$ pinefarm run runcards/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT theory_200_1.yaml /store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/cli/_base.py:26: UserWarning: No configuration file detected. warnings.warn("No configuration file detected.") /store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/configs.py:82: UserWarning: Using default minimal configuration ('root = $PWD'). warnings.warn("Using default minimal configuration ('root = $PWD').") ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT Computing ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT... Installing... ✓ Found lhapdf Updating crates.io index Installing cargo-c v0.9.27+cargo-0.74.0 Updating crates.io index Downloaded fiat-crypto v0.2.5 Downloaded 1 crate (495.4 KB) in 0.71s Compiling libc v0.2.150 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.69 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling pkg-config v0.3.27 Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15 Compiling autocfg v1.1.0 Compiling thiserror v1.0.50 Compiling memchr v2.6.4 Compiling serde v1.0.192 Compiling regex-syntax v0.8.2 Compiling once_cell v1.18.0 Compiling crc32fast v1.3.2 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling smallvec v1.11.2 Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.9 Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0 Compiling same-file v1.0.6 Compiling hex v0.4.3 Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.16 Compiling adler v1.0.2 Compiling itoa v1.0.9 Compiling sha1_smol v1.0.0 Compiling bytes v1.5.0 Compiling bitflags v2.4.1 Compiling powerfmt v0.2.0 Compiling time-core v0.1.2 Compiling num_threads v0.1.6 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling zeroize v1.7.0 Compiling rustix v0.38.24 Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.4.11 Compiling minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Compiling subtle v2.5.0 Compiling home v0.5.5 Compiling gix-trace v0.1.3 Compiling const-oid v0.9.5 Compiling hashbrown v0.14.2 Compiling fastrand v2.0.1 Compiling log v0.4.20 Compiling signal-hook v0.3.17 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.13 Compiling serde_json v1.0.108 Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.0 Compiling base64ct v1.6.0 Compiling ryu v1.0.15 Compiling anyhow v1.0.75 Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.5 Compiling curl v0.4.44 Compiling hashbrown v0.12.3 Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1 Compiling base16ct v0.2.0 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.26 Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.11 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling unicode-bom v2.0.3 Compiling static_assertions v1.1.0 Compiling base64 v0.21.5 Compiling equivalent v1.0.1 Compiling pin-project-lite v0.2.13 Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.0 Compiling clru v0.6.1 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0 Compiling bitflags v1.3.2 Compiling anstyle v1.0.4 Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.29 Compiling arrayvec v0.5.2 Compiling heck v0.4.1 Compiling arc-swap v1.6.0 Compiling winnow v0.5.19 Compiling clap_lex v0.6.0 Compiling pulldown-cmark v0.9.3 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 Compiling either v1.9.0 Compiling fiat-crypto v0.2.5 Compiling overload v0.1.1 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling semver v1.0.20 Compiling strsim v0.10.0 Compiling ct-codecs v1.1.1 Compiling shell-escape v0.1.5 Compiling cbindgen v0.26.0 Compiling bytesize v1.3.0 Compiling glob v0.3.1 Compiling humantime v2.1.0 Compiling lazycell v1.3.0 Compiling pathdiff v0.2.1 Compiling termcolor v1.4.0 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.11 Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.4 Compiling libloading v0.8.1 Compiling tracing-core v0.1.32 Compiling thread_local v1.1.7 Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0 Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.0 Compiling sharded-slab v0.1.7 Compiling walkdir v2.4.0 Compiling lock_api v0.4.11 Compiling num-traits v0.2.17 Compiling miniz_oxide v0.7.1 Compiling generic-array v0.14.7 Compiling ahash v0.8.6 Compiling unicase v2.7.0 Compiling indexmap v1.9.3 Compiling im-rc v15.1.0 Compiling nu-ansi-term v0.46.0 Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.2 Compiling kstring v2.0.0 Compiling time-macros v0.2.15 Compiling pem-rfc7468 v0.7.0 Compiling itertools v0.10.5 Compiling itertools v0.11.0 Compiling gix-utils v0.1.5 Compiling anstream v0.6.4 Compiling der v0.7.8 Compiling aho-corasick v1.1.2 Compiling nom v7.1.3 Compiling http-auth v0.1.8 Compiling tracing-log v0.2.0 Compiling quote v1.0.33 Compiling crossbeam-channel v0.5.8 Compiling indexmap v2.1.0 Compiling syn v2.0.39 Compiling getrandom v0.2.11 Compiling memmap2 v0.5.10 Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.1 Compiling gix-sec v0.8.4 Compiling socket2 v0.4.10 Compiling filetime v0.2.22 Compiling io-close v0.3.7 Compiling jobserver v0.1.27 Compiling cc v1.0.83 Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22 Compiling vte_generate_state_changes v0.1.1 Compiling tar v0.4.40 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 Compiling ed25519-compact v2.0.4 Compiling bitmaps v2.1.0 Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1 Compiling vte v0.10.1 Compiling ff v0.13.0 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 Compiling rand_xoshiro v0.6.0 Compiling prodash v25.0.2 Compiling imara-diff v0.1.5 Compiling group v0.13.0 Compiling rand v0.8.5 Compiling idna v0.4.0 Compiling regex-automata v0.4.3 Compiling spki v0.7.2 Compiling btoi v0.4.3 Compiling ordered-float v2.10.1 Compiling strip-ansi-escapes v0.1.1 Compiling sized-chunks v0.6.5 Compiling regex-automata v0.1.10 Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6 Compiling block-buffer v0.10.4 Compiling crypto-bigint v0.5.4 Compiling pkcs8 v0.10.2 Compiling digest v0.10.7 Compiling url v2.4.1 Compiling sec1 v0.7.3 Compiling libz-sys v1.1.12 Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.95 Compiling libnghttp2-sys v0.1.8+1.55.1 Compiling curl-sys v0.4.68+curl-8.4.0 Compiling libssh2-sys v0.3.0 Compiling libgit2-sys v0.15.2+1.6.4 Compiling hmac v0.12.1 Compiling sha2 v0.10.8 Compiling signature v2.2.0 Compiling sha1 v0.10.6 Compiling tempfile v3.8.1 Compiling terminal_size v0.3.0 Compiling hkdf v0.12.3 Compiling rfc6979 v0.4.0 Compiling clap_builder v4.4.8 Compiling flate2 v1.0.28 Compiling matchers v0.1.0 error: failed to run custom build command for `openssl-sys v0.9.95` Caused by: process didn't exit successfully: `/tmp/cargo-installPH5zEI/release/build/openssl-sys-c29fcb2879f07c9c/build-script-main` (exit status: 101) --- stdout cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_LIB_DIR OPENSSL_LIB_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_DIR X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_OPENSSL_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_DIR OPENSSL_DIR unset cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_NO_PKG_CONFIG cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_PKG_CONFIG cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_STATIC cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=OPENSSL_DYNAMIC cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_ALL_STATIC cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_ALL_DYNAMIC cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_PKG_CONFIG_PATH cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_PATH cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=HOST_PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR run pkg_config fail: `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS="1" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/lib/pkgconfig:/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/lib/pkgconfig" "pkg-config" "--libs" "--cflags" "openssl"` did not exit successfully: exit status: 1 error: could not find system library 'openssl' required by the 'openssl-sys' crate --- stderr Package openssl was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `openssl.