Ammar Ammar, ORCID:0000-0002-8399-8990
Maturity Indicator Identifier: MI-R1.3-324358ad68-II-CORONA_SEPARATION
This maturity indicator falls under the FAIR principle R1.3: (meta)data meet domain-relevant community standards
The ID of this MI is composed of the following segments (separated by hyphen):
- Acronym for "Maturity Indicator"
- The FAIR principle this maturity indicator belongs to
- The first 10 characters truncated from the SHA-256 hash of the primary reference DOI of this maturity indicator.
- A short name to distinguish the maturity indicator definition file
This MI is to indicate if "corona separation" information is reported by the nano toxicity study data or not.
This maturity indicator is extracted from the following paper Title: Best practice in reporting corona studies: minimum information about Nanomaterial Biocorona Experiments (MINBE) DOI:
If the corona separation information is reported by the nano toxicity study data or not.
Corona separation are important to report for corona characterization and to maximize the ability cross-comparison with other reported studies. Information to report: Solutes and centrifugation speed / time.
If the value is measured and reported in the data, the following field(s) should appear in JSON-LD metadata:
Field Name | Alternative terms |
corona separation | corona_separation, corona-separation |
The "corona separation" should be provided in a machine-readable format (JSON-LD) which can be queried using open universal protocol like HTTP.
The presence of the field "corona separation" in the JSON-LD metadata means the measurement is reported which is the valid result.
For nano toxicity related datasets.
"@context": {
"bs": "",
"schema": "",
"citation": "schema:citation",
"name": "schema:name",
"url": "schema:url",
"variableMeasured": "schema:variableMeasured",
"unitText": "schema:unitText"
"@type": "schema:Dataset",
"name": "Dataset title",
"@id": "Dataset DOI",
"url": "Dataset URL",
"citation": "Dataset Citation/Publication",
"variableMeasured": [
"@type": "schema:PropertyValue",
"name": "corona separation"