An addon designed to work alongside Rob's Monster Variants Mod.
This Github is where you can check out the current work made inside Monster Variants Plus (Abreviated to MV+ from now on) as Nebby works on the next update.
All the code written here can be used for your own purposes as long as it isnt commercial, all of my work wouldn't be a thing if it wheren't for the help i've recived from other modders via letting me borrow some of their code.
That said, ideally do give credit if you plan on taking a snippet of code from this github for your own purposes.
All types of Bug Reports are to be sent to this github's Issue page. Please report these bugs under their correct labels for the sake of organization, these labels being:
Bugs related to the mod's Features, such as it's Rewards systems.
Bugs related to the mod's Variants, such as the AD-Shroom or the Incinerating Elder Lemurian.
I do take suggestions in the form of new features or new variants, but please, instead of messaging me on discord, please submit them in the Issue page alongside it's corresponding label.
Suggestions that are sent to my Discord dm's are no longer accepted, due to the difficulty of tracking them down and keeping them organized.
While this Github's wiki page is currently pretty barebones, in the future i plan on having that place where you can find all the information you need about my custom variants, or the features of the mod. This is to start cutting down on the size of the Thunderstore's Markdown readme file.
'1.3.7' Github Update
- Created the Github Wiki, where you can check with more detail how the system of the mod works, and the full description and values of each variant (alongside some tips by me on how to defeat them)
- Due to the wiki, i've cut down the size of this ReadMe file.
- Changes to the Following Variants
- Beetle Empress
- Changed it's utility skill so it can only spawn regular beetles
- Aluminum Contraption
- 50% Damage -> 75% Damage
- Adolescent
- 100% Damage -> 150% Damage
- Vampiric Templar
- Added a Rejuvination Rack
- Child
- 50% Damage -> 100% Damage
- Alpha Bison
- 70% Damage -> 100% Damage
- Incinerating Elder Lemurian
- -50 Armor -> -10 Armor
- Added a new primary, which consists of firing one mega fireball 5 times, effectively working like a burst
- Devourer Dunestrider
- Added 7 Focus Crystals
- Clay Soldier
- 60% Damage -> 75% Damage
- Clay Assasin
- 125% Movement Speed -> 120% Movement Speed
- 100% Damage -> 50% Damage
- Removed Tritip Daggers
- Added 10 Lensmarker Glasses
- Added a Shaterspleen
- Aeonic Wisp
- 200% Health -> 150% Health
- 90% Movement Speed -> 75% Movement Speed
- Beetle Empress
'1.3.6' Nebby did a poopy update
- Beetle Matriarchs default spawn rate is now 4 as its noted, instead of 100.
'1.3.5' Beetle Update
Added two new Beetle Queen variants
- Beetle Matriarch
- Beetle Empress
Changes to the following variants
- Clay Assasin -- 3 Tritip Daggers -> 5 Tritip Daggers
-- 120% Movement Speed -> 125% Movement Speed
-- Now properly uses a ghost material instead of being invulnerable.
- Clay Soldier -- 50% Damage -> 60% Damage
Added Missing Variants to the Config Checker.
'1.3.3' Whoops i accidentally made an invincible enemy uvu
- Fixed the clay assasins being invulnerable.
'1.3.2' Hidden Realms Nerf update.
Added a new config entry that dictates how the Item Drop behavior works on Hidden Realms.
Fixed M.O.A.J. not spawning jellyfishes on death.
Tweaked the Following Variants:
- Almost-But-Not-Quite-Archaic Wisp. -- 600 HP -> 500% HP
- AD-Shroom -- 500% Attack Speed -> 1000% Attack Speed
-- 5 Alien Heads -> 10 Alien Heads
- Healer Shroom -- 50% Attack Speed -> 25% Attack Speed
-- 2 Bustling Fungus -> 5 Bustling Fungus.
- Mama Shroom -- 100% HP -> 200% HP
- Bruiser Imp -- 80% HP -> 100% HP
-- 200% Movement Speed -> 300% Movement Speed
-- 2 Crowbars -> 3 Crowbars
- Kinda Great But Not Greater Wisp
-- 500% Attack Speed -> 250% Attack Speed
- Incinerating Elder Lemurian
-- 150% Movement Speed -> 300% Movement Speed
- Starving Dunestrider
-- Added a Hardlight Afterburner
- Kinda Archaic Wisp
-- 500% Attack Speed -> 250% Attack Speed.
Added the Following Variants:
- Clay Assasin
- Ancient Stone Titan
- Ancient Aurelionite
- Aurelionite Colosus
- Pygmy Aurelionite
'1.3.1' Whoops, More Variants!
- Added a failsafe mechanism that runs every time the mod loads, it checks if the values on the config file are invalid (Can be disabled).