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'openssl' found --- stderr thread 'main' panicked at /home/mnc33/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/openssl-sys-0.9.95/build/find_normal.rs:190:5: Could not find directory of OpenSSL installation, and this `-sys` crate cannot proceed without this knowledge. If OpenSSL is installed and this crate had trouble finding it, you can set the `OPENSSL_DIR` environment variable for the compilation process. Make sure you also have the development packages of openssl installed. For example, `libssl-dev` on Ubuntu or `openssl-devel` on Fedora. If you're in a situation where you think the directory *should* be found automatically, please open a bug at https://github.com/sfackler/rust-openssl and include information about your system as well as this message. $HOST = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu $TARGET = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu openssl-sys = 0.9.95 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... error: failed to compile `cargo-c v0.9.27+cargo-0.74.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installPH5zEI`. To reuse those artifacts with a future compilation, set the environment variable `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to that path. error: no such command: `cinstall` Did you mean `install`? View all installed commands with `cargo --list` Installing... ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to * * M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 3.4.2 2023-01-20 * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph * * and * * http://amcatnlo.web.cern.ch/amcatnlo/ * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works * * Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works * * Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works * * * ************************************************************ load MG5 configuration from .prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt fastjet-config does not seem to correspond to a valid fastjet-config executable (v3+). We will use fjcore instead. Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/fastjet-config (including fastjet-config). MG5_aMC> set fastjet /PATH/TO/fastjet-config set lhapdf to lhapdf-config None does not seem to correspond to a valid lhapdf-config executable. Please set the 'lhapdf' variable to the (absolute) /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config (including lhapdf-config). Note that you can still compile and run aMC@NLO with the built-in PDFs MG5_aMC> set lhapdf /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config Using default eps viewer "evince". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt Using default web browser "firefox". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt Checking if MG5 is up-to-date... (takes up to 2s) New Version of MG5 available! Do you want to update your current version? [n, y, on_exit][60s to answer] >Update bypassed. The next check for a new version will be performed in 7 days In order to change this delay. Enter the command: set auto_update X Putting X to zero will prevent this check at anytime. You can upgrade your version at any time by typing: install update Loading default model: sm INFO: load particles INFO: load vertices INFO: Restrict model sm with file .prefix/mg5amc/models/sm/restrict_default.dat . INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+ MG5_aMC>save options auto_convert_model save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt MG5_aMC>Switching to Feynman gauge because it is the only one supported by the model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu. INFO: download model from http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/Downloads/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu.tgz to the following directory: /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/models --2023-11-17 14:41:04-- http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/Downloads/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu.tgz Resolving madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be (madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be)... Connecting to madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be (madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 959608 (937K) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘tmp.tgz’ tmp.tgz 100%[=====================================================================>] 937.12K --.-KB/s in 0.1s 2023-11-17 14:41:04 (9.34 MB/s) - ‘tmp.tgz’ saved [959608/959608] loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/write_param_card.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_ckm.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/couplings.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_with_b_mass.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_parallel_test_ZZ.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_a0.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_parallel_test_WZ.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/lorentz.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/.restrict_parallel_test_WZ.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_parallel_test.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_with_b_mass_no_width.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/.restrict_parallel_test.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/.restrict_parallel_test_ZZ.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/__init__.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/CT_couplings.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_with_technical.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/particles.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/._object_library.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/object_library.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_default.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/function_library.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/__init__.py~ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/parameters.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/.restrict_parallel_test_WW.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/coupling_orders.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/CT_parameters.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/CT_vertices.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/vertices.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_parallel_test_WW.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_no_widths.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/alfas_functions.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/tDecay_EW.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/test.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ZDecay.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/makefile_oneloop loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ParamModule.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/makefile_hdecay loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/WDecay.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/H0Decay.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/makefile_test loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/banner.inc loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ident_card.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/makefile_MW5 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/smwidth.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/WDecay_EW.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/scheme.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ZDecay_EW.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/mis_warp.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/input.dat loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/lha_read.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/Func_PSI.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/use_func.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/ReadParam.