headers received Waiting the document Garbage removed [1ff8] (5) chunksize line detected 1ff8 Debug before get_price_data_entsoe 1691964000, 48DEBUG set_store_start 0 -> 1691791200, index_delta -469942 48 DEBUG set_store_start ended period_start: 1691704800 record_start: 1691791200 - period_end: 1691964000 DEBUG set -1 1691704800 1371 DEBUG set -1 1691708400 1328 DEBUG set -1 1691712000 1148 DEBUG set -1 1691715600 1062 DEBUG set -1 1691719200 1121 DEBUG set -1 1691722800 1338 DEBUG set -1 1691726400 1720 DEBUG set -1 1691730000 1956 DEBUG set -1 1691733600 2332 DEBUG set -1 1691737200 2364 DEBUG set -1 1691740800 2358 DEBUG set -1 1691744400 2006 DEBUG set -1 1691748000 1945 DEBUG set -1 1691751600 1787 DEBUG set -1 1691755200 1854 DEBUG set -1 1691758800 1861 DEBUG set -1 1691762400 1901 DEBUG set -1 1691766000 1991 DEBUG set -1 1691769600 2285 DEBUG set -1 1691773200 2357 DEBUG set -1 1691776800 1956 DEBUG set -1 1691780400 1829 DEBUG set -1 1691784000 1674 DEBUG set -1 1691787600 1408 DEBUG set 0 1691791200 1328 DEBUG set 1 1691794800 1144 DEBUG set 2 1691798400 1022 DEBUG set 3 1691802000 863 DEBUG set 4 1691805600 748 DEBUG set 5 1691809200 500 DEBUG set 6 1691812800 534 DEBUG set 7 1691816400 805 DEBUG set 8 1691820000 1054 DEBUG set 9 1691823600 1285 DEBUG set 10 1691827200 1348 DEBUG set 11 1691830800 1193 DEBUG set 12 1691834400 1089 DEBUG set 13 1691838000 1010 DEBUG set 14 1691841600 600 DEBUG set 15 1691845200 692 DEBUG set 16 1691848800 1527 DEBUG set 17 1691852400 1742 DEBUG set 18 1691856000 1794 DEBUG set 19 1691859600 1787 DEBUG set 20 1691863200 1709 DEBUG set 21 1691866800 1610 DEBUG set 22 1691870400 1468 DEBUG set 23 1691874000 1332 DEBUG set 24 1691877600 1014 DEBUG set 25 1691881200 1058 DEBUG set 26 1691884800 1071 DEBUG set 27 1691888400 1124 DEBUG set 28 1691892000 1181 DEBUG set 29 1691895600 930 DEBUG set 30 1691899200 1049 DEBUG set 31 1691902800 1324 [] (4) Combined line: DEBUG set 33 1691910000 1701 DEBUG set 34 1691913600 1580 DEBUG set 35 1691917200 1379 DEBUG set 36 1691920800 601 DEBUG set 37 1691924400 110 DEBUG set 38 1691928000 151 DEBUG set 39 1691931600 692 DEBUG set 40 1691935200 1728 DEBUG set 41 1691938800 1929 DEBUG set 42 1691942400 1946 DEBUG set 43 1691946000 1949 DEBUG set 44 1691949600 1866 DEBUG set 45 1691953200 1818 DEBUG set 46 1691956800 1719 DEBUG set 47 1691960400 1416 end_reached No zero prices. Prices expires at 1691924400 Finished succesfully get_price_data_entsoe. Debug print start_ 1691791200 -> 1691960400, resolution_sec_ 3600, n_: 48 0, 1691791200 1328 1, 1691794800 1144 2, 1691798400 1022 3, 1691802000 863 4, 1691805600 748 5, 1691809200 500 6, 1691812800 534 7, 1691816400 805 8, 1691820000 1054 9, 1691823600 1285 10, 1691827200 1348 11, 1691830800 1193 12, 1691834400 1089 13, 1691838000 1010 14, 1691841600 600 15, 1691845200 692 16, 1691848800 1527 17, 1691852400 1742 18, 1691856000 1794 19, 1691859600 1787 20, 1691863200 1709 21, 1691866800 1610 22, 1691870400 1468 23, 1691874000 1332 24, 1691877600 1014 25, 1691881200 1058 26, 1691884800 1071 27, 1691888400 1124 28, 1691892000 1181 29, 1691895600 930 30, 1691899200 1049 31, 1691902800 1324 32, 1691906400 1691841041 33, 1691910000 1701 34, 1691913600 1580 35, 1691917200 1379 36, 1691920800 601 37, 1691924400 110 38, 1691928000 151 39, 1691931600 692 40, 1691935200 1728 41, 1691938800 1929 42, 1691942400 1946 43, 1691946000 1949 44, 1691949600 1866 45, 1691953200 1818 46, 1691956800 1719 47, 1691960400 1416 Cumulative sum:1691898561 Avg:35247886 write_buffer_to_influx: invalid or missing parameters. get_price_data_entsoe end. next_query_price_data: 1691924649 ok get_renewable_forecast start getFreeHeap: 212980 Forecast location undefined. Quitting get_renewable_forecast start getFreeHeap: 212980 DEBUG set_store_start 0 -> 1691881200, index_delta -469967 72 DEBUG set_store_start ended Connecting with CA check. cdn.fmi.fi Requesting URL: /products/renewable-energy-forecasts/wind/windpower_fi_latest.json client_https connected headers received Waiting the document [ 68769][E][ssl_client.cpp:37] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():361]: (-76) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (004C) in_buffer: [[1691838000,1.529],[1691841600,1.64],[1691845200,1.744],[1691848800,1.688],[1691852400,1.653],[1691856000,1.654],[1691859600,1.628],[1691863200,1.674],[1691866800,1.966],[1691870400,2.387],[1691874000,2.6],[1691877600,2.451],[1691881200,2.21],[1691884800,1.847],[1691888400,1.698],[1691892000,1.391],[1691895600,1.272],[1691899200,1.417],[1691902800,1.152],[1691906400,0.894],[1691910000,0.842],[1691913600,0.715],[1691917200,0.691],[1691920800,0.795],[1691924400,0.898],[1691928000,0.842],[1691931600,0.699],[1691935200,0.635],[1691938800,0.714],[1691942400,0.84],[1691946000,1.108],[1691949600,1.313],[1691953200,1.42],[1691956800,1.313],[1691960400,1.403],[1691964000,1.599],[1691967600,1.478],[1691971200,1.127],[1691974800,0.95],[1691978400,0.784],[1691982000,0.799],[1691985600,0.634],[1691989200,0.355],[1691992800,0.354],[1691996400,0.308],[1692000000,0.278],[1692003600,0.309],[1692007200,0.365],[1692010800,0.451],[1692014400,0.579],[1692018000,0.615],[1692021600,0.649],[1692025200,0.576],[1692028800,0.54],[1692032400,0.508],[1692036000,0.616],[1692039600,0.916],[1692043200,1.21],[1692046800,1.36],[1692050400,1.463],[1692054000,1.747],[1692057600,1.825]] DEBUG