Module was created for Microsoft 365 tools (Office 365, Intune, Autopilot and Windows 365) and Exchange On-prem management (its a work-in-progress)..
SHOUT OUT to Kevin Blumenfeld
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module Neckross365 -Force
Install-Module Neckross365 -Force
Import-Module Neckross365 -Force
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module Neckross365 -Force -Scope CurrentUser
- Get-Windows10Hash Collects Windows 10 hashes and export to CSV.
- Get-Windows10HashUploadToIntune Collects Windows 10 hashes and uploads to Intune.
- Get-Windows10HashBULKUploadToAzure Collects Windows 10 hashes and uploads to Azure Blob (needs additional Blob configuration)
- Get-Windows10HashBULKDownloadFromAzureUploadToIntune Download Windows 10 hashes from Azure Blob, combine them into single CSV and uploads to Intune.
- Get-MobileDevicesReport Generates mobile devices report for Exchange Online.
- Get-MfaUserReport Generates MSOL users MFA report.
- Set-MfaState Converts an MFA user to user Azure AD Conditional Access MFA.
- Get-MsolUserGroupLicenseErrorsReport Capture all MSOL users with group-based licensing errors.
- Get-CloudSipUsers Captures cloud MSOL users with an existing SIP address.
- Get-MailboxQuotaReport Reports on cloud EXO mailbox size quota limits for ALL or single mailbox.
- Get-O365SoftDeletedAccounts Captures and output an Excel report on ALL Office 365 deleted accounts.
- Get-NewBatches It collects a NewBatches csv file to update existing Batches excel sheet.
- Get-MailboxBrokenEAP Captures on-prem users missing the Office 365 tenant proxy address.
- Set-MailboxBrokenEAP Applies on-prem users the the Office 365 tenant proxy address.
- Get-EAPrecipientReport Reports on-prem users EmailAddressPolicy assigned to a recipient.
- Get-CASMailboxProtocols Reports ALL on-prem CAS Mailboxes protocols state.
- Enable-CASMailboxProtocols Force enable ALL on-prem CAS mailboxes protocols to TRUE.
- Disable-CASMailboxProtocols Force disable ALL onp-prem CAS mailboxes protocols to FALSE.
- Get-OnpremSipUsers Captures on-prem AD users with an existing SIP address.
- Get-MailboxReport Captures a report of on-prem Mailboxes.
- Get-DistributionGroupReport Captures a report of on-prem Distribution Groups.
- Get-DistributionGroupMemberReport Captures a report of on-prem Distribution Groups Members and Owners.
- Get-Windows365UserLogonReport It captures the user logon activity from a Windows 365 Cloud PC.