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/tDecay.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/hdecay.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/elw.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/hgg.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/dmb.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/haber.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/feynhiggs.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/slha.in loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/susylha.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/hsqsq.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/hgaga.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/hdecay/hdecay.in loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/create.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/makefile_config loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/avh_olo_foriregi.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/COPYING loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/DESCRIPTION loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/make_cuttools loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/clean.sh loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_bn.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_bnlog.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_qdcpp.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_boxc.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_b11.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_main.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_olog.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_a0.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_pc_olo.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_box.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_real.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_tri.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_bub.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_qmplx.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_bub.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_pc_exe.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_dilog.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_version.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_mpfun90.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_auxfun.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_comb.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_wrp01.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_print.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_arprec.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_d0.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_kinds.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_intrf.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_complex.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_units.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_b0.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_ddfun90.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_intrinsic.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_pc.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_an.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_c0.h90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/src/avh_olo_arrays.f90 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/cavh_olo.h loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/example.cpp loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/create.py loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/Config loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/clean loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_cpp/clean.sh loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/example.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/irdiv_input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_ddfun90/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/irdiv_input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_arprec/f_test.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/example.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/irdiv_input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/irdiv_input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_qdcpp/f_test.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/example.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/irdiv_input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/example_mpfun90/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/build/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/ loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_3fin.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_3div.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_4div.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_cuba-1.x.h loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_func.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_cuba-2.x.h loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_d1mach.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_hello.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_cmplx.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_dqagpe.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_dfam.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_real.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_cuba.h loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/src/avh_oni_cuba.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/example.f loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input05 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/makefile loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input16 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input11 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input10 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/README loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input09 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input07 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input06 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input08 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input12 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input15 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input14 loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/SMWidth/oneloop/ONI/example/input13 fail to load model but auto_convert_model is on True. Trying to convert the model convert model /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu retry the load of the model import model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu INFO: By loading this model the calculation can involve ELECTROWEAK corrections. Please cite ref. 'arXiv:1804.10017' when using results from this code. INFO: load particles INFO: load vertices INFO: Restrict model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu with file .prefix/mg5amc/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_default.dat . INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Pass the definition of 'j' and 'p' to 5 flavour scheme, including the photon. Kept definitions of multiparticles l+ / l- / vl / vl~ unchanged Defined multiparticle all = g ghg ghg~ u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a gha gha~ ve vm vt e- mu- ta- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ ta+ t t~ z w+ ghz ghwp ghwm h g0 g+ w- ghz~ ghwp~ ghwm~ g- INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Kept definitions of multiparticles p / j / l+ / l- / vl / vl~ unchanged Defined multiparticle all = g ghg ghg~ u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a gha gha~ ve vm vt e- mu- ta- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ ta+ t t~ z w+ ghz ghwp ghwm h g0 g+ w- ghz~ ghwp~ ghwm~ g- pdfsets.index: 48.0kB [00:00, 121kB/s] [ERROR] The PDF NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed already exists at /home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/share/LHAPDF Installation completed > took 32.33 s Grid calculation completed > took 0.00 s ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to * * M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 3.4.2 2023-01-20 * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph * * and * * http://amcatnlo.web.cern.ch/amcatnlo/ * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works * * Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works * * Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works * * * ************************************************************ load MG5 configuration from ../../.