diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index efb8ee287..2fa0ff994 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ - Add started timestamp to workflow instance table. This makes the instance queries much faster when instances have lots of actions, as there is no need to join the nflow_workflow_action table to the query anymore. - Deprecated WorkflowInstanceInclude.STARTED enum value. This is not needed anymore, since the started timestamp is always read from the database when the instance is loaded. - Moved default implementations for `WorkflowExecutorListener` interface methods from the abstract class to the interface. + - Fixed bug with dropping non-existent index in PostgreSQL create script. - Dependency updates: - reactor.netty 0.8.8.RELEASE - jetty 9.4.18.v20190429 diff --git a/nflow-engine/src/main/resources/scripts/db/postgresql.create.ddl.sql b/nflow-engine/src/main/resources/scripts/db/postgresql.create.ddl.sql index f2278a7f5..563da41e3 100644 --- a/nflow-engine/src/main/resources/scripts/db/postgresql.create.ddl.sql +++ b/nflow-engine/src/main/resources/scripts/db/postgresql.create.ddl.sql @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ end; drop trigger if exists update_nflow_modified on nflow_workflow; create trigger update_nflow_modified before update on nflow_workflow for each row execute procedure update_modified(); -drop index nflow_workflow_activation; +drop index if exists nflow_workflow_activation; create index nflow_workflow_activation on nflow_workflow(next_activation, modified); create type action_type as enum ('stateExecution', 'stateExecutionFailed', 'recovery', 'externalChange');