- Added the Following Variants:
- Almost-But-Not-Quite-Archaic Wisp.
- Mama Shroom.
- Kinda-Great-But-Not-Greater Wisp.
- Swarmer Probe.
- Incinerating Elder Lemurian.
- Amalgamated Ancient Wisp.
- Aeonic Wisp.
- Kinda-Archaic Wisp.
- Changed how certain enemies spawn enemies on death.
- Wisp Amalgamate now spawns 5 lesser wisps on death.
- Rob's M.O.A.J now spawns 5 jellyfishes on death.
- Added proper credits to the people who suggested variants.
'1.3.0' Code Cleanup & Other Variants Update
- Refractored how the config file is generated, it's EXTREMELY advised that you delete your existing config file so the new one generates without any errors!
- Added the Malfunctioning Solus Control Unit
- Added the Malfunctioning Alloy Worship Unit,
- Added Other Variants. Variants that not necesarily belong to the Enemy Team.
- Added the Beetle Guard Brute - Gland
- Added the Beetle Guard Sharpshooter - Gland
- Added the Sniper Squid
- Added the Chaingun Squid.
'1.2.9' Wispception update
- Added the Wisp Amalgamate
- Added the Aluminum Contraption
- Added the Enraged Wisp
Nerfed the Adolescent, no longer has nkhunna's opinion -- 10% Health -> 75% Health
-- Changed it's inventory to now have 1 Medkit and 1 Planula instead of nkhunna's opinion.
The Devourer Dunestrider now properly has it's inventory, which adds 2 Aegis alongside the 2 Rejuvination Racks.
Added Healershroom
Added Sun Worshipper
Added Starving Dunestrider
Added nameOverride strings so Variants now are properly named in-game
A bunch of internal code changes.
'1.2.7' Whoops, All Variants! Update
- Added Adolescent, Child, Bruiser Imp, Alpha Bison, Hoarder, Devourer Dunestrider & Clay Soldier Variants.
- Probably forgot about something, feedback is greatly appreciated when confronting these new monsters.
'1.2.6' Public Methods baybeeee Update
- Updated MonsterVariants Dependency to version 1.3.7
- Removed a lot of now unecesary methods since Rob made a lot of his methods public instead of internal (Thanks rob, very cool <3)
'1.2.5' Variant Identification Update
A Lot of internal changes, too many to write down, lol.
Nerfed the Mortar Crab, shouldnt one-shot players now (i hope) -- 125% Damage -> 100% Damage
Added AD-Shroom Variant
Added Unique skins for custom variants.
Added a new Skin for Steel Contraption
Added a new Skin for AD-Shroom Variant
'1.2.4' Variant Rebalance Update
Changed the Leastest Wisp. -- Common Tier -> Uncommon Tier
-- 30% Spawn Chance -> 7% Spawn Chance
-- 1000% Attack Speed -> 500% Attack Speed
-- Now Spawns with 5 Alien Heads, causing it's Attack cooldown to be 1 second instead of 4.
Changed the Steel Contraption. -- 150% Size -> 100% Size
-- 150% Health -> 175% Health
-- 50% Attack Speed -> 75% Attack Speed
-- Removal of Size was because it caused problems with the Contraption's Aiming, Expect another easy way to differentiate them in the future.
Changed the Vampiric Templar -- 90% Damage -> 50% Damage
-- Replaced 5 Tri-Tip Daggers with 10 Lensmarker Glasses (Effective Damage is the same as a regular Templar.)
-- Replaced 10 Leeching Seeds with 20 Harvester Scythes (4.4HP+ per hit)
- Now Ships with this version instead of 1.2.1.
- Added a missing Semi-Colon in Config Loader that caused the mod to not compile, whoops.
'1.2.2' Vampiric Templar Update
Increased the spawn chance of a Leastest Wisp to 30%
Added Vampiric Templar Variant
Slightly Buffed Leastest Wisps, so theyre more annoying (as a mosquito should be) -- 200% Movement Speed -> 500% Movement Speed
-- 200% Attack Speed -> 1000% Attack Speed
-- 100% Damage -> 110% Damage
- Added spawn chances to the Readme file.
'1.2.0' Custom Variants Update
- Added 3 New Variants.
- Steel Contraption.
- Leastest Wisp.
- Mortar Crab.
- Added an option for item rewards to spawn based off the player who killed the variant.
'1.1.0' Anniversary Update
- Updated for the Anniversary Update.
- Added the XP Multiplier System.
- Added the Github Repository.
- Hopefully fixed a Small formatting error in the file.
- I swear to god if this doesnt fix the error i'll kms.
'1.0.3' -Actually ACTUALLY fixed the Error.
- Actually fixed the damn error.
- Fixed formatting error inside the file.
- Initial Release.