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt fastjet-config does not seem to correspond to a valid fastjet-config executable (v3+). We will use fjcore instead. Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/fastjet-config (including fastjet-config). MG5_aMC> set fastjet /PATH/TO/fastjet-config set lhapdf to lhapdf-config None does not seem to correspond to a valid lhapdf-config executable. Please set the 'lhapdf' variable to the (absolute) /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config (including lhapdf-config). Note that you can still compile and run aMC@NLO with the built-in PDFs MG5_aMC> set lhapdf /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config Using default eps viewer "evince". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt Using default web browser "firefox". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt import /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/output.txt The import format was not given, so we guess it as command import model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu Switching to Feynman gauge because it is the only one supported by the model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu. INFO: Restrict model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu with file ../../.prefix/mg5amc/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_default.dat . INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ Pass the definition of 'j' and 'p' to 5 flavour scheme, including the photon. Defined multiparticle all = g ghg ghg~ u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a gha gha~ ve vm vt e- mu- ta- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ ta+ t t~ z w+ ghz ghwp ghwm h g0 g+ w- ghz~ ghwp~ ghwm~ g- set complex_mass_scheme True Activate complex mass scheme. INFO: Restrict model loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu with file ../../.prefix/mg5amc/models/loop_qcd_qed_sm_Gmu/restrict_default.dat . INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Kept definitions of multiparticles p / j / l+ / l- / vl / vl~ unchanged Defined multiparticle all = g ghg ghg~ u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a gha gha~ ve vm vt e- mu- ta- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ ta+ t t~ z w+ ghz ghwp ghwm h g0 g+ w- ghz~ ghwp~ ghwm~ g- define p = p b b~ Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a define j = p Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s b u~ c~ d~ s~ b~ a generate p p > t t~ QCD^2<=4 QED^2<=2 [QCD] WARNING: Use of multiparticles is non-trivial for NLO process generation and depends on the orders included, the process considered, as well as the PDF set chosen. See appendix D of arXiv:1804.10017 [hep-ph] for some guidance. INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: g g > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (1 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: g a > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (2 / 13) INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: u u~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (3 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: c c~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (4 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: d d~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (5 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: s s~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (6 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: b b~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (7 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: u~ u > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (8 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: c~ c > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (9 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: d~ d > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (10 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: s~ s > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (11 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: b~ b > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (12 / 13) INFO: link_born_real: skipping because not all splittings are QCD INFO: Generating FKS-subtracted matrix elements for born process: a g > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (13 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: g g > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (1 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: g a > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (2 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: u u~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (3 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: c c~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (4 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: d d~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (5 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: s s~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (6 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: b b~ > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (7 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: u~ u > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (8 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: c~ c > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (9 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: d~ d > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (10 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: s~ s > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (11 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: b~ b > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (12 / 13) INFO: Generating virtual matrix element with MadLoop for process: a g > t t~ QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (13 / 13) INFO: Generated 13 subprocesses with 598 real emission diagrams, 41 born diagrams and 455 virtual diagrams ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This computation can involve not only purely SM-QCD corrections at NLO. Please also cite ref. 'arXiv:1804.10017' when using results from this code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ output ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT First output using loop matrix-elements has been detected. Now asking for loop reduction: For loop computations, MadLoop requires dedicated tools to perform the reduction of loop Feynman diagrams using OPP-based and/or TIR approaches. Which one do you want to install? (this needs to be done only once) 1. cuttools (OPP) [0711.3596] : will be installed (required) 2. iregi (TIR) [1405.0301] : will be installed (required) 3. ninja (OPP) [1403.1229] : will be installed (recommended) 4. collier (TIR) [1604.06792] : will be installed (recommended) 5. golem (TIR) [0807.0605] : do not install You can: -> hit 'enter' to proceed -> type a number to cycle its options -> enter the following command: {tool_name} [install|noinstall|{prefixed_installation_path}] If you are unsure about what this question means, just type enter to proceed. found line : quit This answer is not valid for current question. Keep it for next question and use here default: 0 install ninja You are installing 'ninja', please cite ref(s): arXiv:1203.0291, arXiv:1403.1229, arXiv:1604.01363. Downloading the HEPToolInstaller at: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be//Downloads/HEPToolsInstaller/HEPToolsInstaller_V168.tar.gz Now installing ninja. Be