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nix repl: Provide documentation from comment when evaluating to lambda
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roberth committed Nov 7, 2017
1 parent 1299115 commit aa530fb
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Showing 6 changed files with 609 additions and 2 deletions.
227 changes: 227 additions & 0 deletions src/nix/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>

#include "comment.hh"
#include "util.hh"

// This module looks for documentation comments in the source code.
// Documentation is not retained during parsing, and it should not be,
// for performance reasons. Because of this the code has to jump
// through some hoops, to perform its task.
// Adapting the parser was not considered an option, so this code
// parses the comments from scratch, using regular expressions. These
// do not support all syntactic constructs, so in rare cases, they
// will fail and the code will report no documentation.
// One such situation is where documentation is requested for a
// partially applied function, where the outer lambda pattern
// matches an attribute set. This is not supported in the regexes
// because it potentially requires (almost?) the entire grammar.
// This module has been designed not to report the wrong
// documentation; considering that the wrong documentation is worse
// than no documentation. The regular expressions will only match
// simple, well understood syntactic structures, or not match at all.
// This approach to finding documentation does not cause extra runtime
// overhead, until used.
// This module does not support tab ('\t') characters. In some places
// they are treated as single spaces. They should be avoided.

namespace nix::Comment {

struct Doc emptyDoc("", "", "", 0);

// parseDoc will try to recover a Doc by looking at the text that leads up to a term
// definition.
static struct Doc parseDoc(std::string sourcePrefix);

// stripComment unpacks a comment, by unindenting and stripping " * " prefixes as
// applicable. The argument should include any preceding whitespace.
static std::string stripComment(std::string rawComment);

// Consistent unindenting. It will only remove entire columns.
static std::string unindent(std::string s);

static std::string trimUnindent(std::string s) {
return trim(unindent(s));

static std::string stripPrefix(std::string prefix, std::string s) {
std::string::size_type index = s.find(prefix);
return (index == 0) ? s.erase(0, prefix.length()) : s;

struct Doc lookupDoc(Pos & pos) {

try {
std::ifstream ifs(static_cast<const std::string>(pos.file));
std::stringstream buffer;

// read up to line and column with unix newlines

std::string line;
for (size_t i = 0;
getline(ifs, line) && i < pos.line-1;
i++) {
buffer << line << "\n";
buffer << line.substr(0, pos.column-1);

return parseDoc(buffer.str());
} catch (std::exception e) {
std::cout << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return emptyDoc;

// See lambdas in parseDoc
static int countLambdas(std::string piece) {
return std::count(piece.begin(), piece.end(), ':');

// Try to recover a Doc by looking at the text that leads up to a term
// definition
static struct Doc parseDoc(std::string sourcePrefix) {

std::string wss("[ \t\r\n]*");
std::string spaces("[ \t]*");

std::string singleLineComment(spaces + "#[^\r\n]*(?:\n|\r\n)");
std::string multiSingleLineComment("(?:" + singleLineComment + ")*");
std::string multiLineComment("\\/\\*(?:[^*]|\\*+[^*/])*\\*+\\/");
std::string commentUnit("(" + multiSingleLineComment + "|" + spaces + multiLineComment + ")" + wss);

std::string ident("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_'-]*" + wss);
std::string identKeep("([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_'-]*)" + wss);

// lvalue for nested attrset construction, but not matching
// quoted identifiers or ${...} or comments inbetween etc
std::string simplePath("(?:" + wss + ident + "\\.)*" + identKeep);

std::string lambda(ident + wss + ":" + wss);

// see countLambdas
std::string lambdas("((:?" + lambda + ")*)");

std::string assign("=" + wss);

std::string re(commentUnit + simplePath + assign + lambdas + "$");
std::regex e(re);


std::smatch matches;
regex_search(sourcePrefix, matches, e);

std::stringstream buffer;
if (matches.length() < REGEX_GROUP_MAX) {
return emptyDoc;

std::string rawComment = matches[REGEX_GROUP_COMMENT];
std::string name = matches[REGEX_GROUP_NAME];
int timesApplied = countLambdas(matches[REGEX_GROUP_LAMBDAS]);
return Doc(rawComment, stripComment(rawComment), name, timesApplied);

static std::string stripComment(std::string rawComment) {

std::string s(trimUnindent(rawComment));

if (s[0] == '/' && s[1] == '*') {
// Remove the "/*"
// Indentation will be removed consistently later on
s[0] = ' ';
s[1] = ' ';

// Remove the "*/"
if (!s.empty() && *(--s.end()) == '/')
if (!s.empty() && *(--s.end()) == '*')

s = trimUnindent(s);

std::istringstream inStream(s);
std::ostringstream stripped;

std::string line;

