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Adding yourself to the lab website

Taylor Salo edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 1 revision

Instructions for adding yourself to the lab website

These instructions assume that you have already forked the repository and are working on your fork.

  1. Create a copy of team/_posts/ for your profile page.
    • The name of your page has two components, a date and your name.
    • The date is not when you joined the lab. In Jekyll sites, posts are organized by the dates in the filenames, so we use those dates to organize lab members based on their start date and position. The year and month in the date should reflect your position (e.g., graduate students have "2017-04"), while the day should reflect when you started with respect to other folks in that category (e.g., all graduate students who joined in the same year should have the same date).
      • If you're not sure what date to use, try to find the profile of a lab member with a similar role in the lab and use the same year and month as them. Then just use the next day after the most recent person in that group. Whoever reviews your pull request will be able to say what date you should use.
    • The name portion of the filename should have your surname, followed by your given name.
  2. Fill in the information in the template file.
    • At minimum, you need to fill in title, position, department, handle, nickname, image, and science_names.
    • You should also try to fill in as many of the social fields as you can. Just remember to only include profiles that are related to your scientific work. If you have a personal Twitter account, that's fine to include. If your Twitter profile is dedicated to pictures of your cat, then you probably shouldn't include it on your lab profile page. It's up to your discretion to decide.
    • Fill in the section at the bottom with at least a few sentences about yourself and your research interests. Feel free to look at other lab members' profiles for inspiration. You can include as much or as little info as you want, as long as visitors can understand what kind of research you do based on what you have.
    • See this page for more information about what each of the fields means.
  3. Add a profile picture to assets/images/team/. It MUST be 200x200 pixels and should be either a JPEG or a PNG.
  4. Render the site locally to make sure everything looks good.
  5. Open a pull request to the NBCLab root repository and wait for someone to review your changes.
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