patient... /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:530: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. _mg5_version = LooseVersion(line[9:].strip()) /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:477: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if tool_name in ['lhapdf6', 'lhapdf'] and MG5_version and MG5_version < LooseVersion("2.6.1"): /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:265: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. ( lambda MG5version: MG5version < LooseVersion("2.6.1"), Detected 'ninja' missing dependency: 'oneloop'. Will install it now. Fetching data with command: wget --no-check-certificate http://helac-phegas.web.cern.ch/helac-phegas/tar-files/OneLOop-3.6.tgz --2023-11-17 14:41:23-- http://helac-phegas.web.cern.ch/helac-phegas/tar-files/OneLOop-3.6.tgz Resolving helac-phegas.web.cern.ch (helac-phegas.web.cern.ch)... Connecting to helac-phegas.web.cern.ch (helac-phegas.web.cern.ch)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://helac-phegas.web.cern.ch/tar-files/OneLOop-3.6.tgz [following] --2023-11-17 14:41:23-- https://helac-phegas.web.cern.ch/tar-files/OneLOop-3.6.tgz Connecting to helac-phegas.web.cern.ch (helac-phegas.web.cern.ch)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 111734 (109K) [application/x-compressed] Saving to: ‘OneLOop-3.6.tgz’ 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 45% 1.10M 0s 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 91% 2.30M 0s 100K ......... 100% 207M=0.07s 2023-11-17 14:41:24 (1.62 MB/s) - ‘OneLOop-3.6.tgz’ saved [111734/111734] Installing tool 'oneloop'... > Follow the installation progress by running the command below in a separate terminal) > tail -f /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/oneloop/oneloop_install.log > Successful installation of dependency 'oneloop' in '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools'. > See installation log at '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/oneloop/oneloop_install.log'. Fetching data with command: wget --no-check-certificate http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/Downloads/ninja-1.1.0.tar.gz --2023-11-17 14:41:33-- http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/Downloads/ninja-1.1.0.tar.gz Resolving madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be (madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be)... Connecting to madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be (madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 581566 (568K) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘ninja-1.1.0.tar.gz’ 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 8% 1.51M 0s 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 17% 3.12M 0s 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 26% 43.6M 0s 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 35% 56.0M 0s 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 44% 1.94M 0s 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 52% 89.0M 0s 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 61% 118M 0s 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 70% 95.8M 0s 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 79% 2.19M 0s 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 88% 134M 0s 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 96% 90.2M 0s 550K .......... ....... 100% 256M=0.1s 2023-11-17 14:41:34 (5.55 MB/s) - ‘ninja-1.1.0.tar.gz’ saved [581566/581566] Installing tool 'ninja'... > Follow the installation progress by running the command below in a separate terminal) > tail -f /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/ninja/ninja_install.log Successful installation of 'ninja' in '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools'. ninja successfully installed in /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools. save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt install collier You are installing 'collier', please cite ref(s): arXiv:1604.06792. Downloading the HEPToolInstaller at: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be//Downloads/HEPToolsInstaller/HEPToolsInstaller_V168.tar.gz Now installing collier. Be patient... /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:530: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. _mg5_version = LooseVersion(line[9:].strip()) /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:477: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. if tool_name in ['lhapdf6', 'lhapdf'] and MG5_version and MG5_version < LooseVersion("2.6.1"): /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/HEPToolsInstallers/HEPToolInstaller.py:265: DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead. ( lambda MG5version: MG5version < LooseVersion("2.6.1"), Fetching data with command: wget --no-check-certificate http://collier.hepforge.org//collier-latest.tar.gz --2023-11-17 14:43:02-- http://collier.hepforge.org//collier-latest.tar.gz Resolving collier.hepforge.org (collier.hepforge.org)... Connecting to collier.hepforge.org (collier.hepforge.org)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: https://collier.hepforge.org/collier-latest.tar.gz [following] --2023-11-17 14:43:04-- https://collier.hepforge.org/collier-latest.tar.gz Connecting to collier.hepforge.org (collier.hepforge.org)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 933258 (911K) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘collier-latest.tar.gz’ 0K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% 1.75M 0s 50K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10% 3.58M 0s 100K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 16% 102M 0s 150K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 21% 3.71M 0s 200K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 27% 121M 0s 250K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 32% 102M 0s 300K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 38% 126M 0s 350K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 43% 3.96M 0s 400K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 49% 88.1M 0s 450K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 54% 129M 0s 500K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 60% 125M 0s 550K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 65% 3.61M 0s 600K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 71% 170M 0s 650K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 76% 125M 0s 700K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 82% 4.51M 0s 750K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 87% 242M 0s 800K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 93% 196M 0s 850K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 98% 219M 0s 900K .......... . 100% 268M=0.1s 2023-11-17 14:43:04 (9.29 MB/s) - ‘collier-latest.tar.gz’ saved [933258/933258] Installing tool 'collier'... > Follow the installation progress by running the command below in a separate terminal) > tail -f /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/collier/collier_install.log Successful installation of 'collier' in '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools'. collier successfully installed in /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools. save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt set golem '' save options golem save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt save options golem save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: Writing out the aMC@NLO code, using optimized Loops INFO: initialize a new directory: ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT INFO: remove old information in ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT INFO: Compiling CutTools. This has to be done only once and can take a couple of minutes. INFO: Compiling IREGI. This has to be done only once and can take a couple of minutes. INFO: Generating real emission matrix-elements... INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: g g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (1 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: g g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: g a > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (2 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: g a > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: u u~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (3 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: u u~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: c c~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (4 / 13) INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: d d~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (5 / 13) INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d d~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: s s~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (6 / 13) INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: b b~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (7 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: b b~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: u~ u > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (8 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: u~ u > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: c~ c > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (9 / 13) INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: d~ d > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (10 / 13) INFO: Reusing existing color information for process: d~ d > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: s~ s > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (11 / 13) INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: b~ b > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (12 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: b~ b > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating Helas calls for FKS process: a g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 (13 / 13) INFO: Processing color information for process: a g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: ... Done INFO: Writing files in P0_gg_ttx (1 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_gg_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: g g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: g g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_ga_ttx (2 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_ga_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: g a > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: g a > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_uux_ttx (3 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_uux_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: u u~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_ddx_ttx (4 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_ddx_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: d d~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_bbx_ttx (5 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_bbx_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: b b~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: b b~ > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_uxu_ttx (6 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_uxu_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ u > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: u~ u > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_dxd_ttx (7 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_dxd_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ d > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: d~ d > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_bxb_ttx (8 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_bxb_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: b~ b > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: b~ b > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Writing files in P0_ag_ttx (9 / 9) INFO: Creating files in directory V0_ag_ttx INFO: Computing diagram color coefficients INFO: Drawing loop Feynman diagrams for Process: a g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 INFO: Generating born Feynman diagrams for Process: a g > t t~ [ all = QCD QED ] QCD^2<=6 QED^2<=2 History written to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/Cards/proc_card_mg5.dat ALOHA: aloha starts to compute helicity amplitudes ALOHA: aloha creates 91 routines in 1.838 s The option complex_mass_scheme is modified [False] but will not be written in the configuration files. If you want to make this value the default for future session, you can run 'save options --all' The option gauge is modified [unitary] but will not be written in the configuration files. If you want to make this value the default for future session, you can run 'save options --all' save configuration file to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt INFO: Use Fortran compiler gfortran INFO: Use c++ compiler g++ INFO: Generate jpeg diagrams INFO: Generate web pages INFO: Compiling StdHEP. This has to be done only once. INFO: Done. Type "launch" to generate events from this process, or see /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/README Run "open index.html" to see more information about this process. quit quit patching file SubProcesses/setscales.f Hunk #1 succeeded at 578 (offset 10 lines). LHAPDF 6.4.0 loading /home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/share/LHAPDF/NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed/NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed_0000.dat NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed PDF set, member #0, version 2; LHAPDF ID = 324900 ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to * * M A D G R A P H 5 _ a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 3.4.2 2023-01-20 * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * https://server06.fynu.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph * * and * * http://amcatnlo.web.cern.ch/amcatnlo/ * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * Type 'tutorial' to learn how MG5 works * * Type 'tutorial aMCatNLO' to learn how aMC@NLO works * * Type 'tutorial MadLoop' to learn how MadLoop works * * * ************************************************************ load MG5 configuration from ../../.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt fastjet-config does not seem to correspond to a valid fastjet-config executable (v3+). We will use fjcore instead. Please set the 'fastjet'variable to the full (absolute) /PATH/TO/fastjet-config (including fastjet-config). MG5_aMC> set fastjet /PATH/TO/fastjet-config set ninja to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/lib set collier to /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/HEPTools/lib set lhapdf to lhapdf-config None does not seem to correspond to a valid lhapdf-config executable. Please set the 'lhapdf' variable to the (absolute) /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config (including lhapdf-config). Note that you can still compile and run aMC@NLO with the built-in PDFs MG5_aMC> set lhapdf /PATH/TO/lhapdf-config Using default eps viewer "evince". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt Using default web browser "firefox". