diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 51a4aa74a..8b4c7e8e9 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ **Highlights** - Support updating workflow instance business key. - Support for searching workflow instances by state variable key and value. -- Control retryable exception handling via `WorkflowSettings` (replaces deprecated `WorkflowState.isRetryAllowed(...)`) +- Control retrying and logging of an exception thrown by a state method via `WorkflowSettings` (replaces deprecated `WorkflowState.isRetryAllowed(...)`) **Details** - `nflow-engine` - `WorkflowInstanceService.updateWorkflowInstance` can now be used to update business key of the workflow instance. - Use `QueryWorkflowInstances.setStateVariable` to limit search query by state variable name and key. Only the latest value of the state variable of the workflow instance is used. - - Control retryable exception handling via `WorkflowSettings.Builder.setExceptionAnalyzer(...)` / `ExceptionHandling`: - - Allow setting the log entry level of the retryable exception thrown by state processing. - - Allow controlling whether the stack trace of the retryable exception is logged or not. - - Allow controlling whether the exception is retryable or not (replaces deprecated `WorkflowState.isRetryAllowed(...)`). + - Control retrying and logging of an exception thrown by a state method via `WorkflowSettings.Builder.setExceptionAnalyzer(...)` / `ExceptionHandling`: + - Control whether the exception is considered retryable or not (replaces deprecated `WorkflowState.isRetryAllowed(...)`). + - Control which log level is used to log the retryable exception. + - Control whether the stack trace of the retryable exception is logged or not. - `nflow-rest-api-common`, `nflow-rest-api-jax-rs`, `nflow-rest-api-spring-web` - `UpdateWorkflowInstanceRequest.businessKey` field was added to support updating workflow instance business key via REST API. - Added support for new query parameters `stateVariableKey` and `stateVariableValue` to `GET /v1/workflow-instance` to limit search query by state variable name and key. Only the latest value of the state variable of the workflow instance is used.