; 3=Multi-layer BEM scheme Noah-MP.4.0.1 reference height of temperature and humidity: 6.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial surface skin temperature: 273.7 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow water equivalent: 0.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial snow depth: 0.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total canopy surface water: 0.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial soil temperatures: 290.0 290.0 290.0 290.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial total soil moistures: 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial leaf area index: 0.5 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water table depth: 2.5 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in the aquifer: 6900.0 Noah-MP.4.0.1 initial water in aquifer and saturated soil: 6900.0 ############################################# MODEL OUTPUT CONFIGURATION ################################################ #Specify the list of ALMA variables that need to be featured in the #LSM model output Output start year: Output start month: Output start day: Output start hour: Output start minutes: Output start seconds: Model output attributes file: './model_output.tbl' # for warm-up period we will not print out the output variables