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt import /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/launch.txt The import format was not given, so we guess it as command launch ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT INFO: ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to M A D G R A P H 5 * * a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 3.4.2 2023-01-20 * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * http://amcatnlo.cern.ch * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * * ************************************************************ INFO: load configuration from /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/.prefix/mg5amc/input/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt launch auto WARNING: NLO+PS mode is not allowed for processes including electroweak corrections The following switches determine which programs are run: /================== Description ==================|=========== values ===========|================ other options ================\ | 1. Type of perturbative computation | order = NLO | LO | | 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation | fixed_order = OFF | No NLO+PS available for EW correction | \================================================================================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'order=LO' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done. INFO: will run in mode: NLO set maxjetflavor 5 INFO: modify parameter maxjetflavor of the run_card.dat to 5 set gf 1.1663787e-5 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK sminputs with id (2,) set to 1.1663787e-05 set mh 125.0 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK mass with id (25,) set to 125.0 set mt 172.5 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK mass with id (6,) set to 172.5 set mw 80.352 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK mass with id (24,) set to 80.352 set mz 91.1535 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK mass with id (23,) set to 91.1535 set wh 4.07468e-3 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK decay with id (25,) set to 0.00407468 set wt 0.0 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK decay with id (6,) set to 0.0 set ww 2.084 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK decay with id (24,) set to 2.084 set wz 2.4943 INFO: modify param_card information BLOCK decay with id (23,) set to 2.4943 set ebeam1 6500 INFO: modify parameter ebeam1 of the run_card.dat to 6500.0 set ebeam2 6500 INFO: modify parameter ebeam2 of the run_card.dat to 6500.0 set pdlabel lhapdf INFO: modify parameter pdlabel of the run_card.dat to lhapdf set lhaid 324900 INFO: modify parameter lhaid of the run_card.dat to [324900] set dynamical_scale_choice 10 INFO: modify parameter dynamical_scale_choice of the run_card.dat to [10] set reweight_scale True INFO: modify parameter reweight_scale of the run_card.dat to [True] set req_acc_FO 0.001 INFO: modify parameter req_acc_fo of the run_card.dat to 0.001 set pineappl True INFO: modify parameter pineappl of the run_card.dat to True INFO: Update the dependent parameter of the param_card.dat WARNING: update the strong coupling value (alpha_s) to the value from the pdf selected: 0.11800216951342939 INFO: Starting run INFO: Compiling the code Error: no DISPLAY environment variable specified INFO: Using LHAPDF v6.5.3 interface for PDFs INFO: Compiling source... INFO: ...done, continuing with P* directories INFO: Compiling directories... INFO: Compiling on 112 cores INFO: Compiling P0_gg_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_ga_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_uux_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_ddx_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_bbx_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_uxu_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_dxd_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_bxb_ttx... INFO: Compiling P0_ag_ttx... WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_ag_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_ga_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_ddx_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_bxb_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_uux_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_bbx_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_dxd_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_uxu_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: fct does not return 0. Stopping the code in a clean way. The error was: A compilation Error occurs when trying to compile /store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx. The compilation fails with the following output message: gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../FixedOrderAnalysis/ ../../FixedOrderAnalysis//HwU.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ open_output_files_dummy.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_9.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_3.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_4.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_10.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_6.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_1.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_5.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_12.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_2.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_7.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_14.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_8.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_13.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ parton_lum_11.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_8.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_13.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_11.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_9.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_3.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_10.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_6.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_5.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_14.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_1.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_4.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_7.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ matrix_12.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ FKSParams.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ real_me_chooser.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ weight_lines.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ chooser_functions.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ recmom.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ mint_module.f90 gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ genps_fks.f genps_fks.f:334:32: 334 | common /c_granny_counters/ ntot_granny,ncase,derntot,deravg,derstd | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘deravg’ in COMMON ‘c_granny_counters’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setcuts.f setcuts.f:601:124: 601 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,3(e12.5,x)))') 'tau_min' | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) setcuts.f:605:199: 605 | write (*,'(a7,x,i3,x,i5,x,a1,e12.5,x,a13,e12.5,x))') | 1 Warning: Extraneous characters in format at (1) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ setscales.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:421:27: 421 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] setscales.f:242:27: 242 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ veto_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_006.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_002.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_003.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_005.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_001.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_008.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_004.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ b_sf_007.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ born.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ sborn_sf.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ extra_cnt_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ rescale_alpha_tagged.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_Sij.