set -1 1691834400 1529 DEBUG set -1 1691838000 1640 DEBUG set -1 1691841600 1744 DEBUG set -1 1691845200 1688 DEBUG set -1 1691848800 1653 DEBUG set -1 1691852400 1654 DEBUG set -1 1691856000 1628 DEBUG set -1 1691859600 1674 DEBUG set -1 1691863200 1966 DEBUG set -1 1691866800 2387 DEBUG set -1 1691870400 2600 DEBUG set -1 1691874000 2451 DEBUG set -1 1691877600 2210 DEBUG set 0 1691881200 1847 DEBUG set 1 1691884800 1698 DEBUG set 2 1691888400 1391 DEBUG set 3 1691892000 1272 DEBUG set 4 1691895600 1417 DEBUG set 5 1691899200 1152 DEBUG set 6 1691902800 894 DEBUG set 7 1691906400 842 DEBUG set 8 1691910000 715 DEBUG set 9 1691913600 691 DEBUG set 10 1691917200 795 DEBUG set 11 1691920800 898 DEBUG set 12 1691924400 842 DEBUG set 13 1691928000 699 DEBUG set 14 1691931600 635 DEBUG set 15 1691935200 714 DEBUG set 16 1691938800 840 DEBUG set 17 1691942400 1108 DEBUG set 18 1691946000 1313 DEBUG set 19 1691949600 1420 DEBUG set 20 1691953200 1313 DEBUG set 21 1691956800 1403 DEBUG set 22 1691960400 1599 DEBUG set 23 1691964000 1478 DEBUG set 24 1691967600 1127 DEBUG set 25 1691971200 950 DEBUG set 26 1691974800 784 DEBUG set 27 1691978400 799 DEBUG set 28 1691982000 634 DEBUG set 29 1691985600 355 DEBUG set 30 1691989200 354 DEBUG set 31 1691992800 308 DEBUG set 32 1691996400 278 DEBUG set 33 1692000000 309 DEBUG set 34 1692003600 365 DEBUG set 35 1692007200 451 DEBUG set 36 1692010800 579 DEBUG set 37 1692014400 615 DEBUG set 38 1692018000 649 DEBUG set 39 1692021600 576 DEBUG set 40 1692025200 540 DEBUG set 41 1692028800 508 DEBUG set 42 1692032400 616 DEBUG set 43 1692036000 916 DEBUG set 44 1692039600 1210 DEBUG set 45 1692043200 1360 DEBUG set 46 1692046800 1463 DEBUG set 47 1692050400 1747 DEBUG set 48 1692054000 1825 get_renewable_forecast end getFreeHeap: 204092 Period changed 0 -> 1691838000, grid protection delay 0 secs calculate_price_rank_variables start: 1691791200, end: 1691964000, current_period_start: 1691838000 current_period_start: 1691838000, 2023-08-12 13:00, New way 9 h rank 3, avg 1385, diff -375, ratio 728 New way 24 h rank 5, avg 70494596, diff -70493586, ratio 0 New way 24 h fixed rank 8, avg 1174, diff -164, ratio 860 New way 8 h block rank 3 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469942, ts 1691791200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 period 1691838000, price 1010, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 period 1691841600, price 600, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 period 1691845200, price 692, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 period 1691848800, price 1527, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 period 1691852400, price 1742, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 period 1691856000, price 1794, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 period 1691859600, price 1787, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 period 1691863200, price 1709, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 period 1691866800, price 1610, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 period 1691870400, price 1468, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 period 1691874000, price 1332, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 period 1691877600, price 1014, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 period 1691881200, price 1058, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 period 1691884800, price 1071, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 period 1691888400, price 1124, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 period 1691892000, price 1181, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 period 1691895600, price 930, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 period 1691899200, price 1049, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 period 1691902800, price 1324, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 period 1691906400, price 1691841041, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 period 1691910000, price 1701, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 period 1691913600, price 1580, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 period 1691917200, price 1379, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 period 1691920800, price 601, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 day_start_local 1691791200 Finnish wind tomorrow avg, mWh:1062 calculate_price_rank_variables start: 1691791200, end: 1691964000, current_period_start: 1691838000 current_period_start: 1691838000, 2023-08-12 13:00, New way 9 h rank 3, avg 1385, diff -375, ratio 728 New way 24 h rank 5, avg 70494596, diff -70493586, ratio 0 New way 24 h fixed rank 8, avg 1174, diff -164, ratio 860 New way 8 h block rank 3 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469942, ts 1691791200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 period 1691838000, price 1010, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 period 1691841600, price 600, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 period 1691845200, price 692, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 period 1691848800, price 