# amazon-dash.yml # --------------- settings: # On seconds. Minimum time that must pass between pulsations. delay: 10 devices: ## Example of how to execute a system command #74:75:48:81:0b:83: # You can know the mac of your device with the discovery command # name: button1 # You can put the name you want # user: root # System user. Necessary if it is executed as root # cmd: spotify # Command to execute ## Example of how to execute a system command over SSH # AC:63:BE:75:1B:6F: # name: Tassimo # cmd: door --open # ssh: ## Example of how to execute a url # AC:63:BE:67:B2:F1: # name: Kit Kat # url: 'http://domain.com/path/to/webhook' # Url to execute # method: post # HTTP method. By default GET # headers: {"authorization": "key"} # content-type: json # Only available if Body is defined # body: '{"mac": "AC:63:BE:67:B2:F1", "action": "toggleLight"}' # Request payload. Remember the quotes ## Example of how to execute a Homeassistant event # 40:B4:CD:67:A2:E1: # name: Fairy # homeassistant: hassio.local # Address to the hass server # event: toggle_kitchen_light # Event name to send ## Example of how to execute a Openhab event # 18:74:2E:87:01:F2: # name: Doritos # openhab: # Address to the openhab server # item: open_door # Openhab item. Required # state: "ON" # item state to send. TOGGLE by default ## Example of how to execute a IFTTT Webhook event 74:75:48:81:0b:83: name: button_pressed ifttt: dt43S0s0RE3c3yzGk9z6io event: button_pressed # data: {"value1": "Pompadour button"} ## Uncomment this for use confirmations # confirmations: ## Example of how to send a Telegram confirmation on execution success or failure # send-tg: # Confirmation name. Set your own confirmation name # service: telegram # Confirmation service. Currently only Telegram # token: '402642618:QwGDgiKE3LqdkNAtBkq0UEeBoDdpZYw8b4h' # Telegram token. Get it from Botfather # to: 24291592 # Your Telegram id. You can get it using @get_id_bot # is_default: true # Use by default this confirmation for all devices # send-pb: # service: pushbullet # token: 'o.BbbPYjJizbPr2gSWgXGmqNTt6T9Rew51' # is_default: false # Need help? See the documentation: # http://docs.nekmo.org/amazon-dash/config_file.html # If you still need help open a issue: # https://github.com/Nekmo/amazon-dash/issues