Ammar Ammar, ORCID:0000-0002-8399-8990
Maturity Indicator Identifier: MI-R1.3-324358ad68-III-MSMS_PLATFORM
This maturity indicator falls under the FAIR principle R1.3: (meta)data meet domain-relevant community standards
The ID of this MI is composed of the following segments (separated by hyphen):
- Acronym for "Maturity Indicator"
- The FAIR principle this maturity indicator belongs to
- The first 10 characters truncated from the SHA-256 hash of the primary reference DOI of this maturity indicator.
- A short name to distinguish the maturity indicator definition file
This MI is to indicate if "MS/MS platform" information is reported by the nano toxicity study data or not.
This maturity indicator is extracted from the following paper Title: Best practice in reporting corona studies: minimum information about Nanomaterial Biocorona Experiments (MINBE) DOI:
If the MS/MS platform information is reported by the nano toxicity study data or not.
MS/MS platform inforamtion is important to report for corona characterization and to maximize the ability cross-comparison with other reported studies. Information to report: Make and model of platform, type of mass analyser, software, and version.
If the value is measured and reported in the data, the following field(s) should appear in JSON-LD metadata:
Field Name | Alternative terms |
MS/MS platform | MS/MS_platform, MS/MS-platform |
The "MS/MS platform" should be provided in a machine-readable format (JSON-LD) which can be queried using open universal protocol like HTTP.
The presence of the field "MS/MS platform" in the JSON-LD metadata means the measurement is reported which is the valid result.
For nano toxicity related datasets.
"@context": {
"bs": "",
"schema": "",
"citation": "schema:citation",
"name": "schema:name",
"url": "schema:url",
"variableMeasured": "schema:variableMeasured",
"unitText": "schema:unitText"
"@type": "schema:Dataset",
"name": "Dataset title",
"@id": "Dataset DOI",
"url": "Dataset URL",
"citation": "Dataset Citation/Publication",
"variableMeasured": [
"@type": "schema:PropertyValue",
"name": "MS/MS platform"