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Nikita Malyshev edited this page Aug 30, 2013 · 7 revisions

Basic insert map with the required parameters.

<mappy:google address="New York" zoom="17" width="720" height="480"></mappy:google>

Argument Value type Description
address * string Specifies the address of the card. Separate multiple addresses with ";".
zoom * integer The value of presenting the map. From 0 to 20. The higher the number, the closer the map.
width * integer Map width in pixels.
height integer Map height in pixels.
addressPlacemark boolean Adds \ removes the label from the card. Default TRUE.
balloonContent string Allows you to add text to the label on the map. Multiple values ​​are separated by ';'. Applied in accordance with the addresses (in the same order). Allowed html.
zoomControl boolean Adds \ removes the zoom control.
streetViewControl boolean Adds \ removes Street View.
mapTypeControl boolean Adds \ removes the map type control.
panControl boolean Adds \ removes the circle to move around the map.
type ROADMAP, HYBRID, SATELLITE, TERRAIN Allows you to specify the type of terrain maps.
scrollwheel boolean Allows you to enable or disable mouse scrolling capability.
clusters boolean Allows you to enable or disable clustering of markers.

If you can help with translation to English, contact me.

🇺🇸 English links

  • [](Google Maps)

🇷🇺 Русские ссылки

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