1527, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 period 1691852400, price 1742, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 period 1691856000, price 1794, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 period 1691859600, price 1787, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 period 1691863200, price 1709, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 period 1691866800, price 1610, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 period 1691870400, price 1468, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 period 1691874000, price 1332, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 period 1691877600, price 1014, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 period 1691881200, price 1058, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 period 1691884800, price 1071, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 period 1691888400, price 1124, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 period 1691892000, price 1181, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 period 1691895600, price 930, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 period 1691899200, price 1049, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 period 1691902800, price 1324, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 period 1691906400, price 1691841041, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 period 1691910000, price 1701, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 period 1691913600, price 1580, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 period 1691917200, price 1379, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 period 1691920800, price 601, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 day_start_local 1691791200 Finnish wind tomorrow avg, mWh:1062 Period changed 0 -> 1691838000, grid protection delay 0 secs calculate_price_rank_variables start: 1691791200, end: 1691964000, current_period_start: 1691838000 current_period_start: 1691838000, 2023-08-12 13:00, New way 9 h rank 3, avg 1385, diff -375, ratio 728 New way 24 h rank 5, avg 70494596, diff -70493586, ratio 0 New way 24 h fixed rank 8, avg 1174, diff -164, ratio 860 New way 8 h block rank 3 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469942, ts 1691791200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 period 1691838000, price 1010, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469956, ts 1691841600, start_ 0 period 1691841600, price 600, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469957, ts 1691845200, start_ 0 period 1691845200, price 692, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469958, ts 1691848800, start_ 0 period 1691848800, price 1527, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469959, ts 1691852400, start_ 0 period 1691852400, price 1742, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469960, ts 1691856000, start_ 0 period 1691856000, price 1794, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469961, ts 1691859600, start_ 0 period 1691859600, price 1787, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469962, ts 1691863200, start_ 0 period 1691863200, price 1709, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469963, ts 1691866800, start_ 0 period 1691866800, price 1610, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469964, ts 1691870400, start_ 0 period 1691870400, price 1468, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469965, ts 1691874000, start_ 0 period 1691874000, price 1332, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469966, ts 1691877600, start_ 0 period 1691877600, price 1014, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469967, ts 1691881200, start_ 0 period 1691881200, price 1058, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469968, ts 1691884800, start_ 0 period 1691884800, price 1071, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469969, ts 1691888400, start_ 0 period 1691888400, price 1124, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469970, ts 1691892000, start_ 0 period 1691892000, price 1181, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469971, ts 1691895600, start_ 0 period 1691895600, price 930, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469972, ts 1691899200, start_ 0 period 1691899200, price 1049, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469973, ts 1691902800, start_ 0 period 1691902800, price 1324, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469974, ts 1691906400, start_ 0 period 1691906400, price 1691841041, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469975, ts 1691910000, start_ 0 period 1691910000, price 1701, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469976, ts 1691913600, start_ 0 period 1691913600, price 1580, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469977, ts 1691917200, start_ 0 period 1691917200, price 1379, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 period 1691920800, price 601, pv_value_hour 0.000000, forecast 0.000000 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469955, ts 1691838000, start_ 0 ***Invalid timeSeries index 469978, ts 1691920800, start_ 0 day_start_local 1691791200 Finnish wind tomorrow avg, mWh:1062 13:50:54 Reading sensor and meter data...