In the last ten years the emergence of highly advanced machine learning algorithms and especially neural networks has caused major changes in many engineering disciplines. For that reason we wanted to create a piece of hardware that would be general enough to execute various types of machine learning algorithms. With the introduction of the vector extension to the RISC-V ISA, this option has become even more interesting, because hard work of creating a meaningful set of instructions has already been done in advance and additionally it gives engineers who want to work with it more flexibility because of its open-source nature.
Beacuse this project is a work in progress it is susceptible to further changes.
- hdl - Contains hardware source files and also some simple test benches used to verify basic functionality of some modules.
- RISCV-GCC_compile-scripts - contains scripts used to compile RISCV assembly code. Check sections COMPILE SCRIPTS for more information
- synth-Contains scripts which enable vivado synthesis and implementation of hardware from bash
- verif-Contains main source file used to create the verification environment
- vivado_pjt-Contains scripts used to create vivado project and add all hardware and verification files. Check section SIMULATION.
- Software - Contains assembly and .c examples
- Vitis_test_app - contains example software used for programming of Zedboard from Vitis.
- Scripts - .tcl files used for packaging of all the hardware files
- Sheet of implemented and verified instructions can be found on the next link:
- Open Vitis and create new board platform using .xca file from scripts directory. If you want to generate your own .xca file follow steps from README in scripts directory.
- Create new application project and use source files from Vitis_test_app_directory.
- Program FPGA and run the application. It will compare results that application calculated and results core outputed.
- The application will by default run an assembly.s code in RISCV-GCC_compile-scripts directory
To simulate the design in Vivado next .tcl script needs to be sourced to it:
The easiest way to do this is to open Vivado GUI and source the script by clicking tools -> Run Tcl Script
Script adds all files that are needed. Simulation needs some RISCV assembly code, and the default one used by the verification environment is:
If you want to generate your own assembly code, RISCV-GCC compiler needs to be downloaded.
Create installs dir:
mkdir installs
And in it clone the next repository:
cd installs
git clone
Go into cloned directory and folow the steps provided in its README file.
After everything has been installed you can go into RISCV-GCC-compile-scripts directory rewrite assembly.s file (write your own assembly instructions) and compile them with the next command:
The makefile will automaticaly compile everything and create assembly.dump file that is used by the simulator
- Vivado: used for hardware simulation and implementation.
- Vitis: used for testing hardware on board.
- RISCV-GCC compiler: used for compiling assembly code.