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc In file included from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:41:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 41 | auto_ptr plugin; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:43:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 43 | auto_ptr cs; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fastjetfortran_madfks_core.cc:30: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. fjcore.cc In file included from fjcore.cc:75: fjcore.hh:1371:44: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1371 | inline void plugin_associate_extras(std::auto_ptr extras_in) { | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:773:16: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 773 | triplet > _trees; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:774:8: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 774 | std::auto_ptr _heap; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClosestPair2D::_initialize(const std::vector&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, const fjcore::Coord2D&, unsigned int)’: fjcore.cc:1214:22: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1214 | _trees[ishift] = auto_ptr(new Tree(shuffles, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc:1234:11: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 1234 | _heap = auto_ptr(new MinHeap(mindists2, max_size)); | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ fjcore.cc: In member function ‘void fjcore::ClusterSequence::_delaunay_cluster()’: fjcore.cc:2457:3: warning: ‘template class std::auto_ptr’ is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 2457 | auto_ptr DNN; | ^~~~~~~~ In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/memory:80, from fjcore.hh:935, from fjcore.cc:75: /usr/include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:53:28: note: declared here 53 | template class auto_ptr; | ^~~~~~~~ gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fastjet_wrapper.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ fks_singular.f fks_singular.f:6496:132: 6496 | 1 B1=B0 | 1 Warning: Fortran 2018 deleted feature: DO termination statement which is not END DO or CONTINUE with label 1 at (1) fks_singular.f:44:51: 44 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:64:51: 64 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6124:55: 6124 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6141:55: 6141 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:6221:58: 6221 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:257:51: 257 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:295:51: 295 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:340:51: 340 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:404:51: 404 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:498:51: 498 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:608:51: 608 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:714:59: 714 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:1834:58: 1834 | if (cpower_pos.gt.0) wgtcpower=dble(orders(cpower_pos)) | 1 Warning: Array reference at (1) is out of bounds (0 < 1) in dimension 1 fks_singular.f:7114:3: 7114 | 12 continue | 1 ...... 7129 | goto 12 | 2 Warning: Legacy Extension: Label at (1) is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at (2) fks_singular.f:5284:23: 5284 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3659:20: 3659 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4881:29: 4881 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:3956:29: 3956 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:4112:29: 4112 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:865:27: 865 | common/c_FxFx_scales/FxFx_ren_scales,nFxFx_ren_scales, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘fxfx_fac_scale’ in COMMON ‘c_fxfx_scales’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:1060:31: 1060 | common/numberofparticles/fkssymmetryfactor,fkssymmetryfactorBorn, | 1 Warning: Named COMMON block ‘numberofparticles’ at (1) shall be of the same size as elsewhere (88 vs 80 bytes) run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:5204:23: 5204 | common/ccheckcnt/i_momcmp_count,xratmax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘xratmax’ in COMMON ‘ccheckcnt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] fks_singular.f:6823:29: 6823 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ montecarlocounter.f montecarlocounter.f:522:29: 522 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:650:20: 650 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:685:29: 685 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:2943:20: 2943 | common/cemsca/emsca,emsca_bare,emscasharp,scalemin,scalemax | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘scalemin’ in COMMON ‘cemsca’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] montecarlocounter.f:1345:29: 1345 | common/cparticle_types/i_type,j_type,m_type,ch_i,ch_j,ch_m | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘ch_i’ in COMMON ‘cparticle_types’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ reweight_xsec.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ boostwdir2.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ cluster.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ splitorders_stuff.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ get_color.f gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ iproc_map.f run.inc:75:21: 75 | common/to_rwgt/ do_rwgt_scale, rw_Fscale_down, rw_Fscale_up, rw_Rscale_down, rw_Rscale_up, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘rw_fscale_down’ in COMMON ‘to_rwgt’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] run.inc:10:22: 10 | common/to_scale/scale,scalefact,ellissextonfact,alpsfact,fixed_ren_scale, | 1 Warning: Padding of 4 bytes required before ‘mue_ref_fixed’ in COMMON ‘to_scale’ at (1); reorder elements or use ‘-fno-align-commons’ [-Walign-commons] gfortran -O -fno-automatic -ffixed-line-length-132 -c -I. -I../../lib/ MC_integer.f Package pineappl_capi was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `pineappl_capi.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'pineappl_capi' found g++ -std=c++11 -O -O3 -I/home/mnc33/local/lhapdf/include -c -I. pineappl_interface.cc pineappl_interface.cc:14:10: fatal error: pineappl_capi.h: No such file or directory 14 | #include | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [makefile:95: pineappl_interface.o] Error 1 Please try to fix this compilations issue and retry. Help might be found at https://answers.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo. If you think that this is a bug, you can report this at https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo WARNING: Compilation of the Subprocesses failed INFO: INFO: Checking test output: INFO: P0_gg_ttx INFO: Result for test_ME: Command "launch auto " interrupted with error: FileNotFoundError : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx/test_ME.log' Please report this bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/mg5amcnlo More information is found in '/store/DAMTP/mnc33/Projects_store/PhD/nnpdf40_pheno/pinefarm_runs/results/200-ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT--20231117144037/ATLAS_TTB_13TEV_TOT/run_01_tag_1_debug.log'. Please attach this file to your report. INFO: quit INFO: quit quit Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Notifications: Timeout was reached Traceback (most recent call last): File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/bin/pinefarm", line 8, in sys.exit(command()) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1157, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1078, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1688, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 1434, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/core.py", line 783, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/cli/run.py", line 31, in subcommand main(dataset, theory_card, pdf) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/cli/run.py", line 67, in main run_dataset(runner) File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/cli/run.py", line 122, in run_dataset runner.generate_pineappl() File "/store/DAMTP/mnc33/miniconda3/envs/new_pinefarm_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pinefarm/external/mg5/__init__.py", line 184, in generate_pineappl grid = pineappl.grid.Grid.read(mg5_grids[0]) IndexError: list index out of range Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.4.0. Please make sure to cite the paper: Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7420)