/* at first, we assume a comment
* that is formatted like this
* with '*' characters at the beginning
* of the line.
bool hasStars = true;

if (hasStars && (
(!line.empty() && line[0] == '*')
|| (line.length() >= 2 && line[0] == ' ' && line[1] == '*')
)) {
if (line[0] == ' ') {
line = stripPrefix(" *", line);
} else {
line = stripPrefix("*", line);
} else {
hasStars = false;

stripped << line << std::endl;
return trimUnindent(stripped.str());
else {
std::istringstream inStream(s);
std::ostringstream stripped;

std::string line;
while(std::getline(inStream, line, '\n')) {
line.erase(0, line.find("#") + 1);
stripped << line << std::endl;
return trimUnindent(stripped.str());


static std::string unindent(std::string s) {
size_t maxIndent = 1000;
std::istringstream inStream(s);
for (std::string line; std::getline(inStream, line); ) {
size_t firstNonWS = line.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
if (firstNonWS != std::string::npos) {
maxIndent = std::min(firstNonWS, maxIndent);

std::ostringstream unindentedStream;
std::istringstream inStream(s);
for (std::string line; std::getline(inStream, line); ) {
if (line.length() >= maxIndent) {
unindentedStream << line.substr(maxIndent) << std::endl;
} else {
unindentedStream << std::endl;
return unindentedStream.str();

41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/nix/comment.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#pragma once

#include "nixexpr.hh"

namespace nix::Comment {

struct Doc {

// Name that the term is assigned to
std::string name;

std::string rawComment;
std::string comment;

// Number of times the curried function must be applied to get the value
// that this structure documents.
// This is useful when showing the documentation for a partially applied
// curried function. The documentation is for the unapplied function, so
// this is crucial information.
int timesApplied;

Doc(std::string rawComment, std::string comment, std::string name, int timesApplied) {
this->name = name;
this->rawComment = rawComment;
this->comment = comment;
this->timesApplied = timesApplied;


extern struct Doc emptyDoc;

// lookupDoc will try to recover a Doc. This will perform perform I/O,
// because documentation is not retained by the parser.
// Will return empty values if nothing can be found.
// For its limitations, see the docs of the implementation.
struct Doc lookupDoc(Pos & pos);

61 changes: 60 additions & 1 deletion src/nix/
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "globals.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "finally.hh"
#include "comment.hh"

#include "src/linenoise/linenoise.h"

Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ namespace nix {
#define ESC_BLU "\033[34;1m"
#define ESC_MAG "\033[35m"
#define ESC_CYA "\033[36m"
#define ESC_BLK "\033[30;1m"
#define ESC_END "\033[0m"

struct NixRepl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +61,11 @@ struct NixRepl

typedef set<Value *> ValuesSeen;
std::ostream & printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth);
std::ostream & printValueAndDoc(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth);
std::ostream & printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth, ValuesSeen & seen);

// Only prints if a comment is found preceding the position.
void tryPrintDoc(std::ostream & str, Pos & pos);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ bool NixRepl::processLine(string line)
} else {
Value v;
evalString(line, v);
printValue(std::cout, v, 1) << std::endl;
printValueAndDoc(std::cout, v, 1) << std::endl;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,6 +506,59 @@ void NixRepl::evalString(string s, Value & v)

std::ostream & NixRepl::printValueAndDoc(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth)
printValue(str, v, maxDepth);

switch (v.type) {
case tLambda:
return str;

void NixRepl::tryPrintDoc(std::ostream & str, Pos & pos) {

Comment::Doc doc = Comment::lookupDoc(pos);

if (! {
str << std::endl;
str << std::endl << "| " << ESC_BLK << << ESC_END << std::endl;
str << "| ";
for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) {
str << '-';
str << std::endl;
str << "| " << std::endl;

// If we're showing any form of doc at all, we need to inform
// user about partially applied functions.
if (! || !doc.comment.empty()) {

if (doc.timesApplied > 0) {
str << "| " << ESC_YEL << "NOTE: " << ESC_BLK << "This function has already been applied!" << ESC_END << std::endl
<< "| You should ignore the first "
<< ESC_BLK << std::to_string(doc.timesApplied) << ESC_END
<< " parameter(s) in this documentation," << std::endl
<< "| because they have already been applied." << std::endl
<< "|" << std::endl;

if (!doc.comment.empty()) {
std::stringstream commentStream(doc.comment);
std::string line;
str << "| " << line << std::endl;


std::ostream & NixRepl::printValue(std::ostream & str, Value & v, unsigned int maxDepth)
ValuesSeen seen;
Expand Down

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